Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Duanna handed Leta as her anger started to flair up "No one is touching the girl unless its me!" she had started to raise her voice "Damn it you are just like Axoret!" her eyes had turned red and pain was starting to fill her body as her mark started to flair up and glow red, it was trying to control her demon blood. Sephrith was looking worried. "Duanna please calm down..."
"Then it is good that we finally meet. Oh gracious king." He said with a snide remark. " I come bearing news, of war. Something that the king of this kingdom would care to know about."
Semira looked away. She sighed and rubbed her arm. "As usual just leave Exiriya." She scuffed and walked away seemingclearly upset.
"Sermira, you do know that you can stay with me." He leaned in enough to her ear. "but things may get a bit dicy soon."
Semira turned again looked at him. "I think that would be best. Especially since Exiriya will be busy with his toy soldiers again!" She looked at Exiriya then turned away.
Michael looked at her pure fury in his eyes as he said "I am not like that pathetic excuse of a king. This place reaks of evil and I only plan on eliminating it. This girl that attacked you will pay for her crimes but she will not die!" It was then that he fell to his knees in pure agony as his wings opened up. Some of his feathers were turning black and he yelled "no! I won't fall!" He squirmed on the floor as he tried to endure the pain. The pain soon subsided and he laid their panting. No one seemed to know what to do

Axoret grinned at her as he kissed her cheek. "Damn it. I can never stop loving you." 
Exiriya looked at her and said "look, I'm sorry but I can't trust anyone that comes into MY kingdom and acts like he's better than me and thinks he can steal my women away from me."
"So you leave me with him?! You might as well have watched us make love! You're leaving me for work again. Until you actually have time for me I will be staying with Harrison. " She growled and moved behind Harrison.
Harrison and his guards readied for a little bit of a battle. Harrison's voice rang out. "Unfortunately that war is ment for you, and is is going to be with you and me." His general pulled out a battle maul, it stands about 6"7'. " I only wish for you to find me on the battlefield, for it might be the last thing you see." His guards drew their swords and shields. They rushed the harrison out and made their way back to the kingdom, and locked the front gates. "Men prepare for war. They will probably attack soon."

(I has to go, and I wont be on till tomorrow, sorry.)
Demonia and cuddled up to him and yawned "I'm glad to hear that." she smiled and started to fall asleep, she had been fighting it off for some time.

Duanna managed to stay on her feet through her pain and then kissed Michael on the cheek then called for William, she then looked at their guest "Prince Exiriya we will not need you to punish anyone, if you would be so kind I will have Sephrith escort you your lady wishes to follow into Hell." Duanna had enough and fighting and torturing so she was taking charge of everything, or trying to.
Exiriya punched the wall and yelled "damn it!" A guard came over to him and tried to ask him something but he shrugged them off and said "I'm going to bed and pray to a nonexistant God that I don't wake up." He knew he was screwed and was probably going to lose Semira for good. He had given up which was rare for him to do. It wasn't like him.

William bowed and picked up Michael who was now unconscious. "I will take him to his room, my lady." He walked off.

