Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lilith tried to hide so that Michael wouldn't see her. Demonia looked at Michael "My daughter Lilith suggested that a one on one fight be done to settle all of this." Duanna was still worried about Michael but hid it so that she could look like a happy queen.
Michael raised an eyebrow "Lilith? Lilith!!" He didn't sound angry, just confused. He rode over to her and demanded "what is the meaning of this? Why are you with them?" He growled slightly.
"I didn't want a war to start since my son is still weak...I didn't want to have to move him so I thought of a one on one fight to settle all of this." Lilith was looking down trying to not make eye contact with him. "I mean in some way I wish it would but I came to my senses and realized if a war starts then I might lose Kuro after just now getting him back..." She took a few steps backwards to put some distance between them, for some reason she was afraid of Michael so she didn't want to be to close to him.

(Just letting everyone know I may not be on much today, I have been up since 8am yesterday and just now getting to bed at 6am, my dog was sick and had to give him IV treatments)
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Leech stood in between Michael and lilith. Leech was an ass, but he still had morels. His hand on the shaft of the elongated battle maul. He let out a grunt. "I am not going to translate that." Harrison walked over to the horse, and the beast upon it. "Every man is entitled to their opinion, and who they join should be of no concern to you. I am a free man, and I can do as I wish. There will be war maybe not between me and you, but between me and him." He pointed at axerot. "And you can't tell me who I can hate or not. So bring your legions, the will be meet with blood and steel, as they fall from the skies."
Michael walked toward her but when he saw the fear in her eyes, he stopped and went over to Duanna. He smiled slightly as he kissed her gently. He faced everyone. Lilith... You are apart of my kingdom now and therefore you are my sister. You may be afraid of losing your son but it won't be just you protecting him. It would be all of us. Commoners, nobles, royalty... In my opinion those classes don't even exist. Were all men and women are we not? If were all men and women then aren't we considered equal as well? We don't let our fellow relatives fall without falling with dignity and as a hero." He walked up to Lilith and touched her cheek gently. Just then a bullet hit his shoulder and he screamed in agony. A handsome boy landed on the ground. "Next time I won't miss, angel." Michael's eyes widened as the boy approached him with a familiar sword. "The only person who can even hold that sword is Lucifer himself. Its been crafted from the depths of Hell." The boy smirked.
Harrison didn't even flinch when the bullet hit him in the shoulder. He didn't really care who the boy was. But leech knelt to the ground. Like a servent to his king. "My Lord." He said in his deep, and dark sounding voice."What are your biddings?" "You can speak?"
"The name is Uriel..." He approached Demonia and kissed her cheek. "I remember watching you grow up. I am sorry about your father. I accidentally showed myself to you and him once. You were probably too young to remember. You have ruled Hell with strength and power. He stepped away from her and stabbed Michael without a second thought. He watched him scream in pain as he tore his sword from his stomach. He watched him collapse. He was still breathing but just barely. "Stupid angel." He carved a pentagram into his chest before disappearing leaving a black feather behind.
Duanna was in shock and didn't know what to do, her wings started to have a dark tint to them, hatred had started to grow in her heart. "Why...." he hands started to glow with a bright light "Hell so so much easier to purify then this world...." Demonia started to walk towards Duanna to try and calm her down but she fell to the ground in pain a few feet away from her.
Michael's body seem to be struggling to heal himself. It seemed to finish healing but both stayed as deep scars. He opened his eyes. "Damn it..." Axoret picked him up and said "we will start this battle when our beloved king is better." The servants were whispering things to each other and one screamed "by the time we start the battle, Michael will be dead!" Axoret ignored him and looked at Duanna, pity in his eyes. He knew Michael stood no chance in surviving. He did say, however "that fallen lives in Hell... being of angel blood as well, you must be careful." He rested Michael on a horse and he got behind him to make sure he doesn't fall off.
Duanna's eyes filled with a white light and she looked at her mother. "I will cleanse this world and the world below and I will start with you Demonia." the voice that came from Duanna's lips was her own but there was a second voice slipping out as if she was being controlled.
Axoret was surprised and was slightly afraid of what Demonia would be like if she was "cleansed". "Duanna, don't you dare cleanse her! I will do what I can to save the king but until he's saved..." He nodded at the servants and they grabbed her. One had a chloroform cloth that was pressed against her moth and nose. "I'm sorry, my princess but its for the best. I will let you cleanse people when your more... stable."
Duanna quickly passed out and the darkness faded from her wings and a white light shot out of her and traveled into the sky, Demonia was laying on the ground shaking from the pain she just felt, strands of her hair had turned white from the pain and the fear she had felt towards Duanna.
"Take both to the Azriel palace." He rode off letting Michael's servants deal with both Demonia and Duanna. When he got back to the palace, he hurried Michael to the master bedroom. He laid him onto the bed and started to tend to his wounds. Michael gripped his hand begging to see Duanna but Axoret shook his head. "She can't see you right now but when she's better, you can see her." He smiled softly.
Lilith watched as everyone left wondering what she should do, she had just witnessed so much but she made a choice "I need to return to Azriel for my son....I need to know that he is safe."

Demonia had feasted on two people to forget her fear and didn't care that she had killed them both and even though she had feasted the white strands would not leave her hair.

Duanna woke up later in the room where Leta slept and had no memory of what had happened or when she arrived at the castle, she did remember what happened to Michael and she started to cry.
Michael started to scream in pain but Axoret calmy calmed him down. When Michael finally fell to sleep, he went into Leta's room and saw Duanna. "Good, your awake. He wanted to see you but right now, he's asleep. He will live. Do you think your stable enough to go see him?"
"Well you tried to cleanse your mother and then I had my servent drug you. I don't know if you succeeded. I haven't seen her yet." He sighed lightly as he leaned against the wall. "Look, I know you love Michael but you can't lose control like that." He held her close to him but then someone said "aw so cute." Uriel came out of the shadows and Axoret quickly stood in front of Duanna but Uriel hit him to the floor. He stared at Duanna with icy eyes that were full of sadness and loneliness.
He wiped the spit from his face. "I don't want you to fear me." He smirked. "Do you know how I am?" He asked her. He seemed to be testing her. He watched her curiously.
"The man who hurt Michael...." Duanna really didn't know who he was but she knew she didn't need to fear him. "If my mother knows you it explains why I don't. My mom keeps me away from people she knows of." Leta started to cry and Duanna went over to her crib and picked her up to calm her down "Seems my daughter doesn't like you to much..."
"Cause I'm the lord of all evil... well says every religious person that ever existed." He laughed lightly and said "the names Lucifer. Nice to meet you, Duanna." He put a hand out for her.
"Sorry but I won't be shaking hands with you anytime soon so you can put your hand down. You are the only person that my mother sees as misunderstood..." sighs "And I can see where she came with those ideas, if she was in this room she would tell me to give you a hug since she sees you as a brother..." Duanna got Leta to calm down.
He smiled softly and said "your mother is so kind but she's made my land practically this place. There is not enough corruption." He sighed a little and said "I should go see her." He walked off and went to find Demonia.
"Love will soften plenty of hearts even the coldest ones...." Duanna placed Leta in her crib and walked over to Axoret and helped him up "Are you okay?"

Demonia was trying to get the white strands in her hair to become dark, even after feasting on a forth person and taking their soul their was no change in color "I give beautiful black hair will just have to remain the way it is...." she even tried using magic to change the color.
Uriel walked out of the shadows and gently ran his hand through her hair. "Your hair will always be beautiful, my love." He smiled, kissing it gently.

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