Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Someone has upset hell." she used her wings that didn't seem to be bothered by the rain to shield herself until she was inside, the lesser demons were starting the 'melt' away "This isn't a normal's called Hell rain, pure acid for the most part and if we don't find out what happened soon then the castle may not stand for too long...your brother might have died or is alive and said the wrong thing to Hell..."
He finally went to Hell's palace and said "rebuilding? I burned it down for a reason." He touched Hell's cheek lightly and moved his hand down her arm, letting it graze it. His hand raised and in the human world, LL the demons stopped attacking. "I used to be full of love and happiness. I loved my brother but try having your own brother turn his back on you and lock you away in a prison to be forever tortured for all eternity. That was my punishment. They wanted me to suffer forever." He walked away. "The humans did this to me so therefore, I will kill them."

Michael sighed and said "Lucifer... He has never been good eitht he girls. He doesn't know what to say to them. He's a real ass to them,actually. But why do you think he said something?
"And you think you are the first to me banished to such a place? Lucifer do you know why Hell was made, it was made by Zafon for him and later on it would be for Demonia....before that time the prisons that use to be to house people like us was nothing more than pits in the ground and chains around our bodies...that happened to me...." she looked down at Demonia's hands "I was in a hole for so long that my body became stone, Lucifer you said you want to see my body, do you still want to see it?" she had her voice raised to make sure that he would hear her as he walked away. "Maybe then you'll see that your punishment is nothing compared to what the ancients did to an original evil and then as for being tortured for all eternity....I didn't know that love was have been welcomed into Hell since day one, you have never been put through the evils that others have and yet someone loves you and you are blind to it....and the humans did nothing to you, you did it to yourself."

"My mom use to say the darkest part of her is the side that loves Lucifer, her darkest side is Hell meaning Hell loves Lucifer. If he doesn't see that then it could upset her and cause this." Duanna looked around worried.
He looked at her with cold eyes as he said "the humans... They should have never existed. They were a mistake yet my lord doesn't see it. He constantly thinks that they were the best thing he's ever created but I see right through their lies and treachery. When I first came to the human world before I fell, I was disgusted. The humans that we were suppose to bow down to were weak minded, corrupt creatures. They were worst than any demon because my lesser demons have no mind of their own. Humans know exactly what they were doing. I figured that I should tell my lord that I refused to bow down to them but I infuriated him so he told my brother to send me to Hell to be forever tortured. Yes, I was found by your kind but they found me badly beaten. I was relieved of the torture but not only was I relieved, I technically wasn't aloud to live in the palace. I built my own home which is where I stayed." He looked away but then said "show me..."

Michael looked down a little. "I've heard of Hell but is it true that she's the mother of all evil?"
Duanna nodded her head "The people who created our worlds sealed her away, earth's soil is her prison and the royal family became the warden..." some of the rain started to let up to a drizzle.

Hell led the way to a deeper part of hell where it was cold and you could see your breath, there was hardly any light, she lit a candle and chains littered the ground and was all over the walls, in the center of the room she walked to a humanoid like fossil "This was once my body...the gods and goddesses of our world call me the original sin where to humans that what you are. I was able to pick at the minds of others and make them stray from their path. Who knows you might have been one of the unlucky ones that I decided to play with."
Lucifer touched the bones lightly. "I want vengeance on those that once betrayed me but..." A servant appeared before him and said "my lord, the demons have started to attack the humans again. I tried to control them but... Their demons. What can I do?" White angel wings appeared from his back. "Shall I fight the angels?" Lucifer smirked and said "kill them all. Don't leave any of them alive. As for the angels, only strike fear into them. They will know of my awakening." The soldier disappeared.

"Seems its lightening up." He saw an angel killing the demons as the demons seemed shocked. Michael seemed to recognize him and a flash of hatred flowed through jim but he quickly composed himself.
Duanna held his hand as she saw his anger "Dear I think its time we had a visit to hell....."

"Lucifer I want you to stop right now! Damn it I have had enough off all of this!" she looked at the body that was once hers "If you don't stop soon you will end up just like me and I don't want to see that happen...."
"What's it to you? Why do you care? He yelled back at her. "I will make them fear me." He clenched onto her arm. "I am no more a myth to scare little kids. I will kill anyone who stands in my way." He pushed her to the wall. He grabbed the wound that Michael gave him and he looked as if he was in pain but it soon subsided.

"The person or place?" Michael asked her curiously but also kind of kidding with her.
"I care because I....I worry about one who is my other half....." Hell looked down, she couldn't say the other word that she wanted so she tried to get as close as she could.

"Both...We have to get there to find her. She can put a stop to all of this...." Duanna was a little scared on well the barriers will work.
"Other half? What does Demonia have to do with this?" He growled and yelled "stop playing with me, girl! I'm in no mood for your games!"

