Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Because we mean you no harm, we are on a royal mission to see the king." Harrison said from his saddle on his horse. "And their are four of us and one of you." "Calm down." Harrison spoke to his guard. "No, we will not hurt you. We just wish safe passage through this land." He said as he lowered his guard.
Eris took the guards words as a challenge and sliced open her arm spawning 4 rather large bloody demons. "Now there's 5 of use and 4 of you~" she mused happily and looked back at Harrison. "Where is she? I can smell her on you!" She hissed angrily.
He knew that she was talking about semira. "If your talking about what I think your talking about, I won't tell." He pulled his sword from the sheathe. It was a curved balde, a beautiful one, his own. Crafted and made by his country men. "You will not touch her. I swear, even if I have to die, to keep you from getting her." His guards ready their spears.
Eris lost her smirk and gave him a soul piercing look. "Fine then... I'll find her myself! Destract them." With that command each demon took a guard and Eris ran off in the direction they came from.
Each guard took a demon, first they charged. Then they drew their swords when they came for a second pass. Harrison ignoring his men, went after the one making threats. "Come back here." He said as his horse galloped behind her. His sword up in the air, as soon as he got in range, he swung.

(unfortunately, this is where I must make my leave for now, I have to go to work, then I got some other things to attend to, tomorrow I have to work again, and do some other stuff. but this next week I got some personal things going on, and I have to focus on that. If I get a chance where I am not doing anything I might check in, but I am not making any promises. I am so sorry.)
(Life happens i might have semira return to Exiriya though.)

Eris looked back in time to see his blade cast another spell causing the horse to collapse.

"Fool! Going after a blood witch!" She hissed and continued on.
(thank you for understanding.)

Harrison fell of his horse. "Me a fool, You should feel like a fool,because your taking on a tamathium king." He did a barrel roll and landed. He swung, and swung again. He would fight till his last breathe for semira.
"Who gave you the contract to kill me?" He wasted no time asking the questions. He felt slightly sorry, but he still was bleeding lightly from the hole in his side, which he had a medic patch up. He put a hand to it and felt the warmth of the blood.
Michael smirked a little. "Well maybe when we go to heaven, you'll be able to see your aunt again. Who knows?" He grinned at her. "I'll be on my best behavior though."

"Sounds reasonable enough..." Axoret sat at the table. Just then, Exiriya came downstairs. "Hey dad. When did you get here?" Axoret smiled and said "just got here. You like it here?" Exiriya laughed at the question and replied "not enough death..." He walked off.

Eriath looked down and said "I don't know his name... He kept his face covered. He used an alias as well. I've only met him once. He was Russian though and doesn't know English."
"A Russian? Thats strange. How much was the contract?" He asked. He never had met a russian before and wondered what the connection was. He did not ask her about that though, because how could he know why.
She stayed silent for a few minutes but finally replied "10 grand." She bit her lip slightly. She knew he would kill her now that she told him the truth but without her brother, she was nothing.
"Well why would they pay 10 grand for an easy kill?" He shook his head. An assassin should always research the targets before accepting a contract.
"I don't ask questions. Someone gives me a target, I kill them, they give me money. Its not rocket science. Just so you know, he's near." She gave him a bitchy smile. "He's probably after our heads..."
Lilith had finally reached Azriel, she was covered in her own blood but she smiled knowing she did her best and kept her son safe. she spoke into the wind and it traveled into the room where Duanna and Michael was, the wind spoke her Duanna's name and it sounded weak. "Was it just me or did the wind say my name?" she seemed very confused.

Demonia laughed "He'll see tomorrow how much death there is." she sat down and had the servants bring her a glass of blood wine. She smiled as she took a sip and the blood stained her lips red. Kit sat a little farther down at the table, he knew he wasn't royal so there was no reason the speak to them while he ate.
Michael frowned and opened the window. He looked around. "Its probably nothing but there is no way a draft could come in. Better be safe than sorry." He smiled a little.

Axoret laughed. Exiriya is a good hunter by the way. He is my prized possession." He sipped his wine with a smirk on his face. He knew Exiriya could never escape him.
She walked over to the window "My sister has the ability to control air, that sounded like it was also calling for help, damn it and Kitten left with my mother..."

Demonia smiled "Well I will have to tell him the rules tomorrow. So do you think we should marry in Hell or wait for you to have your kingdom back and we marry there?"
Michael looked at her and said "come on. Lets go find her." He jumped out of the window, his wings appearing as he did so. He lightly landed on his feet. "Lilith!!!" He yelled out. 
Axoret thought about it and said "depends when we can get all the planning done." He smiled as he kissed her lightly.
The wing started to pull him towards the front of the village. Duanna had summoned servant to look after Leta, she landed slightly louder without using her wings. "There is a smell of blood travel on this wind, its not flowing natural so someone is controlling it."

Demonia smiled "The plans can be done by tomorrow." she kissed him back and giggled when she saw that some blood had transferred from her lips to his.
"That probably explains why you are in this situation. You're reckless." He shakes his head, as almost a retort to her remark against him.
"Come on. Lead the way." He might hate Lilith but right now, it was his job to protect her. Something was wrong. He could sense it.

"Then lets have our wedding here." He grinned at her. He touched her cheek gently before standing up. He had finished. "I should go check on my other son." He walked off

Eriath smirked and leaned up to kiss him. As she kissed him, she bit his lip and then screamed to let the assassin know where she was. A man in a cloak walked into the room. "Found you..." He smirked.
"Ow.. god damnit." He was not expecting the kiss, though not to say he did not enjoy it for a second. Axius who was used to having girls screaming near his ear, did not like this one. It was overly loud, and gave away their location to fully armoured man. Axius wiped the blood from his lips, and then cut the ropes holding Eriath. The man was going to try to kill them both anyways.
The man chuckled and said something in Russian. He touched Eriath's cheek and said "aw, your such a good doll." He kissed, groping her as well. She did not seem to like him at all. She struggled against his touch. "Let go of me!!" He stabbed her in the side and she yelled in pain.
Axius took the knife in his hand and brought it to stab into the man's shoulder, specifically the one attached to the groping arm. It would bury deep in the shoulder and tear many muscles, hopefully immobilizing that arm. There was a small gap in the armor there that was used for mobility, now Axius could exploit all of them.
The man looked at him in hatred but then his tone lightened up. He released her and said "your the assassin who's been killing our targets. Your the one in our territory. Let me guess, your going to steal our property as well." He didn't hide one bit that he was talking about Eriath.
Axius pulled Eriath off of the bed, and lifted her slightly as he did it so that she could get her feet under her and not just fall to the ground. "Well I guess your targets were also my targets. I do not kill for sport."

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