Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"A man would know what is the thing that they should defend." He knew that they wouldn't understand that. He followed them. "Family is something that you should defend, they are the reason we are here. If you can;t realize that then, why are they here?"
Umbra pecked at the letter he had brought and shook his head then ruffled his feathers.

Demonia smiled as she took his hand so that she can be helped up onto the horse. "Umbra let me see a little of what was going on..."
Semira pulled him close and kissed him. "But i don't, you've always owned me. I'd do anything for you. I was always weak to you, but you always failed to see it. Just call my name and I'dcome rrunning back to your arms.... everythime you growl at me in that luring way i melt." She said pouring her heart out into her words. "But you ddon't growl at me anymore, you don'teven call my name. What am i ssupposed to think?"
Exiriya was about to stroked at Harrison but instead kissed her deeply. He smiled a little but then pushed her away and said "damn it." He growled, lustfully for her but it seems he was holding back.
Semira kissed him back. She couldn't deny him... ever. She belonged to him and even if she did have feelings for Harrison Exiriya always had her. Semira whimperedback at him when he growled. Slowly she tried to move closer like a sservant timidly returning to her masters side. "Oh, that growl...." she moaned to him but stopped herself before she reached him.
Exiriya looked over at Harrison and said "I must leave. I am unwanted here and obviously Xeliran isn't coming back." He walked off but slipped onto his horse and rode off.
Semira widdened her eyes. "Wait Exiriya!" She begged but he was already leaving. She left in a bad position now. Exiriya had made her "hungry" then left her and she already knew Harrison wouldn't stop her.
Umbra stayed where he was and refused to leave, he wasn't going to leave Xeliran alone with people he knew Demonia would be wary of and Lilith had somehow found her way into the tent "Well isn't this all fun and dandy." she was sitting on a table. "So when does the real fun happen? I'm wanting a war to hurry and start." she laughed "Also our parents are on their way to try to bring you home, can't believe my mom is even coming out with how bad her health is right now. Too bad she won't die." sounded annoyed that Demonia was still alive.
Harrison walked over. He called her name. "Semira." He wanted to see something. He remembered what she said about her losing herself around harrison.
Lilith sighed "More like worried. Watched my mom while she was writing your letter, just so you know you are the only she wrote to, kinda confused on why she didn't write one to your father or brother..." she took a bite of an apple that she had found "So any news on when this war is starting, I'm getting really bored and want a good fight."
Semira turned to Harrison. This was the last thing she needed right now but decided to walk over to him. She tried her best to keep calm but being a creature of sexual attention it was hard not to jump on him.
Lilith laughed "No, if anything I am hoping you make my mother cry in her weak state, though I must say you have a lot of your father's old self in you believe it or not. Mean, non-caring, hateful; just like how your dad use to be." she smiled wondering how he would react.
"Something tells me that the old king is what were going to need." He said to xeliran. He noticed the girl with him. "I am sorry I never really got your name?"
Semira kept her distence from Harrison. "Yes? Did you need me for something? " she asked panting softly as she looked him over.
Lilith smiled at him "The name is Lilith Draco," she bowed "Its and honor to meet you." She stood up then appeared behind Harrison and gave him a kiss on the cheek "I can't wait for this war to start. Just so you know my mother won't be able to help fight and that will make things so much more fun."
First he addressed semira. "In the end you can only do what is right in your heart.... I know I am not married to you but I would have died for you." He turned to the other girl. I knew a girl named lilith once, she was interesting to say the least.... I take it you will fight with me?" Harrison didn't really know.
"Really? What was Lilith's occupation and how did you know her?" Lilith tilted her head to the side. "And I am sorry to say that I can not, I serve Michael since he brought my son back."
Semira turned him to face her again. "Why must you be so damn attracting?" She asked before kissing his lips softly. She whispered for him to meet her at the lake near by and and licked his jaw before walking off.
"Maybe you could help us. I would need someone to give them some information. But I don't think that would be so wise to pick you for you seem to be so loyal to your king." He was beginning to work his magic.

"As for you my lovely, I will see you at the lake. My sweet." He kissed her.
"I wouldn't even think of it." He smiled and watched as she walked away."It might, but I have but one question, you must love your son, and would do anything for such a son, Would you not?" Harrison moved away from semira and moved to lilith.
"My son was the only thing keeping me attached to this world and sane...I would do anything to keep him safe." she pulled her hand away from him has she started to think about her past.

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