Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Vivian set in a Inn drinking some Sake, she was annoyed that she hadn't got to talk to king Axoret yet, she looked at the letter that her boss gave to her, she was told not to open it know matter what, and it was annoying her more that she wasn't allowed to know what the letter said, she sighed.
Michael sighed as he slowly sat up."My mother... She's the one doing this to me. Fallens can't enter the heavens unless given a reason to but I'm not a fallen. I need you to find my mother..."
Vivian drunk the rest of her drink then stood up and went to leave, she then saw a guy in armor, he looked like he might be a guard, she smirked then walked over to him "hey, are you a guard of King Axoret..."
Duanna sighed, she felt that she could be of more use "And if I can't find her then I will help you just like I have helped the other fallen in the past. I have reversed the fallen process in the past and I am sure that I can do the same with you."

"I was but we now have a new king who is currently sick, our queen might be able to help you if you need something." Sephrith bowed to the girl "My name is Sephrith and I serve her highness."
Vivian sighed "my name is Vivian Ryogami...I have been trying to get a letter to King Axoret for a while now..."
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Semira moved over to him. "Exiriya, I'm not chasing after him. I just wanted to make you as jealous as i was." She stated simply and hugged him. "No matter what. You have my heart and probably always will. It just hurts when you don't at least write."
"Get the machines ready, when you see the angels fire at will." Harrison moved to the top of the wall."I want all the citizens moved back, get them into the second inner wall. I want all my troops into these two walls...." Harrison was preparing for war.
"Once I fully become fallen, that's it for me..." He leaned his head against the wall. "I've fallen in love with you and it hurts to do this to you. I wish there wasn't so much darkness in this world so that maybe.... I could survive as an angel but I can't. My body is too pure." He grabbed his chest in pain but it soon subsided.

"What were you jealous of? I never flirt with other women. Believe it or not, I don't have the best luck with women." William came running over to them and he said "Harrison's troops are on the ready. We need you Exiriya." Exiriya stood up and he told her "because of your little 'boyfriend', I'm going to need to be away from you even more. I am a soldier as well as a prince. I'm sorry, my love." Will tossed him his armor and his sword so he could quickly slip them on.
Duanna was worried and kissed him "I'll go find your mother..." she tried to give him a smile but it was a weak one since she was scared of losing him, she had never been afraid to lose anyone but her mother and brother.

