Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Demonia jumped and then saw who it was and smiled "Would you stop sneaking up on me like that, you have always made me jump "she sighed "So is this a friendly or work related visit?" Demonia knew for some time that things weren't being ran the way he wanted them but then again she was queen so she really didn't care what he thought of the kingdom.
"Friendly. Your daughter is fierce for an angel. I heard your getting soft." He was chuckling with amusement but it was kind of scary. He licked up her neck and whispered "you taste good. You know my offer is still on the table. Why are you with that dark elf?" He heard someone and he pulled away from her. "And why were you OK with that angel taking over Azriel? Its going to give them more power."
Demonia wiped where he had licked "be happy that its you or I might have slapped you just now for doing that......and I didn't even know the deal Duanna had struck when she made her first visit to she is an angel but I should have known that she was never right for the throne of Hell and the only reason I am allowing this angel stuff to go on is so that Duanna can be happy. I remember being up at night and listening to her screams as she would purify her body.....I could do nothing as a mother but sit back and be there for her when she needed me" she sighed "I am getting soft but Hell is still a place of torture, they serve their sins with pain then they serve me. Maybe if you hadn't always been away I would have gone with your offer" She smiled "Axoret brings out a side of me that I have never known...not only that but he saved me from being beheaded then annulled his marriage to his wife, I couldn't say no to someone that I knew had plenty of darkness in his heart then would do all that to save me."
"I was in my slumber. That's why I let your kind rule Hell. If not for that, I wouldn't of even thought of letting you rule over Hell." Uriel frowned as he watched her. "You used to look at me the same way you look at Axoret. What happened? You seem so distant."
"My kind...we had power long before you gave it to us. Remember at one time we thought you were just a myth since we had never met you." Demonia smiled "I fell in love with him, you sleep longer than I do and I have come to look at you as a brother more than anything else now.....and I am distant....suddenly thinking of what I have made the kingdom makes me sick to my stomach...." she looked at the bodies that were in her room and she thought she might get sick.
Axoret walked in and said "stay away from her!" Uriel growled but when Axoret demanded "heal Michael!" He started laughing. "Heal him? He's a stupid angel. Why should I? Or is it that you have a silly man crush on him." He laughed and Axoret stared at him in disbelief. "No. He's our king." Uriel's face became serious and he said "and I'm your king." Axoret looked at Demonia for help
"Please not right now...." the room was starting to spin for her "Lucifer please what ever you have done to the angel....please undo....." normally Demonia would have demanded and not asked. Duanna stepped into the room and looked at her mother "Why is my mother's body slightly purified?" She remembered what Axoret had told her and she looked very upset" did this....." Demonia looked at duanna "Please calm down...." Demonia ran to the bathroom as fast as she could and got sick she returned and wiped some blood from the side of her mouth and then laid down on the bed.
Uriel glared at Duanna and grabbed her by the throat. "What did you do to her?" He demanded. He could tell something was wrong the moment he saw her but figured she just ahd a lot going on so he ignored it.
Duanna held her hands up towards him and shot a large amount of pure energy into him in hopes he would let her go. Demonia saw "Let her go!"
He winced at the pure energy but when Demonia said so, he obeyed. He growled and left the room angrily. He hated her daughter already. She attacked Demonia and yet she still protected her. Why?
Demonia could feel the energies inside her fighting and duanna rubbed her neck, stood up and then looked at Axoret "I need you to leave the room..." she didn't want anyone to see what she was about to do since it could possibly kill her.
Axoret shook his head and said "I will not leave Demonia's side because that ass might come back." He looked at her white hair for the first time and he seemed worried.
Duanna sighed and then shoved him out of the room and lock the door "I'm sorry..." Duanna walked over to Demonia and started to pull the pure energy out but it also pulled out some darkness, it hurt Duanna but it was all she knew to get the light energy out of her mother. Demonia tried to get Duanna to stop but the energies had caused her to become weak. Duanna could feel as some darkness started to hit her heart but she wasn't going to stop till she knew every bit of pure energy was out.

