Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

UH sighed again then vanished, he appeared in the town near the castle and began to walk the street's, he looked down as he walked and didn't watch where he was going.
Semira took a step back in fear. "I'm sorry my love! I was hungry for attention. I couldn't help myself, but now... you're here." She moved closer hhesitantly as she made sure he'd accept her request.

Nadia kissed him in return and accidentally pulled him into the water when she got to eager. "Oh I'm sorry! "
Eriath didn't leave his side. She kissed his lips gently. She smiled when he saw the grin on his face.

Axoret frowned and asked "are you OK? I heard that servant kissed you, is that true?" He looked at her disapprovingly.

William smiled softly as he walked into the training room. "Sorry. I had to show my king to where the guests were. Stupid vampires." He started to laugh a little. "Why did you agree to working for him?"

Exiriya sighed and said "as long as your still mine. I mean... Its not like he was a better kissed or better looking." He gave her a cheesy smile.

Xeliran laughed, going back to kissing her. He was feeling all over her. It was obvious he missed her
Demonia looked at him "I already took care of it...he had confessed his love for me...he could have done that so long ago and instead he does it when I have just now found happiness." she hugged Axoret, wanting to feel close to him again and forget about what just happened.

"I agreed because he gave me my son back." Lilith looked down as her he signed something to her and she signed something back and the boy made a silent laugh. "It seems my son finds you amusing and asked if you would the clown that dances for his mother, I told him no, you are just the clown that I hit with my hand when kissing me."

Duanna brought Prodosía (Duana) into the castle and led her to the dungeon "You will stay here til I ask my king what is to be done with you." Prodosía smiled at Duanna "This kingdom will fall before you have a chance to be queen." Duanna became angry and slapped Prodosía and then locked in her a cell then ran out of the room. Duanna cursed herself for losing control of her emotions, she could feel her father's energy on the girl and that's what had made her upset and slap the girl.
Axoret frowned, holding her tightly. "I hope you know I love you more than anyone in the world." He started to kiss her deeply.

Will laughed and said "let him know that I would never kiss you even if you were to threaten me." He approached her with a smirk on his face.

Michael was speaking to two vampires. He kept his distance from them but spoke softly. They were both smirking as they spoke.
Demonia knew this was true and returned the kiss, her lips began to feel like they were on fire from his kiss but she didn't mind, she enjoyed the feeling.

Lilith took a few steps back and kept her son behind her. "Then there should be no reason to get closer to me."

Duanna ran to her room where she left Leta and saw the servant feeding her, she hadn't noticed that the servant looked a little round, the servant saw Duanna and smiled "I'm sorry that it took so long to return." the servant nodded and finished feeding Leta then handed her to Duanna, they then left the room. Duanna held Leta close to her and tried to calm herself.
Axoret continued to kiss her and he whispered "want to go to our room?" He winked at her.

William continued to walk towards her. When she was against the wall, he pinned her there. "You know you really piss me off! You have taken everything from me! Why? What did I ever do to you?"
Demonia smiled and whispered back "Lead the way my king"

"And what could have have possibly taken from you and kissed me without my permission, that's what you did to me!" Lilith's son glared at William and went to kick him in the knee.
Axoret smirked and said "technically this is your house so if I get us lost, don't blame me." He chuckled with amusement.

William glared when she kicked him but Michael had walked in. "What the hell do you think your doing, William!" William backed up and bowed when he saw Michael. "Nothing my king. I was just making sure we were at an understanding." Michael chuckled and told him "I will deal with whether or not Lilith and I are at an understanding. Now get out!" William hesitated so Will lifted his hand. Will left in a hurry. "Thataboy." He looked at Lilith and told her "he's so obedient."
Demonia giggled "but my castle knows where we are going so it show us the way. I really don't know much about the layout of my castle, its always changing." she smiled, she took his hand, deciding to lead the way.

Lilith bowed "Sorry that Kuro kicked William, he just hated when another man besides his father gets close to me. Kuro has a lot of fire but..." she looked down at Kuro "I never want him to be tainted by war..."
Axoret laughed and before they even got to the room, he slammed her against the wall kissing her. He couldn't control himself around her. She was so irresistable.

Michael smiled and said "he probably deserved it so I'm not very concerned." He chuckled in amusement.
Demonia pulled away from him teasingly and ran to her room, giggling, she hid under the covers still giggling.

Lilith looked past Michael as she saw a servant walk in "I think someone needs to speak with you." the servant stood there waiting to have permission to speak and Lilith started to walk away with Kuro trailing behind her "If you need me I will be in a guest room close to here."
Axoret followed her in and jumped onto the bed, careful not to crush her. He laughed.

Michael glanced at the servant and asked "what's wrong?"
Demonia peeked out from under the covers, she didn't know what was happening to her but she liked the way she was feeling.

the servant bowed "I am sorry to bother you sir but I just thought you may want to know that Lady Duanna walked into your bedroom and she had dried blood on her neck, I am sure that it is nothing but I thought you would like to know."

(you do know that Duanna is in Azriel right? Just wanting to make sure that you knew. @Konashimaru21 )
Axoret grinned as he totore the blankets from her. He continued to kiss her passionately. He slipped his hand up her shirt but didn't take it off. 
Michael said "shw me!!!" He walked out of the room, frowning. he hid his worry though
Demonia played with his hair, gently pulling on in as she ran her finger through it and kissing him back.

The servant led the way to their room but she stopped just outside the bedroom door "She was in here last, she wanted to hold the child so I handed Leta over to Duanna."

Duanna look up "Hello," she smiled at him still holding Leta "why aren't you in Hell?" her voice would be heard from outside of the room.
UH looked away "I just came to tell you that...I might be serving you...if that's really what Queen Demonia want's" he looked at her then noticed the dry blood on her neck, he then looked her in the eye's "what happened.."
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Duanna sighed "I already took care of it for the most part...even if I did let some darkness take hold of me...anyways until I know for sure if you will be serving me it is none of you business."
Duanna winced as the cut reopened since it had only just begun to heal "thanks...look if Michael finds you in here and a cut on my neck he may think that you did it."

(bbl don't want to get too far into rp)
Semira smiled and moved even closer. She leaned up and kissed him softly before pulling away. "How are you so sure i didn't like him better?" She teased.

Nadia let him feel her wet skin and began removing his clothes slowly. "Oh, how I've missed you Xeliran."
It had been months since Evelyn had last had contact with Duanna or the King; Michael. In that time she had wandered the kingdom, exploring the buildings and the citizens that inhabited it. As a werewolf, the last of her kind, it was quite ease to come recognize who was what species. The difference between the elves was slightly more challenging, but easy all the same. So for weeks she did nothing until this night came upon her. This night, always this night. She first felt herself begin to change during that afternoon. At first it was just minor stomach pains, but then it got worse. Evelyn had the ability to change whenever she pleased, but she chose only to let the blast of the full moon force her into her wolf form. Gripping her stomach, Evelyn ran for the palace, hoping desperately that Duanna would have some kind of magic to help her, but as we all know, there is no stopping a transition on a full moon. It was nearly night time before she made her way to the palace gates. However, the guards didn't take to her very kindly and refused to allow her in. "Please, I need to speak with the princess." She crumpled over, clenching she stomach as the pain spread to the rest of her body. "You don't understand!" Her skin rippled as the moon moved closer to its peak. "Duanna!" She yelled, hoping that the Queen had heard her.

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