Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"I'm hungry and even now the only blood that has ever satisfied me is yours....can I taste it again?" Demonia was being honest in wanting to taste his blood, she always thirst for it since the first time she tasted it.

(If I get too dark or go overboard in any manner let me know, currently my dog is still on IV so I'm a little distant and Demonia might get a little dark because of it.)
(Nothings too dark for me)

Lucifer seemed surprised but approached her and then,kissed her in acceptance. He would let her feed on him just this once. To be honest, he actually liked it when she fes on him. It felt good to him.
Demonia smiled and gave him a slight kiss back and the bit into his neck, she smiled as the warmth filled her, after a few minutes she pulled away smiling "If you hadn't of made me wait for so long I would have been with you also sorry for any thing you might have seen or felt while I fed." she had opened herself enough that he would have felt any memory she was thinking of. She had thought about the times she visited him where he slept and the times she would cry wondering when he would wake up, she also thought about when she met Nasir and how he made her feel during their time together and then when she was made to leave his side and she did the same with Lilith's father, she thought of how empty she had felt from the time of Lilith's father to the point of Axoret, it was a feeling that could not be filled with anything. Even with her family she still felt alone and unwanted, she had some many nights where she would cry herself to sleep and even now, even though she has Axoret their is still an emptiness, a void inside her that she always feels. She wanted Lucifer to feel all of it, maybe even see some of it and hope he would understand that she knows of his pain. She started to walk away as blood started to stream down her face, it was a sign that some part of her was dying, another feeling that she was cutting off.
"I'm sorry. I've been selfish and will remain selfish until I get what I've desired for thousands of years. When I dreamed, I dreamed of a better world full of death and destruction and a voice told me I had to destroy the human world and the heavens before I go to sleep again." He raised his hand and thousands of demons started to come out of the shadows. He pointed toward the barrier and watched it disintegrate. "I'm so sorry but this is what I was born to do and if you get in my way, I'll kill you." He watched the demons scurry out of Hell and into the human world. He disappeared and reappeared back at the castle. "Everything I've known..." He set some cloth on fire which quickly started to spread to the rest of the castle. He watched servants burning. He remember the last time he burned this,castle when humans were actually somewhat in Hell. He remembered their anguish faces. He started to laugh
"And its that voice that I fight every day...." Demonia sighed, she had always heard the same voice but she didn't want to be the down fall of man since it would ruin her kingdom, she shadow jumped to Azriel and in front of Axoret, her lips were still stained with Lucifer's blood, she hugged him.

Duanna sensed the demons "Lucifer has made his move....we need to find some way to set up a barrier around the kingdom..." Sephrith walked into the room and bowed "Allow me to be of assistance for you." he had a scroll in his hand that was glowing.
Axoret was looking out the window at the demons ripping his people to shreds. "Hell has been opened... Why did you let him?" He didn't look at her.

Michael growled as he slowly got up. "Its time for me to fight. I must leave." He left the room quickly. It seemed Azriel has always been over run. It was as if there were demons hiding in the shadows until Lucifers word.
"I tried to stop him...I'm sorry.....I guess I really am as weak as he says.....forgive me......" Demonia's tears of blood stained her dress and she sounded distant.

Sephrith followed him "My lord would you like me to set up a barrier around the kingdom? We can then deal with the ones inside and hope to save the villagers and then deal with the demons outside of the barrier."
axoret turned to look at her and wiped her tears. "No. Guess a war has finally started. Shall we fight?" A smirk played on his lips.

"Sounds good. There only low class demons. Not hard to kill. I'm actually surprised but its probably part of his plan. Knowing Lucifer, he has everything planned out." He chuckled. He let out a sigh and mumbled something about brother before walking off.
Sephrith sighed "Demonia told me of him only a few times but all she ever said was that wasn't that bad and he was misunderstood...anyways I will go setup the barrier." he bowed and ran off with the scroll.

"What more can we do besides fight..." she turned and started to leave the room "Seems our wedding will never happen....maybe the fates like to see me unhappy and miserable...."

The dragons that are loyal to demonia was biting and shredding every demon that tried to attack the kingdom.
Axoret wrapped his arms around him and said "after the war, lets ask Michael if he knows someone that can marry us." He kissed her cheek before one servant appeared before him.The servants left side of the body was burned badly. "The Hell palace is on fire. I don't think there's anything left of it. Lucifer... He burned himself with the palace. There was nothing left of his body. We could barely identify him."
Demonia didn't even blink when she saw the servant "He won't die that easy...he just wants us to think he is dead." she touched over the servants heart and pulled out their soul "But you on the other can die with the touch of my finger." she watched as they fell to the ground and she placed the soul in a glass ball that was hanging in leather straps at her side.

