Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Kit sighed and put his sword away "And if you are caught stealing what will your family do then with you in the dungeon. Take the money you have and go. It won't be hard to find Demonia if you need more charity."
He shook his head. "I have wronged you miss. The only way to do that is by working for you. I am good at learning stuff that someone like you would want to know. Like the king of timanthia, Harrison, I think is his name, plans on something grander then just some war."
Heymish looked at the people near them. "This is something that the queen would want to hear personally, Or alone." He looked around not knowing if there were others that could come out of anywhere.
Kit helped Demonia up and into a private room outside of the castle, Lilith followed them in case she should tell Michael and Duanna. Demonia looked at the man "Now speak..." she had grown pale and sickly looking.
"I should say that first, I only was able to hear a partial of what I am about to tell you..... Harrison is planning on some type of machine. That was the only thing that I was able to hear. I can't tell you what they look like, or what they do. Only that he is not showing his full hand." Haymish leaned back in. "I am sorry I do not know more, but I think that might be able to help you in your cause." Heymish began to back out of the room.
Demonia tied up her coin purse and tossed it to the man "Take it...I'm a Queen....I can get more...." Kit looked at Lilith "Go find a doctor now..." he looked at Umbra "And you go find Axoret. I am sure he'll want to see Demonia if she is this sick." Umbra flew out a window to find Axoret and started to caw loudly.
"And what would you have me do my queen?" Heymish said as he knelled down, and put his head on his hand, like a knight to his queen.
Xeliran walked into the tent and said "don't plan your funeral just yet. I know the kingdom like the back of my hand. My brother has made his point and I will stop trying to win my dads heart." He smirked devilishly.
Axoret slapped Exiriya hard and demanded "what did you say to Xeliran?" Exiriya didn't speak and was hit again. Exiriya finally said "I told him that he should leave cause no one will ever love him. He'll come back. I know he will. He doesn't have anywhere to go.
Axoret heard Umbra and spun around furiously. He asked "what happened?" He growled but decided to follow Umbra to Demonia. Exiriya follwed him. His cheek was red and bloody. Axorets family ring scraped against Exiriya cheek as he slapped him.
Umbra had led them to where Demonia was in Azriel, Kit had taken her to one of the beds inside the castle. When Kit saw Axoret he bowed "Sir...I don't know if you should get to close...Demonia isn't well, whatever has her ill has seemed to have made her age to that of an elder...." the drapes on the bed were pulled down so that no one could see Demonia.
Exiriya leaned against the wall, staying silent. Axoret looked at her sadly and asked "what happened?" Exiriya rolled his eyes and asked "what do you think dad?" Axoret hissed at him and raised his hand causing Exiriya to keep back from him.
Duanna walked in, she had heard the screams of the ravens, she sensed her mother's energy. "Someone go find someone healthy and if its a human they won't be missed." Demonia tried to move in objection but all she could get out was a soft "No....." Duanna sighed "Mother you need to harden your heart a little and stop letting things interfere with your feedings....if you still had your blood maid this wouldn't have happened." Duanna looked at Axoret "My mother seems to have let herself grow to soft, she has used to much energy and should have fed from the looks of it some time ago."
Axoret glanced at Exiriya and said coldly "go fetch a human!" Exiriya laughed coldly and said "so now I'm a stupid servant?" He walked out and slammed the door. He sat by Demonia's side and stroked her cheek.
Duanna was holding Leta "This wouldn't be the first time my mother has done this so herself. Love is a deadly thing for my mom..." Duanna sighed as she saw her mother give a weak smile "She is still learning how much to harden her heart without it causing a problem in her judgement. My mother once made a spell caster of hell angry, the lady told my mother she will never find happiness in love, only death." Duanna looked at Kit "how long have you been near my mother and when did she get like this?" Kit looked down "the coughing had started before we left Hell...and then it became really bad when we came to see you and Demonia had left the kings side...if I had known she was becoming ill I wouldn't have let her leave the castle..." Kit looked down, he was blaming himself for letting Demonia get as bad as she is. Demonia started to gain a little color with Axoret next to her and Duanna saw "Well seems your energy is close to her's it would explain why she seems to be better when she is close to you. Might even be the reason why it wasn't caught sooner, her body was using your energy to stay well."
Axoret smiled gently. "I shouldn't have left your side but Exiriya told me that he told Xeliran off and that he was gone." He rolled his eyes. Exiriya came in with a human girl all over him. He threw her over to Demonia. "Feed you little bi-" Axoret him a glare as to shut him up.
Demonia looked away from the girl that was suppose to be her food and Duanna sighed "Mother either you feed or I go find Hybrid and have him force his blood down your throat." Demonia fed from the girl not wanting UH around, her color and youth started to return, she pulled away from her victim and laid the girl next to her "the girl will be fine....I didn't drain her dry." Duanna slapped her mother "Next time you pull that crap I'll let you die, you understand me!" Duanna was crying, she was scared of losing Michael and then she thought she would lose her mother, Leta took her hand and pulled on the front of Duanna's dress almost trying to distract her and Duanna left the room. Demonia started to laugh a little after getting over the shock that her own daughter had slapped her. "Well I guess that make me and her even from when I slapped her." she looked at Axoret "Sorry that I worried you...I was worried about Duanna so I came here to check on her instead of returning home with you...I honestly didn't know that I need to feed soon, I thought I was fine but when I got into Azriel I couldn't breath...can't believe it didn't dawn on me that I needed to feed."
"Just know, that your kingdom, has labeled you as an enemy and will try to kill you.... If you wish to continue down this path, then you will be fighting your countrymen, and family?" Harrison looked over at the map. "Leech, how is our troop deployment?" He grunted. "This is alright, but move them faster, if you can."

Heymish looked in her eyes. "Yes, my queen. But if you need anything, near the broader of the king of this one and the other one, timanthia. A mansion sits next to a old oak tree. Out behind it is a barn, then the slave quarters.... Look in those slave quarters, and ask for me by name. they will point you to me." @Demonia Dragonfly
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Several ravens flew to the area trying to get Xeliran to leave and go somewhere, nudging him frantically, they ravens had got word that their queen was ill but that she had not yet gotten well.
Semira entered the castle walls. She wanted to speak with Harrison about the war but... she couldn't deny the fact she just wanted to see him to.
A few guards stopped her. "State your business in the kingdom?" Their job at time of war was to let anyone who needed help in, but would stop everyone who looked suspicious.

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