Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Axoret laughed and replied "what's left of my family will be there. But yeah. He kind of left all angry like." He chuckled at the childish behavior. He stayed in the tub a little longer.

"The reason I'm so powerful is because I don't kill. I let my opponents mental health tarnish before I strike. When it comes to a battle of wits, I'm going to win. You can't beat me. I'm very good tactical. I planned everything out to the last detail and before that, I kept watch of Axoret and found his weakness. I used that against him." William sauntered over and Michael said "and very unlike me, Michael is very good fighting wise."
Semira pulled away from him. "You left me craving for attention. I had to feed. You were supposed to give me what my siren side needed. Exiriya i lost control. I kissed another man. It was just a kiss and thats it but... " she turned to face him. Never mind. "

Nadia felt embarrassed that he was bathing her but she couldn't stop him. "You shouldn't have to do this... i shouldn't be so reckless. I'm a bad girlfriend i know."
Axius opened the door for her, smiling the wholetime - a happy, greedy smile. His side still hurt, but significantly less. He did walk with a normal stride though whenever he would lean or wobble to one side the pain could be seen on his face.
Demonia dressed in a red silk sleep gown and then put a robe over her, she turn to Axoret and kissed him then left to find UH.

Lilith sighed "I will try my best but I have never led an army unless it has been one of lesser angels..."
UH opened his eyes and looked back to toward the castle, he sighed the stood up when he sensed that demonia was looking for him, he wasnt sure if he should stay put or go and meet her.
Demonia stayed where she was outside the castle doors and looked annoyed "Next time I say don't go to far I mean it..." she looked around hoping to see him.
UH sighed then put his hands in his pockets the walked back to the castle, once he got out of the forest, he was able to be seen.
Demonia sighed "You have been serving me so long, are you angry that I will be marrying him...? If so i thought you would be happy for me seeing how many men have hurt me..."
She wasn't sure why but she did as he asked, in all the years that he had served her he never asked for anything so she saw no harm in doing this simple request.
UH watched as she closed her eyes, he moved to where he was standing in front of her, he suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him, he then kissed her passionately on the lips.
She quickly opened her eyes and slapped him, she had a look of shock and disbelief "Why the hell would you do that?!" she pushed him away and then took a few steps back.
He backed away and looked away once she slapped him and pushed him away "I'm sorry mylady..." he looked her straight in the eyes, the cheek that she slapped was now red "please know that I will stand by you with wait ever chose you make...but..." he looked down "how can a guy be happy when the love of his life is getting married to another guy.."
"You do this now?! After all these year you tell me this now!" she was starting to shout to the point of being loud enough that villagers were coming out of their homes "I will forgive you this one time but kiss me again and I will see it as betrayal..." she had her hand on her sword "Once I am married I am sending you to serve Duanna..." she looked upset and had started to lower her voice "I won't be able to keep you around after a child stuck in a tower I looked up to you and wondered when you would get me out but you never did...I got myself soon as you found out you came to me and said I should return to the tower before my father can I believe that you love me when I have been through so much and you have never said a word..." she was starting to cry "I am returning to Axoret...tomorrow when the hunt begins I better not see you on the streets or anywhere in the castle or I may torture you at the end of the day..." she started to walk away
UH watched as demonia began to walk away, he suddenly ran and grabbed her hand, he then turned her to face, he pulled her into a hug and didn't let her go "demonia...I sorry but I couldn't tell you back then...if the council found out that I had fallen in love with the princess then I would have been killed....then I would have been able to protect you from them...when you got yourself out of the tower..i only told you to go back because I didn't want the council to get ahold of you...." he held her tighter "demonia...back then..the council wanted to kill you so that they could make Zafon snap even more.....they even came up with the ideal of sending your uncle after you....demonia..i'm sorry that I didn't tell you back then..and I regret it everyday that I didn't...but if I hadn't have told you now...I don't think I would have been able to keep living with you never knowing how I feel about you...I have always stay by your side know matter what because I love you.....please believe me demonia.."
She became more pissed "I have made the council bow before me so many times its not even funny...they thought it would be fun and easily to kill me once and they did. That was the first time that I was alone and scared, a few days later I woke up in a pile of ash and some life it tied to Hell so I can't die, maybe if you had stopped looking at me like a little girl that you protect and saw me as the lady that took the throne with then we may have had something and as for you being put to death, if you had told me it would have never happened. Now then let me go right now or I will call for my fiance."

A servant knocked on the door where Axoret was "Sorry to bother you my lord but I just witnessed Demonia get kissed by her guard, I think she might be having a few problems controlling him. I just thought you might like to know. She did slap him so I don't think it was willingly."
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UH held her tightly one last time " name is shaton...I'm sorry for everything.." he then let go of her and looked away, his eye's began to show no type of emotion, as he began to erase all feeling he has just so he wouldnt hurt demonia anymore.
"You kissed another man!!??" He hissed at her. He seemed angry but then he took a deep breath and said "I'm sorry. Its my fault. I've had so many things going on lately but I should have found time to be with you."

"Its not your fault. Its mine. I couldn't protect you." He kissed her deeply and whispered "I will never leave you vulnerable like that again. I promise."

"So you've never led a Seraphim's army full of dark elves and other creatures alike?" He chuckled and explained "for now, just train new soldiers. I'll need a trainer. I heard Prince Exiriya would beat them. Dont do that."
Lilith seemed slightly annoyed "You get though with kindness better than dominating and crushing their spirits." her son smiled and signed something to his mother "No you can't help, I would like you to stay out of fighting as much as you can." he signed something again "I don't know where you father...he left us long ago...I'm sorry that you can't see him" she ruffled his hair a little.
Axoret was now fully dressed. He narrowed his eyes at the servant. "Show me where they are!" He demanded. He walked out of the room.

William came over to Michael's side and whispered something to him. Michael's eyes widened and said "if you'll escape me, Lilith." He followed Michael off, arguing with him.
Demonia felt slightly hurt and confused, she was starting to walk towards the castle. The servant had led him outside and pointed to Demonia as she started to walk back and the servant went back inside.

Duanna saw a glint of something in a nearby house but sensed that blood had been spilled in the house. (I submitted a charater sheet for the person that is in there)

Lilith went into the castle to find the training room and see what was needed to be gotten rid of and what equipment needed to be kept.
UH watched demonia has she walked away, he looked toward the castle and saw that the king was outside, he looked down and sighed "just so long as he doesn't hurt demonia.....I could careless what happens to me" he whispered to himself.
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Duanna started towards the castle but saw that the glint was following so she started to run and used a spell to appear behind the person that had a sword in their hand "And who might you be?" The girl smiled "My name is the same as yours but it was mine first." she had her sword whip around Duanna's neck. "That is a bad choice and one I would think about twice before doing so." Duanna quickly made a spell that tied the girls hands together, she winced as the blade cut her neck a little. "For trying to hurt me I will take you to the castle till I know what to do with you." Duanna looked at the bodies that littered the floor, an entire family all so this girl could have a place to hide. Duanna led the girl out of the house and placed a mark on it then prayed as it became filled with light and it shot up towards the sky "May you all rest well." Duanna led the girl to the castle having a feeling that it was too easy to catch her.

(I may not be on till much later today...I hate work....)
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