Sephrith sighed "It seems that our kingdom is in a state of war, Axoret no longer rules this kingdom, he now lives in hell with his fiancee."
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Semira kissed Exiriya gently. "im going to. This war is ridiculous and I'm going to try and stop it. " She smiled at him then turned and began to walk.
Harrison was watching as his men were evacuating all the citizens of the lower two walls to the upper three. "Men, these are what I want these people moved back." He pointed at the big machines pointed towards the sky. " I want these things fired in rounds. one to save ammunition, and to keep them back.... Get those things over there." He pointed at long columns of steel and wood.
Duanna left the room, she could feel the fear of the people that she is suppose to protect. she was torn between helping Michael and stopping the the war, she sighed and decided that if she could prevent the war then she could quickly get back to work on helping Michael. She summoned her wings and figured how to use them in a matter of minutes. She flew in the direction of where Harrison was, she wasted to negotiate and find out why he was attacking before even making demands. She landed several yards away from where Harrison and his army was.
Harrison saw the beast land. "Archers" He lifted his hand, getting ready to give the command. He was on the outer wall of his kingdom's capital. "Be you angel or demon?" If she tried anything he would drop his hand. His archers would fire at anything arise.
"I am a class all my own, I was born demon but given the title of angel. My name is Duanna, I come from Azriel to speak of truce or negotiations. Please let me speak to you?" she placed her hand on her sword "I am laying my sword down to show you I mean no harm to you or your people. Your guards may search me for other weapons as long as I have your word that they will do nothing more." she knew how some guards could be in times of possible war.
"One's word is good enough." His arm still up. "But I am telling you negotiation is futile. I know the will of demons, seeking power so much power that the only way to keep them from conquering the whole world is to kill them." He said with his eyes fixed on her. "So if you wish for a truce, run back, run back to your master and tell him."He leaned in. "I will show him something truly demonic, something that will be hard to forget."
"I have no master and Azriel is in a time of change, my fiance might be turning into a fallen but I plan on making Azriel a peaceful kingdom and not all demons are the same, some demons even line themselves with human because they believe that the things that other demons do are wrong. I was born into the Kingdom of Hell so I know the true definition of monsters and demons. You wish to wage war but you are either blind by some form of anger or you can not see past pain when a solution can be met. A true leader does not set wars on others without first talking to them to see if some arrangement can be met. If you will not stop this war then please put it on hold...would a true leader attack when their opponent is down? My love, the current ruler of Azriel is not well and you wish to attack us at such a time. You say you know the powers of demons but you know nothing of angels and allies, only demons attack when others are down and cannot fight back..." she had to hold back her tears as she thought more about the war happening.
"But you forget a true ruler protects his people and his kin from threats. Even if it calls for war." His hand began to lower, not to signal fire, but to move to his sword. " I have not abilities that a demon would have, but I do have something that would scare a demon to death. But you don't want to know about that, and it is secret." a few guards stood on the steps. "Pain I have. Aye. But a king, puts that pain away and..." He looked at her in the eyes. " do what is best for their kingdom before themselves."
"Then the best thing you can do is let us come to a truce or something! I mean no harsh words but all I have ever seen from rulers is the need to fight instead of talk! And you speak of protection and threat, what threat is Azriel now that it is under a new ruler? Here I am come to talk to you as a queen so that blood shed isn't needed and can be avoided..." Duanna had started to cry wonder how people can be so blind when peace can be made.
"You should know something, I lost my kingdom so long ago, a few years before you and your kind took over. I lost my kingdom and my father to the people who were in control. I who showed them pity, showed me no such pleasure. They "let" me live, that was my gift. You want this war to end, give me the old king and the prince, of that kingdom. Then I will call a truce." He glared at her. "Give me them, then you will have peace."
"If you are asking for Azriel and my brother that I cannot do...and just so you know I have always fought for humans even when I have found them to be hopeless fools." she mumbled something to herself and suddenly appeared within arms length of Harrison "You realize that Azriel is allied with the queen of hell, Demonia the lady of hell can summon the dead. I ask for you to stop this war before it starts so that your men are not turned on you as soon as they fall....your frailty as humans and mortals has always captivated me and that's why I have sided with your kind over the years." Duanna had left her sword behind at the place she was previously standing.
"I am not asking for azriel, or who ever, I am asking for the old king of that kingdom, and his son. I demand justice for their crimes. they wronged me, and I want them delivered to me, at the front of these gates."
She placed one of her hands where his heart was and sighed "I see...I am sorry but as an angel I cannot give them to you, I prevent harm, I do not encourage it." she started to walk away "I was hoping it would have been a simple fix, if my kingdom had taken your kingdom and you were now servants to them I would have given you freedom but it seems that is not the case...."
He cut her off."Freedom, what do you know of freedom. We are all forced into slavery at one time or another, sometimes it is through religion." He licked his lips. "We, the men of timanhium, are free from our first breathe. We do not have need for kings, yet, we have one, and I am that king. We choose on our destiny. So you, who speak of freedom, yet are held on a leash, stay your tongue. If you wish for a truce. Then so be it. But one question, would you stay the blood shed of hundreds if not thousands, with the death of two?" He looked deep into her eyes. "If so then bring your foulest beast, I am here, with my troops, and that is where I will remain till my dying breathe. So leave demon, for that is what you are."

(I have to leave, I got something I have to deal with, I will be on tomorrow.)
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