Sephrith passed Lucifer "Its been a while since you have shown your ugly face around."
Uriel smirked and said "just woke up from my slumber." He chuckled. He leaned against the wall. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Hell?" He looked at him curiously.
"I followed Lady Duanna here, I am her teacher after all and I can't just leave her unattended but I really haven't be able to stay close to her since she fell in love with Michael..." Sephrith sighed "So I take it you aren't to pleased about Demonia having found love again. She gets hurt every time but we asked him a few things and we think he's an okay guy."
"I'm not OK with it. I go to sleep for a thousand years and when I come back to her, she's fooling around with some other guy who's a dark elf." He rolled his eyes at the ridiculousness of that. "He doesn't seem like a good guy. He seems like an ass."
Sephrith laughed "We thought he would be good to darken her heart but it seems like things didn't happen the way I wanted them too...Duanna and Demonia was forced into their engagements while they were suppose to be under my watch..." he sighed "Duanna can no longer enter heaven since she grew her wings, hate to admit it but I always kept some darkness in her so that she could be in hell. I use to look at Demonia the way you do and I saw Duanna as my daughter since I raised her but I was once human so I knew I could never complete their family."
"Forced?" He raised his eyebrow. "And Duanna chose an angel who can't fight back?" He started to laugh hysterically. "And Demonia chose a dark elf?" He laughed even harder. He then said after calming down "yeah... alright."
"Demonia was about to be beheaded that didn't bother her, we would have laughed because it would have brought war to them but Nova ran up next to Demonia andshe couldn't let him die with her. Axoret gave her a way out and she took it to save Nova's life then a few days passed and Azriel was taken by Michael, Nasir was in the dungeon and he grabbed Duanna by the neck, Michael banished him to Hell and told Duanna she would be his queen, she could have said no but it was along the lines of if someone saves a royal member of hell and they ask for something then they have to give what was asked for in this case it was their hand in marriage...." Sephrith sighed and Demonia walked up looking much better "So what if we were wrapped into loving men that you don't see as being worthy of our power. Does it really upset you that much Lucy dear?" it was a nickname that she gave to Lucifer when they first met, she was younger and couldn't really say Lucifer yet so she called him Lucy. Sephrith held back his laughter.
Lucifer touched her cheek and said "I've watched this king Axoret because he was a terrible person. He killed people for no apparent reason. He was almost as bad as me. Then he softened... Just. Like. You." He looked sad and something else. It was almost like... Loneliness. He then turned his back on her. "I want my throne back."
Demonia glared at him "No! You think you can take my kingdom from me! first off my family was set up their any soul that enters into hell goes by my kingdom first meaning I claim who I want and when I want them! Burn in the fire that listen to me and be ate by the dragons who follow me! Hell is my kingdom and always will be! You can try to make it a pile of ashes for all I care but as long as hell chooses me to come back from death will not give up MY throne! Before people even knew who you were in ancient times they knew my name and my fathers name they named us rulers of the underworld, they called my father Hades and my mother Persephone, others would call my father Loki and I his daughter Hel. Dating back to the pharaohs we had names and to times before that! You will not take that away from us! You have been in the shadows for much too long and you have become nothing but a myth. I am the true ruler of what you once were, you can cause pain and sorrow all you want but when people die they will be sent to just as they always have, you did nothing by cause fear and watched as darkness kept into hearts, not by your doing but mine! Lucifer I suggest you crawl into the hole that you came from in the pits of Hell and stay there or you will remember why I was crowned queen by my own hands."

Duanna was laying on the ground from the energy she had used and the darkness she absorbed, she heard her mother yelling but couldn't even move, she heard her heart slowing down but for some reason as much as she had to live for she didn't seem to care.
Lucifer said "I am no coward. I have stayed in the shadows for so long because I wanted to be known as a myth but Hell may be in danger and your no leader when it comes to fighting the angels. Michael's mother came to see me and she's beginning the war between us. This world will be destroyed before you know it." He walked off.
Demonia had dreams of the war and she reached out and grabbed his hand "Why do you think I changed..." She sighed and saw the the war she had wanted to avoid for so long was going to happen "Let me just have some moments of happiness and I will be the queen that I once was...but I guess that's the thing with hell.....we weren't meant to have happy ends like people on earth can have." she kissed him on the cheek "I'm sorry if I have hurt you or let you down in being a ruler but its how the cards were laid out before me and I just played with the hand I had." she didn't want to tell him of how many rulers of heaven she had struck down in the past. Then times when he and her children slept so that she could fight wars with hurting her kids, it was those times that she had wished he had been there to fight along side her. "Just so you know my Duanna is dying but I didn't help her because I wanted to see you." she let his hand go and wondered what he would do.

Duanna smiled as her vision started to fade and a light started to flow around her.
He kissed her gently and said softly "go... You should save your daughter." He disappeared leaving some black feathers behind. He appeared in Hell's palace and said "this is my home... This is where I lived after I've lost everything." He went to his old bedroom, now Demonia's, and he laid on the bed slowly falling asleep. He clenched hold of the blankets as tears ran down his face. It was like he was a child again. He was so scared and alone.
Nova walked into the room, he was rubbing his eyes from being tired and was looking for his mother and when he saw Lucifer " I in the wrong room?"

Demonia picked up the feathers and placed them in her hair, his feathers where the reasons she chose ravens as her servants she walked to her room and saw Duanna on the ground but wasn't sure about what to do, she knelt down beside her "I wish I knew what to do..." she ran her fingers through Duanna's hair "It's alright mom, I'll be fine." her voice was just a whisper. Demonia picked her up and carried her to where Michael was, she laid her on the bed next to him and Sephrith walked in and looked over Duanna "I could purify her but even then with how much darkness has collected in her heart she could die from the purification process." he said just trying to speak loud enough for Demonia to hear.

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