"Alright. Sounds good. Maybe we can find Lucifer with her and put a stop to the whole end of the world thing. That would be nice."
"Damn it Lucifer! My heart tears when I think of you being hurt! Someone like me doesn't have feeling like these! How did you use to feel or still feel about Demonia! That's how I feel about you!" she was becoming annoyed

Duanna sighed "I wonder if there are any tunnels under this castle so that we can avoid the rain..."
Lucifer's eyes widened, finally putting the pieces together. "Why would you fall for me?" He touches her cheek and leaned into kiss her. "I love you yes but I... I won't kiss you until you have a body of your own and I won't rest until I find you a body of yours."

"There probably is. Every old castle usually has one in case there is an attack and they need to escape."
"Lucifer just stop...this is my punishment...and I have accepted it....just as you need to accept yours and stop all this war and madness..." Hell looked down and then at her body once more.

"If we knew where it was....we might just have to deal with the rain...." she looked a little scared as she thought about it.
Lucifer pulled away and said "that's total bs. I refuse to accept that." He walked away and said "I will not stop this war because like you, I have accepted my destiny as well. This war will continue under my orders. Try to stop me and I'll kill you a second time." He disappeared in darkness.

Michael sighed and said "I don't know. I'll start looking cause we could die out there." He walked off.

Meanwhile Exiriya and Xeliran were hiding in shelter. They were fighting but when it started raining, they took cover. Exiriya said to Xeliran "I have to find Semira and I'll find Nadia for you." Xeliran was worried of losing his brother and said "no lets wait." Exiriya wouldn't hear of it. He was worried about Semira. @Eyelessraven
Hell looked at her body and then sighed as she touched it and felt life inside "I never died....I just can't move." she held out her hand and an orb started to glow and many of the high class and lower class demons started to scream. "They will learn to not serve a false leader...." she looked at her body and it started to soften and become flesh again and she smiles as sh watches.

Duanna covered her ears to try to block out the sound from the demons.
Lucifer, in the human world, was fighting off the angels. The rain burned his skin but he didn't care. He wouldn't give up. He just wanted to die but because of his brother, he was trapped in this horrid world. If he was stuck here, he was going to make it count. He would fight until his last breath. He forced himself through the palace and easily fought off the servants. When he found Michael, he smirked. Michael spun around and stepped back in fear. Lucifer said "the name is Uriel..." before lunging his sword at Duanna but instead of hitting her, his sword went through Michael who protected her from the attack. Lucifer was shocked as he pulled the sword out. Michael fell in his arms and he held him close. "Brother... No. Why? Why would you protect her." He knew his sword was a demon sword and no angel could survive it but he still tried to heal him. Being a fallen, all his healing powers have been stripped from him but that didn't mean he couldn't try. Michael smiled and said "love makes you do,crazy things, brother." Lucifer's eyes widened as he held him closer than ever. "Please don't leave me. I'm sorry. His wings that were once black actually started to slowly turn white. For a fallen to regress to being an angel was unheard of. "This is all my fault... I was so blinded by my hate." Michael finally went limp. Lucifer looked at Duanna with a tear stained face. "I'm so sorry..."
Semira looked up. She had waited for Harrison but he never came for her. She looked up at the cold rain and let it soak her slowly as she began to cry.
Duanna looked horrifed "Why....I just found love....I had gained my wings because of him...." she ran away and locked herself in Leta's room. A lady appeared behind Lucifer "Seems you made a cute little princess very upset." the rain outside had stopped. "How nice of you, and you killed your brother. I bet you are happy about that." Demonia appeared next to Axoret.
"No. He's the only person that attempted to reach out to me in my time of need. But... I know he will come back in another hundred years. I might have killed his human form but not his spirit." He kneeled down beside him and brushed his fingers through his hair.

Exiriya used the stopped rain a time to look for Semira. When he found her crying, he pulled her into him. He kissed her forehead allowing her to cry her eyes out.

Axoret said "the king is dead..." He looked at her, fear in his eyes. He was scared of what Lucifer was capable of.
Demonia sighed "Hell has her body back...she has sworn not to do any wrong but I'm not sure...."

"So it seems that you are gaining some white in your wings, does that mean that you will no longer want me?" Hell smiled at him.
Semira gasped at his touch. She was freezing and wet. She cried in his neck and finally mumbled. " i thought you wouldn't come... no one came for me." She cried and pulled away from him. "No one cares, I'm just a stupid siren!"
"Hell?" He turned to look at her before leaning in to kiss her. A tear slipped down his cheek. "What is this?" He asked her. "Why am I feeling these thinsg"

Axoret smirked and said "she's an interesting little demon isn't she?" He laughed but then asked "how did she get her body back? I thought she lost it forever."

"I'm so sorry. I love you more than anyone in the world. I let my jealousy take over. Tomorrow, lets get married."
"Cause I don't want to lose you again. I love you and I regret walking away from you and everything I've said. I don't expect you to immediately forgive me just please... Don't leave me."
"Its called sadness, a feeling I feed off of since its a form of misery." she kissed his tear away and smiled.

"The elders are giving her a chance for Lucifer...and her body had became a fossil. If she acts up they won't hesitate to return her to that form." Demonia thought of how Duanna must be feeling "I need to go check on my daughter, this is the first time she has been in love so I don't know how she is handling all of this..."

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