Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Axoret hurried over to them and said "the princes have been taken by them. They wanted to take me but they offered their place instead of mine.

Xeliran said "yeah, somewhat. My dad didn't allow me to learn of such things because he always thought your kingdom was worthless and deserved what it had coming. His words not mine." Exiriya nodded, agreeing that he learned the same.
Demonia sighed "Lets go, no one takes anyone in my family and lives to tell about it." a flock of ravens flew out of the surrounding trees and dead started to rise out of the ground, some flesh returned to them but not to the point of them looking human. "I think this will be a good enough army." Demonia smiled, she had an army of dead that had a few thousand bodies to it "And anyone that fall be it enemy or ally will rise again but if they be enemy then their death will make them our ally."
"Then I guess some education is in order. It was many years ago, when my father died. He was seeking a way of peace. But your father, with hate for my country, sought out only pain. It ended with my fathers death. I took control and I lost my crown. after so many years of sickness and poverty, and the kingdom in disarray. I stood back up. We had many problems. First we were dealing with a plague, not to mention the raiders to the north and so many other problems." Harrison stood up. "I sought out your father. I beseeched him.... Hell I dropped to my knees and begged for aid. But what does your father do. He only turned his back on me, and says. "Deal with it on your own, I have no time to deal with a problem as petty as this." I, angry, flew to my keep, and began preparations in what was to be a victory. We conquered tribes, but we still had problems on our home front. After so much time has passed, things were prosperous. but your father, in an attempt to take what was mine,took the thing that no king should lose, his honor, and his kingdom. But I was able to regain my kingdom. Yet no honor." He turned to them, and moved back and forth between looking in their eyes, deeply. "Now all I ask is you listen.... I am not happy that there is war, but in order to regain my honor, I need help exposing him. I have told you this because, your his sons, and can help me regain that which I lost. So I am asking..." He turned to his side. "Help me, held me prove that your father was wrong, an innocent man, and an innocent kingdom." @Wolfsrain123
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The large black wolf dipped her head, not in submission, but instead in respect, for it was at her own will that she was healing the Queen's loved one. Step back. Her words echoed slightly within her own mind as she prepared for what she was going to do next. Evelyn stepped up next to the bed and craned her neck so that her muzzle was only a foot from his face. She hoped that her eyes didn't betray the fear that was burning deep within her soul. Healing an angel will be much more...draining that what I have done before. For I will take part of my life, part of my essence, and will transfer it to him. She refrained from telling Duanna about how risky it would be to do this, not risky for Michael, but for her own life. You are right to say he will be changed, but by giving him part of my life he will also gain my memories and past knowledge. Therefore I believe he will be much more different that you have come to believe. Even though she would be giving him her memories, she would still keep a sort of copy of them within her. Are the both of you sure you want to go through with this? The black wolf glanced at Duanna, wondering if she would agree.
Duanna looked at Michael and then Evelyn "As long as he doesn't become a fallen and will still love me then yes I agree to this." she didn't want to move away from Michael but she did. "I think I am going to go check on my daughter..." Duanna wanted to make sure that she wouldn't interfere.
Axoret grabbed Demonia's wrist saying "wait! We don't know what he's capable of. I can't risk losing you. We have to do some recon before we even try anything."

