Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"No cause you weren't in it." He smiled. He might have been weak but he still very flirtatious. He smiled as he reached out for her but couldn't touch her.
Michael smiled softly as he kissed her again, not caring about her salty lips. He wiped her tears a little. He released her once more going limp. He wanted to go back to the heavens but that meant losing everything he worked hard for.
Duanna laid down next to him, she was still worried but she could cry anymore.

Demonia woke up sometime in the middle of the night and saw that Axoret was no longer in bed with her, she looked around trying to find him or see if he had left a note on where he had gone.
A guard walked in and said "oh good your awake. Axoret wanted me to tell you that he went to find his sons. He was worried that they weren't home yet." He bowed slightly to her before excusing himself.
Heymish was stumbling around, he wanted to look a like he was intoxicated, to get close to the prince. He stumbled here and there but when he got close enough to the prince he put one hand on his shoulder and leaned in so that only the prince could hear want he was going to say. "You want to get your kingdom back?" He said in a sober manner.

General leech was up top the walls with the kingdom close to harrison. He was a tribal. He had no allegiance to the country. But he owed his life to harrison as he had saved his life when he was a boy. He was a fighter for his tribe. Harrison was gaining support in the local tribes and stopped leech from being beheaded. Leech trained and proved that he was a deadly warrior, and would serve harrison till his last breathe.
Xeliran looked away slightly but King Axoret rode over to them. "Xeliran! Exiriya!" Both boys looked at their father. "What is going on? Who are these people?" Xeliran pulled away from him and said "I may love this kingdom but this is Michael's now and he's a good king... Unlike you who attacks a kingdom where our king is incapacitated and we can't fight back without the orders from the king. Its not mine or Exiriya's choice to start battle. Your army is not even worth our time." Axoret and Exiriya were shocked how much their prince sounded like a king. They watched him walk off but then quickly follow him.
Heymish leaned in again. "So, do you want your kingdom back. Do you want it back from these things, into the hands of the person who should rightfully run it. Someone who is brave, bold, unafraid." He moved to the other side. "Or do you want it in the hands of a scaly like him?"
An Arrow hit the ground in between them. William stepped out of the shadows. "Ready the army..." Xeliran hesitated but the soldiers prepared their weapons anyways. Will smirked and said "this is our land. We have a union with the Hell army. Don't make us get them involved as well."
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Heymish smirked. "I can tell you, our kingdom and this kingdom can have peace, I know there are things that the king, harrison, would give peace for. Go speak to him, but I think that if you bring your father, the old king. He will offer peace." Heymish backed away. He faded into the shadow, never to be seen."but one question, do you think you are willing to give your life for your kingdom?" His voice rang out. But he was now on his way to the city gate.

"Leech, how are our preparations?" Harrison ask. Leech let out a grunt, that was his only way to communicate. Harrison, somehow, was able to know exactly what he was talking about.

(unfortunately, I can't be one after four est from now on. I hope you all can understand.)
Demonia thanked the guard and decided to put her battle dress on underneath the formal dress that she chose. She checked on Nova who was still asleep and she informed a nurse what to do if he woke up she then went and woke Kit. Kit looked at Demonia sleepily and then followed her out of the guards room, he wasn't sure what was going on but he didn't ask questions. They soon rode out of Hell towards Azriel, when she was close enough Demonia sent Umbra to find Axoret since she didn't feel his energy anywhere in the kingdom. Umbra soon found Axoret and landed on his shoulder.

Lilith saw the army since she was standing at the top of the castle and she smiled, her blood was starting to boil, she wanted a war to start for once, she wanted to be in a battle again where she could be the one to spill the blood.
Exiriya ran a hand through his hair and said "yes I am willing to sacrifice my life. My life is meaningless." He didn't seem to be speaking to anyone in particular. He saw Harrison and he approached him. He kept his hand on his sword. "Hey little pig!" He smirked at Harrison coldly. "Your little birdie asked me to ally myself with your kingdom. I'm not so sure but William doesn't look like he's going to give in so easily. If it means protecting my kingdom, then I will." 
Axoret smirked and told Umbra "tell Demonia that another kingdom wants war with us and to ready the army in Hell just in case."
Umbra cawed and flew off to Demonia, she sighed with relief, she had umbra lead the way to Axoret and smiled when she saw him "So a kingdom wants war on Azrirel, they must not know the power of hell." the ground shifted and moved under them.
Evelyn bowed her head in respect to their love, closing her eyes as tears began to stream from her eyes. Duanna, She spoke to the Queen through her mind, If you will let me, I can heal him, but... Instead of adding the rest of the details Evelyn let the sentence fade off. She knew that healing such a wounded man had almost killed her last time, and now the wounds were even worse, not to mention that Michael was an angel, but she was willing to do it. Admittedly she was scared, afraid that she might die, but no matter she would risk her lift for the King that she now trusted in.
Harrison smirked at Exiryia. "First, I am not a pig.... and second, if you want peace in our kingdoms, bring me your father, in chains. Then I will call for peace."
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Duanna smiled at her "If you can heal him please do...I have seen changes like these and they become different people once they had fallen...i worry about what will become of us if he completely changes..."
Axoret had stalked over to them with his blade drawn. Exiriya stepped in front of Axoret. "Dad... get out of here! I will not give you him!" He growled. Xeliran approached them and fell to one knee. "Take my in my father's place. He lives in Hell now so he's no threat but my brother and I both are currently living here. Take me. I'm the official crowned prince of this kingdom." Exiriya and Axoret were both stunned and Exiriya fell to one knee. He said "take me as well."
"Take you instead." He chuckled. "Bind them in chain, and wait. We need our audience. Because if we start the show to early then, what is the point of the show." Leech and a few of his guards surrounded them. He let out a grunt. "He said, give up your weapons."
Exiriya and Xeliran started to hand the guards tons and tons of hidden weapons that were on their persons. Axoret said "no! You guys can't give up to them for my benefit!" Xeliran smirked and said "watch us!" They both raised their hands in a surrendering fashion. "Good bye father," they said in unison. Exiriya said "tell Semira that I love her." Xeliran nodded and said "tell Nadia the same." Axoret was growing to love both of his sons equally. He quickly turned his back on them and went to find Demonia.
"It is funny how he thinks your going to die.... That would be to easy. Take them to the house. But first." Harrison walked up to them, and took his knife and hit them on the back of the head, hopefully knocking them out.
Xeliran went straight down but Exiriya struggled a little before collapsing. Axoret knew he had bad plans for his sons but he had to plan out how he would get them back.
Harrison and leech and his men moved them into a basic house, with the windows blackened. "When they awake, begin the process." The guards placed them in chairs and locked in their hands and feet, and finally their heads. "Heh, these guys are going to be in pain." "NO, wait. We need the audience, and they will be here soon."
Demonia was were Umbra had last seen Axoret "Well Umbra where is he." Umbra cawed as if giving her some answer. Kit was on a horse next to Demonia and seemed worried, wondering what was going to happen.
Exiriya woke first and quickly start struggling. "What is the meaning of this?" He demanded. Xeliran slowly woke up but didn't struggle at first. "My prince!" Xeliran struggled a little.
"The quicker you struggle the worse the pain is." Harrison said as he sat in a chair not like theirs. "Now I am going to ask, do you know anything of what happen to my kingdom after the twenty year war?"

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