Sephrith quickly had the barrier up in a matter of minutes. the dragons stayed outside to help in the attack.
Axoret leaned against the wall but Michael approached them and told them "there are many dimensions. There isn't just Heaven, Hell and Earth. Lucifer has the power to go through any and all dimensions. Most demons can't do this because of the restrictions on other dimensions. If everyone had free reign, there will be constant chaos. There will be no peace." Axoret looked at him curiously and asked "how do you know this?" Michael didn't respond at first but then said "I'm his brother. I sent him to Hell. He obviously found a way to get out but I'm not too worried about that."
Demonia started laughing and then grabbed Michael by the throat "So you're the reason for my constant misery, the reason for my loneliness." her grip became tighter and her eyes went black "All the fights I have had to endure because of that man! The reason it took me so long to claim what was rightfully mine, I had to fight demons that considered him king when he is nothing more than a prisoner in my palace..." she dug her nails into his flesh "And to think I almost allowed you to marry my daughter! Maybe I'll put you into Hell next time I go and see if you feel any of the pain that I had while being there, I will keep a barrier around where darkness won't touch you but you will be away from my daughter and I will keep you locked away for a thousand years so that I might use you as an example that you don't cross Hell and you don't make her angry." Duanna was feeling better and went out to the hallway and saw what was going on "Mom let him go!" Demonia quickly released Michael but she still had a cold look on him.
Michael fell to his knees coughing. When he caught his breath, he yelled "do you think I don't regret my decision all those years ago? He's my brother and I love him but I had no choice in the matter! It was either him or me and he was actually corrupt. I was not. I'm not the reason for any of your suffering! He is because he's the one that caused it all. I don't make his decisions. He's a big boy, believe it or not. He can make his own decisions."
Duanna ran over to Michael to make sure he was okay. "Mom what the...." as she looked at her mom she sighed "Hell what did you do with my mom?" Demonia smiled "She was in pain so I locked her away to keep her safe." she smiled and Duanna sighed "You would be the last person I would want see in a time like this. Axoret meet Hell, she is one of the first female demons the have walked the early world and she only goes into the bodies of the royal family."
Michael chuckled as he slowly got up. "I've heard of you but I thought you were a legend to scare young children. Guess not." He chuckled, amused. Axoret glared at her and demanded "give me back Demonia!"
"Just like your brother being a myth." she smiled at Michael and than stole a kiss from him and then looked at Axoret and hugged him "Demonia will return when I want her too, until then you will have to deal with me and that will be once the demons have returned to hell, they listen to me more than Demonia. I am the ace card that she holds and the reason she fears nothing except losing her kids."
Michael looked away and said "speaking of my brother, I must find him." He walked off. Axoret looked at her and pushed her away. "Your not my Demonia and until she's returned, I'm not laying a finger on you."
Duanna followed Michael "Sorry about Hell....I didn't think my mom would become so vulnerable at a time like this...." she sighed "Can I help you look for your brother?"

Demonia looked at Axoret coldly "Then I'll just keep her locked away even longer if that's how you want to be." she started to walk off "I guess I'll see you around lover boy."

Sephrith was fighting the demons in the town with ease, he was really bored with it but knew someone had to keep the town safe.
Michael said "well... He's in this dimension because I can sense him. We have to catch him fast before he leaves."

Axoret growled and said "fine." He spun around and without thinking, he kissed her deeply.

Lucifer walked out of the shadows and asked "doing their dirty work?" The demons started to rub against him. "So obedient aren't they? Guess being a God has its advantages."
Sephrith smiled "Please you are nothing more than fake god. Only reason they follow you is because you allow them to get away with things such as this also," he watches as several demons try to flee from the area "Seems someone is here that is tougher than you, you must have really pushed Demonia into a world of sorrow for her to allow that beast to be released."

Duanna looked towards a window "Sephrith...I think your brother is near Sephrith. He's gotten really quite all of a sudden and that's not like him..." making it sound as if they have some sort of connection to one another.

Demonia smiled and sighed "Fine I will return her once I know Lucifer is gone, he hurts her too much so I really can't trust her to think logically as long as he's around, if he gets a hold of the right person she will turn on you to protect them. For all I know Lucifer might even use your life to make her turn on everyone."
Lucifer smirked and said "I don't let them get away with everything. I am still their master and they still must obey me." He chuckled as he lifted Sephiroth's chin. "plus, to get rid of me for good you have to kill my brother. Being a goody two shoes, he will have no problem with getting rid,of me."

Micjael smirked and said "then lets head there." He kissed her deeply before walking off.

Axoret grinned at him. "is there a way to kill the devil? I mean isn't killing him like destroying order."
Demonia shook her head "There was a time when things were peaceful and order was fine, Lucifer threw things out of order when he fell....and I wish I knew. Demonia didn't want to look because she thought he was her last chance for love before she found you and then he burnt down the castle, the library would have had the answer but the reversal spell will take weeks to make and then another week to get the needed energy then a day for the spell to be made and a day for rest...."

Duanna smiled and then led the way to where Sephrith is since she could feel his energy a little.

"So to kill you I have to kill Michael.....and Duanna's happiness...." Sephrith looked down and then looked back at Lucifer and stabbed into him trying to use enough force to get his sword to go through Lucifer and then push it into the ground to pin him there and then he would stab Michael "Looks like that's my only choice..."
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"Well Lucifer js considered the God of all evil. There is no good bone in his body. He's manipulative and lies about everything. He could have even lied about loving you... Well Demonia." He narrowed his eyes at her.

Michael followed her, silently. He didn't speak at all. He was afraid of what would happen.

Lucifer laid there. Hhe wouldn't stop him. He hated his brother but knew of their connection and needed someone stupid enough to break it.
"Demonia has thought about that many times....its the reason she hates him but loves him as much as she does....someone who would try to trick her she hates but she loves how they would try so hard to gain her trust through lies. Lets go find Lucifer."

Duanna looked at Sephrith then Lucifer, Sephrith looked at Duanna "Princess I am sorry for what I might do soon..." he then looked at Michael "Your brother told me something Michael and I want to know if its true...what would happen to your brother if you died?" Sephrith had killed a demon and taken their sword in case it was true.

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