Exiriya smirked and said "we will not betray our father." Xeliran looked at him and sais "well... I mean he hates me so I have nothing to lose." Exiriya rolled his eyes and said "not helping, my prince." Xeliran looked down and said "look, I'm sorry about your kingdom and I know you want retribution but my fathers not going to change just because you want him too. He's been like that his whole life. Even ask his brother, Prince Erik. He doesn't care about other kingdoms unless he can use that kingdom to his own benefit."
"I wasn't going to attack until you said okay." Demonia kissed him on the cheek "You know in just the short time I have known you, you have changed. You have become kinder and you seem to worry more about those around you instead of worrying about how your kingdom would last and prosper. I wonder what has made you change so much, even your once cold eyes now show worry, fear, and love." she smiled.
Axoret turned his.back to her and said "I'm not... I can't be weak!" He walked off and called back to her "were going home for now!" He grunted.
Demonia sighed and caught up to him "Dear it isn't weakness, its a sign of strength. A king is even greater with kindness and compassion." she smiled "Please don't see it as a weakness...does that make me your weakness? I am someone you love..."
Axoret smiled and turned so he could touch her cheek. "darling, you are my strongest weakness but you also give me strength to go on. I am proud to say you are my weakness because you are all mine." He got onto his horse and rode off.
Michael finally opened his eyes slightly but when he didn't see Duanna, he panicked. He started to struggle against the strange girl and weakly screaming for Duanna.
Duanna ran into the room with Leta in her arms and then sat next to him "Calm down...I just went to check Leta, that's all." she smiled at him. Demonia arrived at the castle and walked in after knocking out the guards, Duanna sensed her mom "Honey my mom is here, I am going to go see what she wants, you just stay here and rest."
"Let them go... Both of them. If you will not help me, brave warrior then go to your father, and deliver him this message. "Soon the hour will be upon us. Meet me in the middle before the battle, I wish to talk." He said to exiriya.A guard walked over and unlocked them from their holdings. "As you wish my lord." Leech let out a grunt. "I know, old friend, but...." He moved in closer. "The true will make them think." A guard walked over with their weapons." My lord wishes for you to have these back."
Xeliran quickly took them back but Exiriya put his knife to the guards throat. "Foolish bastards! I will not let you anywhere near the king!" Xeliran growled and said "no brother! Let them be. If your worried about father, we will have a few of our guards go with him. Maybe some of Queen Demonia's men." Exiriya removed his dagger from the guard and sheathed it. He grabbed the rest of his weapons. "Your lucky. If my brother wasn't here both of you would be dead."
Leech let out a long grunt. "He said, try it, and he would take the end of his maul, and brush it with the side of your skull."Leech unlatched the 6"7' long war maul. A special weapon that only the trained could use. "I would say don't try it, but when he gets angry it is really hard to control him."
Xeliran said angrily "my brother means no harm. If you even dare strike the king it will mean war on both nations." He approached the two and said "I dare you. Lay a finger on me and I will have the army after your asses." He cold eyes that were threatening to look at. He was a true king and definitely a better king than Axoret will ever be. He had the look of a ruler and the kind heart of one as well.
Leech had no ties to the kingdom of timanthia. "Leech, calm down. We do not want to anger these boys." He drew out "boys". " I should let you know, he is not a citizen of this nation. I saved him a long time ago, and he has served me ever sense." Leech was reluctant but he did as he was told. "But he owns only allegiance to me, and me alone." He opened the door. "Now are you going to go. I promise, no harm will become of your father, I swear upon my kingdom."
Exiriya stormed out, slamming the door as he left. Xeliran winced and quickly followed out of the house. "Exiriya wait!" Xeliran tried to grab his wrist but Exiriya spun around and punched him hard. "You naive little child. You honestly think you can trust a kingdom that has no worth? That kingdom fell for good reasons. Dad told me why he did it. The reason I lied is to protect him. That kingdom deserved what was coming. Now stop pretending to be all these things you aren't because if it weren't for the laws, you would be dead in the ditch somewhere. Dad hates you! Why don't you get that!? Why don't you just leave!" He ran off, leaving Xeliran stunned. He thought he was finally getting along with his brother but they would never be close.
Demonia walked through the castle of Azriel and then leaned against a wall, she had started to feel weak. Kit ran over to Demonia "Maybe we should have stays with Axoret...?" Demonia waved him away as if to say she will be fine but she could tell that something about her energy flow was off, she was even too weak to speak. Kit brought a chair over to her and helped her to sit down.
Harrison walked over to him. "A man who is an enemy of his own kingdom, searches for a new one.... If he so chooses." He walked past. He walked into his war tent. Leech was followed him in. He grunted, it was a low and basic grunt. "I fear the same thing. That the king would not follow his word, and he will strike." He moved to the other side of the map, of his kingdom. "I want you to stay here, and I want Heymish here as well. You are my brothers, and I should be the one to meet the king..." A moment passed. "If anything was to happen, heymish is my cousin. I give him my crown.... Oh and one more thought, I want one of the machines to be aimed at the tent. If I am struck down..... Well you know what todo." He looked at leech. "My friend, it has been good to know you."

Heymish snuck around the other kingdom, Azriel. He spotted a women, Demonia, sitting in a chair. He moved to her. "Please ma'ma, I have no money, and my family, they starve." He moved close to her, his target, her coin purse, filled to the lip with coin.

@Demonia Dragonfly
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Demonia looked at him " moment...." Kit looked at them "She is feeling very weak, Lady Demonia would be happy to help but it seems even breathing is taking a lot from her. Demonia do you want me to get it for them." she barely nodded but it was a nod of yes none the less and Kit smiled then pulled out several coins and handed it to them "I hope that helps you sir, that should be enough coins for a months worth of food."
Heymish was shaking, a prop for a master of thievery. "Th..thank you sir." He moved closer. "God bless you." He was close enough to hug him. He leaned in and hugged him. He put his arms around him, and gently picked the coin purse upon his back. "Oh you are a gracious ruler." He continued to shiver, holding the coin purse behind his back.
A shadow curled up around Heymish and started to choke him "You would dare steal from me....I...." She starts to cough, her pet crow Umbra take the coin purse and returns it to Demonia and Kit pulls away from the man and draws out his sword. Lilith drops down behind the man, "You should have taken the coins she gave you and left. Instead you were foolish enough to try and steal from the Lady of Hell." the shadows fell away from him but Kit and Lilith remained where they were.
Heymish fell to his knees. "I am sorry.... I didn't know who you were." He spoke to demonia. "I am telling you the true, I am a pesant, and my family is starving... But in time's like these... Sometimes the good turn to a life of crime.... If you would wish.... I will give you all I can give... My life even, But I can not find any work...." He was quivering."Please, my little girl. She is so sick, and...."

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