Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Eriath was shocked that he was protecting her. The man was about to say something but Eriath kissed Axius before he could. He growled and she playfully said "I belong to him now and it seems, your not prepared to kill me. You don't have the right weapons." The man tried to argue but knew she was right and left without another word. Eriath laughed.
Axius had the most confused look on his face after the affection from Eriath, whether it was real or not he could not tell. He watched the man leave, and knew that was probably only the first time Axius would be seeing him.
Eriath looked down and she said "I probably should have told you. He was my boyfriend. He's very abusive though and I broke up with him a while ago. I should go though. I-I'm sorry for kissing you like that." She was blushing a lot.
"I could see that part of him." He said as he wiped off the blood on his blade onto a towel nearby. "And don't worry about the kisses, I sorta liked them." He spoke truthfully but moreso just to keep her from feeling too awkward. Normally he would have said nothing of the sort.
She smiled shyly as she looked up at him. "Your umm... Nicer than I thought. I mean I've never gotten to know any of my targets like I've gotten to know you. I'm glad I've gotten to know you." She bit her lip a little and said "say, do you have a girlfriend?" She was very straightforward with him.
"Could you not call me your target? It makes it sound like you still plan on killing me. And no I don't" He said in response. Most ladies are not this abrupt with their tone; Axius sort of liked the change of pace
She giggled a little. "Then..." She kissed him. This time, she actually meant it. She was a good kisser and was definitely beautiful. She smirked at him. She stepped away from him, teasing him.
Axius smiled and a very light blush formed on his cheeks. Eriath being a high elf could most likely see it. He had just started to kiss back when she pulled away. "Hey, come on.." He said a smile on his lips, she was a good kisser. He took a step closer to her to see how she;d respond.
after a while she spun around and started to kiss him deeply. She slipped her tongue in his mouth. She grinned. "Your the most amazing guy that I've ever met." She kissed him again.
She blushed as she continued to kiss him. "I'm sorry... For everything. I know my brother would be sorry as well... Well if he was still alive."
Duanna followed the pull of the wind and saw Lilith fighting off some demons the best she could, Lilith continued to look back at the wagon and she would get hit every time she did. "What in the world...?" Duanna drew out her sword and Lilith saw her "Take the wagon, don't worry about me." Lilith was bleeding bad and had daggers sticking out of her arms and chest. Duanna looked in the wagon and Lilith yelled "Get my son to safety!" Duanna was torn on what to do, on if she should do as Lilith says or if she should help her fight off the demons.

Demonia finished her meal and led Kit to the guards quarters "This is where you will sleep," she handed Kit a letter "you will give that to your commander and then do as he tells you after that." Kit nodded in understanding and then went into the room finding an empty bed. Demonia went to her room and saw that the bath was ready, she undressed and got in, she smiled since she was in her own home and felt comfortable, though she did wish Axoret was there with her.
Semira was on her way to catch up with Harrison when she saw her. Eris, the woman that kidnapped and gave her to trolls as a toy. Semira immediately turned back. She knew she was going the wrong way but anyplace better then there.
Eriath smiled, kissing him back. "Sh-Should we head back to your place?"

Michael told Duanna "protect her son." He unsheathed his sword and started to easily cut demons. They turned to ash whenever they hit his blade. "You never want to mess with a pure angel." He smirked. He came to Lilith's side. "No demon can stand being hit by a heavenly blade." Exiriya and Xeliran came running over to their side. They started cutting through demons. Michael was caught off guard that the princes would come help them. 
King Axoret came into the bathroom and said "my sons are gone. A servant said she saw them sneaking out. There probably going back to the human realm." He sighed.
Duanna watched as Lilith started to pull out the daggers that had been stabbed in her and from time to time saw blood squirt out from her wounds. Duanna couldn't watch anymore so she checked on the boy and saw that he nor the wagon had been touched once. "I'm going to take the wagon to the stables and have someone help me get the boy inside." Lilith stood up and stumbled a little as she walked to the wagon "I'll go with you..." it seemed she didn't even care about her own well being and only wanted to be by her son's side.

"Should we go after them or let them be?" Demonia had a bath robe in hand that was hanging up close to the tub, if she had to get out she would.
Michael came to her side and looked around for the princes but it seems they were already gone. He sighed and stopped Lilith. "Your not going anywhere until I get you healed up." He smirked.

Exiriya and Xeliran walked through the forest but it was then that they saw Semira. "Semira!!" Exiriya ran over to her. "Semira!" Xeliran started to walk off but Exiriya called him over. He groaned.

"No... that's their home. It will take them a while to get used to living here. Plus, their girlfriends are there." He frowned a bit.
Lilith shook her head "I will be fine in a bit, once I let some of my demon blood flow these cuts will be only scars, I just didn't want to release it while I was around my son since from time to time I can't control myself....I just hope I didn't do all this for nothing..." She tried to pass him as she saw Duanna get a head of them a little. "Once I know he's safe I'll heal myself...."

"Then won't you join me in the bath?" Demonia smiled, the tub was big enough for a few people to fit into.
Semira slid off the horses back. "Exiriya? Please tell me this isn't a dream!" She cried and kept her distence. She thought he was a the castle. This had to be a trick! She unsheathed her sword and pointed it at the boys. "Stay away! You're not Exiriya!"
Semira seemed terrified. She looked right at Exiriya. "Prove it. Prove your Exiriya. " she lowered the sword to let him approach her.
Exiriya pulled her close to him and kissed her deeply. Xeliran rolled his eyes as Exiriya passionately kissed her. It was obvious how much he missed her. He loved her so much.
Lilith looked down "I brought him here in hopes that you could get him out the coma...I was told by one of the angels that work for me that a person that is in a coma hangs between life and death...the angel couldn't do anything since their powers weren't strong enough but I thought you might be strong enough. I just want some of the happiness that I once had...and if you are able to bring him back I....I'll serve you as payment...." she bit her bottom lip, she hated to say those words but she would do anything that it took to repay him.

Demonia giggled and pulled away from his kiss, wondering what he would do.
Semira dropped the sword and kissed him back. "I was so scared.. me and Nadia were kidnapped! We have to go back for her!" She cried and looked at Xeliran. "I'm sorry... she got it worst then i!"

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