Axoret sneaked out of his room after getting dressed. He was actually worried that neither of his sons were back yet.
"Thank you, seems I have work to do...Also William I don't want Michael getting energy from you anymore. If he needs any come find me or Sephrith. He is becoming a fallen and your energy may push him more into that darkness." she gave him a look that meant if he didn't then there might be hell to pay later on. "Brother might I speak with you?" she was looking at Exiriya now "I know you wish to rest but I wish to speak to you for a moment but I will understand if your answer is no."
Semira stood outside. She let Harrison go on ahead of her so she could have a moment alone. She gripped her chest and looked away feeling as if her heart was ripped out and followed Exiriya while her body followed Harrison.
Duanna ordered the servant to take leta to her crib and then followed after Exiriya "I might need your help if a war breaks out but I think I will discuss that with you another time...." She sighed "Look I think you need to chase after Semira, this wasn't what I wanted to discuss but I think you chasing after the one you love is more important than what I want to talk about, I don't think she wants to be away from you. Not after the way I saw her look at you, now then you go chase after her and then return here so that I an tell you what I originally wanted to talk about." Duanna smiled at him and her mark finally stopped glowing red.
"No girl that loves a man will be so willing to run off with another man because they aren't happy. I might put work first but he's creating war with us over nothing. Michael... He's a good leader. I don't like him but I know he was born to be King. Only a coward would start war with a seraphim." He continued to walk off. "This isn't about her anymore. If he destroys this kingdom, I would have officially lost everything. If he takes over, I would have lost a home. I love this kingdom. That's why I'm still here. This is my home and its going to be all taken away from me."
"Then you know nothing about a girls heart and the war will not happen, I will be speaking with him before this war starts. There must be a reason that he is starting this war so I will find out what it is and see what can be done to restore peace, and as for Michael, he has a lot to learn before he can call himself a king, just because he has a kingdom and a throne doesn't make him a king and I can say the same about your father and my mother. Being a ruler take compassion and heart, not domination. Now then I suggest you go find your love and talk with her or I have you shoved out the front doors in a kind manner but also the gentle shove that you need to get your head out of your rear end and open your eyes." Sephrith stepped up behind duanna ready to assist her if she needs it.
Exiriya growled but then Will came up from behind him. Exiriya stormed off to find Semira. He told them "Michael is in his room but... He's really upset. All these years I've known him he's been very confident that he wouldn't fall because he was a royal and that he was doing everything for the greater good. He... Told me to leave and never come back or he will hunt me down and kill me for every corrupting him. I'm sorry but... I must excuse myself."
Duanna kissed William on the cheek. "If you can conceal yourself from him please do so but I would like you to remain in the kingdom in case I need you or you can go serve my mother." she smiled "I am going to see Michael and see if there is anything I can do." she curtsied to William "Thank you for any help you gave him in the past." she walked off and Sephrith sighed and then looked at Will "Sorry that you couldn't stay and if you were a friend to Michael I can say he is in good hands with Duanna."
Semira sighed. She laid in the water. She simply floated on the water until she heard footsteps. "What do you want?! I have nothing to give. " She groaned and looked up at the nights sky.
William nodded and said "that's why I can so easily leave my lord. I will stay in the kingdom just in case but I leave him in your hands." He bowed and walked off.

Michael was curled up on his bed. He didn't seem to want to speak to anyone. His wings were curled up with him. He had a few black feathers but for the most part his wings were white.

"Look Semira, I'm not asking for another chance. I'm going to tell you this though. I might put work first but your chasing after a man who wants to start a war for no particular reason. I would be happy to avoid any wars. When your royalty, you can just be laid back. You have to be proficient or else everything will turn to shit. I only state the truth. You can scream at me all you want but I'm going to always be prince first because I was born to be that. I love you so much but if you can't accept me for who I am... Then walk away now."
Duanna walked into the room and sat on the bed next to him and rested on of her hands on his. "I'm sorry for getting upset with you in front of our guests..." she then laid down next to him a little worried.
Michael didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. "Its not your fault I'm in the process of falling. Its mine for makings stupid mistakes while trying to purify this world. I wanted to do what was best for the greater good but I screwed up. If I am to beg for forgiveness, I will have to go back to the angel realm and once there I can't come back. So everything I worked for will be a waste."
"The fallen can return to the heavens, if you let me help then we can reverse the change without asking for forgiveness." she had become scared of losing him after hearing what would happen. "I want to help as much as I can so please let me, just let me know what I need to do and I will."
Evelyn was slightly aware of being dragged out of the courtyard and into another room. All the while her bones snapped and broke, mending into that of a wolf. This process continued for hours, and after screaming for so long she finally lost her voice. Then, all at once, the pain stopped, and when she stood up...she was no longer human.

At first Evelyn was dizzy, and slightly disoriented, but after a moment her vision began to clear and everything came into perspective. The black wolf rocked uneasily on four feet. Where her beautiful skin had once been was now silky black fur, the color of her hair. Her deep set eyes scanned the room till finally she met Lilith's gaze.

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