Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Kit looked happy. Demonia giggled and then remembered what tomorrow is "Just wondering would you like to get in on our fun tomorrow?"

She smiled and shivered more from his kisses and leaned into them, she laid down on the bed, minding her wings and felt them vanish as she laid down.
She fell unconscious. A tear slipped down her cheek. They were both upset that they lost the battle.

"What's that fun?" He asked her curiously.

"I love you so much." He kissed her deeply. He held her close as he did so.
She kissed him back "I have never felt so at next to someone, I was scared to love you at first but now I know you only mean the best and I can truly love you as well." she kissed him again and then slightly bit him on the neck, being playful.

"A hunting game, who ever is hiding well enough get rounded up and at the end of the day it's a public torture show." Demonia smiled "It's how we keep most of the violence down in hell."

(see everyone tomorrow ttyl :) )
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No medic came, and Lucius could do nothing to save him. Eventually he decided to let the barricade fade away, letting the blood flow. Axius pickd up Eriath's body, "She has information I need." Lucius nods, as Axius carried her to the medical area. He laid her on a bed, and bandaged her head, and cleaned her chest wound before bandaging that as well. He had her arms tied to the bed so she couldn't leave. Then he waited.
He chuckled a little and said "Though I will have to explain this to my mom." He kissed her forehead. He was playing with the hem of her shirt, lifting it before lowering it once again.

"Sounds fun but that's more Exiriya's type of thing... Well torturing that is. Give him a whip and he's a completely different person." He laughed lightly.

When Eriath woke up, she noticed she was tied up. "What is the meaning of this? Where is Serien?" She looked around. "I'll scream," she threatened.
Harrison left his keep in his old kingdom, which was taken from him in the twenty year war. He only took his most trusted guard. He wanted to make this journey as secretive as possible. He knew that he was going to have to see the only person that he didn't want to see, The old king. His journey would take some time. But he knew what he had to do, and he knew that the only way to take back his kingdom was by convincing the old kin to give it back to him.
Semira was leaned against a tree. She was beaten and bloody. Some of it hers and some came from other people. She had been raped many times but she seemed to have escaped to the forest. She closed her eyes and wished for Exiriya. As much as she hated her fiancee she wanted his warmth and comfort.
Harrison was making his way to the old king. When chance had it, he found blood. Leading to a tree, where a women was leaning against. His guard thought that it was some sort of shapeshifter ment to kill harrison. But he waved them off. He felt something that was different. Something that he hasn't felt in a long time. It was compassion. "Tell me, young fair maiden, what is your name?"
Semira weakly looked up. Her skin was dry and she knew if she didn't get to water soon she'd die. "S-Semira." She said faintly and saw the owner of the voice. "Please... I need water..." She said and looked away again.
Harrison's guards were hesitant, but harrison himself, waved for one of their water puches. One of them handed their water pouch over. Harrison got off his horse and walked over to her. He bent down, some of his robes were dragging on the ground. He put the water pouch up to her lips and lifted it, bringing the water to the spout. "Here, drink up."
Semira drank as soon as the water touched her lips. Some of her wounds began to heal and color returned to her skin. "Thank you... I'm in your debt. " She said with a smile. She weakly stood and used the tree for support.
Harrison offered to help her, by giving his shoulder so she could put some weight on him. "Come on, You look like your going to need all the help that you can get." He waved to his guard. One of them got off their horse and walked over, still pretty hesitant.
"I need to return to a lake. If i knew where i was then... maybe i could find one on my own. I'm already i debt to you and I'dhate to use yoy aanymore. " she said and bowed her head before beginning to leave.
"Like I said, you look like you need some help. I am heading to see the king, come with me. Then we may part...." He offered his hand. "I mean you no harm, and my guard can keep you safe. You don't know what is in the woods that watch and wait. Hoping to strike in the dead of night for a meal."
"I shouldn't. I dislike the king and what is the point if you're to leave me when you're done?" She turned slightly looking back at him.
"Because, I can harbor you safe passage to a safe place. Not that you would need it." He thought of something. "A lovely young maiden, such as you must be married to someone...." A pause. "but where is he? I do not see him, and I don't think that a good husband would leave his wife out in the wilderness alone. Would he?"
"My fiancee is prince Exiriya. Ever since the war started he doesn't really have time for such a bother as me." She sighed and pondered the thought of going with him. "Fine. I shall go with you. By now I'm used to being left after a period of time."
"A wife shouldn't be a bother to her husband." He pointed out. "A husband, even in time of war, should, no matter what, have time for his wife." He got up on his horse. "But I guess you, an independent women, don't need my advice." His guard got onto his horse as well."
Semira laughed. "I'm no independent woman. My very being craves male company. I am siren after all." She said and looked down at her ring. She didn't want to betray Exiriya but he brought this on himself. Neglecting a siren, just who did he think he was anyway.
"So if we're going to be spending a lot of time together, is there anything you want to get off your chest." He said with a smile, as they began to make their way to the king. His guards still very hesitant, stayed near harrison, in case anything was to happen to him.
"Well... Not really. I don't have a reson to harm you so your guards can relax... but i do have to feed... Exiriya hasn't really given me much." She said and looked up at the beautiful tree's around them. Each with their own look.
"Oh, and how does, a siren feed?" He said as he waved his guards back. Harrison, trusted her when she said that she was no harm, but the guards weren't sure. But they obeyed his word, and they stayed back a little bit, enough for the two to talk.
"It depends. Some prefer cannibalism where they eat the male. Though proper sirens like I will act more of a succubus and feed off the lustful emotions of another. " She explained and looked over at him. What she said was true and thanks to Xeliran she knew she didn't have to be the evil beast she thought.
"So, what are you going to do, feed on my lustful emotions, or are you going to actually eat me?" He said jokingly. His guards listened closely to what she would say next, if she ment anything of harm to him they would snap.
"Neither. I don't think you feel any lust towards me considering I'm not at my best at the moment... and I don't eat people. I'd hate myself if I ever did." She pointed out simply and smelled the air. " A lake is near! I can smell the freshness of the crystal water!" She gasped happily. For the first time in a while she smiled and truely ment it. Semira dashed of towards the water. She had an adrenalin rush from the excitement so pain didn't faze her. When she reached the water she stripped quickly and jumped in. She had failed to mention she was half mermaid and hid her tail from view when she arose. Her shiny black hair clung to her back as the bruisesof her face began to fade. The more sserious damage would take longer but the trifles were gone.

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