Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"War... This might be my chance." He said, but he caught him self and quickly changed the subject. "You were kidnapped. But who would want to kidnap a mermaid? You seem so nice. (Sorry I forgot about this.)
"Some one who want to get under the skin of my husband, prince Exiriya. Or one that is looking for a females body." She suggested and hugged her knees. "Doesn't matter. I escaped. "
"Prince?! Your husband is prince Exiriya.... Who would want to have him killed?" He didn't notice the other part of what she said, he was only interested about the fact that she was the princes young bride. "And how did you escape?"
Semira looked back at him. "I would rather not speak of it... If you'll excuse me." She had tears running down her face and she ran off in the forest.
As she ran off into the wood, Harrison couldn't help but think. "Damnit, harrison. you do this to yourself all the time." He looked at the fire, He though about running afterword but that would be a little bit awkward. He sat and looked at the fire, he poked it here and there. But he could help the feeling like a bastard. He got off his stump and headed into the forest and look for her. He yelled her name. "Semira." over and over again.
Semira sat on a fallen tree. She wept softly to herself until she heard someone calling her name. She wiped her tears and turned to face him. "Yes..." she asked and sighed.
"I... I am sorry. Y0u don't have to tell me anything that you don't feel like talking about. It is just I can talk to you about things.... And I didn't think about it." He walked a little bit closer to her. "I understand that you went through something traumatic, and you don't want to talk about it, you don't have too."
"Thanks. I'm sorry I... I didn't mean to run off I'm just scared." She looked away and sighed letting him move closer. Semira even took a few steps closer herself.
"Come back to camp. You need some sleep." He took another step closer and put his arm around her, hoping that she would go with him. "We got some deer cooking, and we got clean beds."
"I don't want to be alone... I'm afraid." She admitted and leaned into his arms. She let him hold her for a while. He gave her comfort and right now thats what she needed most. Exiriya would explode if he saw this but Semira needed someone andhe wasn't there.
"come on, lets go back to camp. There is a fire, it is warm." He began to walk back to camp with her in his arms. "So if you don't mind me asking, what is it like being a mermaid, is it, boring, just swimming all day?"
"No. I rarely see my home. Water is not just for fun. It's my home and my comfort. Without it I'll die. Ever since Exiriya found an interest in me though I hardly touch it. That's why i was so happy to see it again." She said as she walked with him.she rested her head on his side and looked down. "There is a way for you to experience it... i mean... how else were half mermaids born right?"
"Are you saying what I think your say?"He kept walking. "Yeah, that is one thing I wondering, how does a half mermaid become, well a half mermaid. Are they born from egg or something?"
Semira laughed. "Somewhat. A pure mermaid only has a tail and can not walk on land. Naturally they'd mate at the bottom of the seabed, however for humans that's not possible. So a mermaid who had fallen for a human found a way to temporarily give him a tail. From then i think you know what happens. She blushed softly at the thought. "I've never tried it myself... Exiriya is one to do things his way. Though i know how it works..." she looked up at him with the slight blush still on her cheeks.
Harrison was intrigued. He never knew that a mermaid could give someone a tail for a short period of time. "Well I can guess what would happen next, but are you inviting me to uhhhh."
Semira jerked away. "Why?! I'm married i shouldn't do such a...." She paused and a deep blush came over her face. "Forget i told you... if we ever... Exiriya would kill you if he found out..." She said looking at him. As much as she wanted to try it she couldn't sign his death wish like that...
"You mistake what I say, I was going to say, your inviting me to learn more about the customs of the mermaid. I have no intention's on sleeping with a married women." He kept walking. "But your husband could try and kill me. In my kingdom, a man will fight for what he thinks is right. We are feared, because we have something to fight for, freedom. Everyone pulls fair share that is why we are feared fighters."
Semira looked away feeling ashamed. "Humans are so different. " she muttered and walked beside him again. "I wouldn't mind teaching you... If you want to learn anyway." She said and looked up when they returned to the camp. "If you want to... i need to know you trust me. You know the dangers of being in the water with me... so meet me there. That's how I'll know. Wait until your guards are asleep though." She walked off into his tent.
"I do want to learn. I never knew much about mermaids and I thought it would be interesting to learn about them." He kept walking. " And you can trust me, and don't worry about my guards, they are my most trusted men. They won't say anything, but still, I will meet you later. In the water."

(I won't be on till later tonight dinner out with the family.)
Semira waited until later that night. She snuck out into the waters and hummed her siren song. She knew it'd allure him and perched herself on a nearby rock.
Harrison heard something ringing out in the night. She must have been doing something that would lure him. He saw that his guards were asleep. It was his turn to take night watch. He took off his clothes and jumped into the water. It was different, something else from the water that he had been in earlier.
Semira had changed a bit as well. Her siren side was more active at night but not for some reason it was stronger. She watched him jump into the water and did the same. She met him about half way and smiled softly. "You came... i didn't think you would. A part of me wished you hadn't. " she said with hunger inher eyes but she tried to hide it.
He seemed like something was different about him. It was like he was in a trance. "Yes mistress, but I still came. I heard you call and I came, like a good boy." He swam a bit closer. "Mistress, feed on me. I am strong and healthy."
Semira reached to touch him but hesitated. "I can't... you don't even understand the risks..." she moved away and swallowed roughly as she panted softly. "The real you wouldn't agree..." sge said trying to convince herself to stop this hunger.
"But mistress, I am here to obey you. Eat, you need to keep up your strength." He shook his head. "What's going on. Semira, why am I out here wait are you going to show me how the mermaid mates?"

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