Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Semira moved closer and finally hugged him tightly. "Then i expect you to do the same for me!" She said and kissed his lips
Lucifer looked at her and cleared his throat. "We don't speak of this." He walked off. ""Come on." Some demons followed him obediently and he laughed as one landed on his shoulder. The barrier between Hell and the human realm appeared once more. It was as if nothing happened.

Axoret nodded and said "I'll come with. She's my daughter too." He followed her.

Exiriya kisses her back. Xeliran came out of the trees. "Semira... I'm glad your Ok." He smiled a little.
Hell stayed next to him "So what now? What are your plans?"

Demonia tried to open the door and sighed "She locked the door..." duanna heard them "Leave me alone!" her voice cracked from the crying.
"To rebuild Hell..." He said simply. He shrugged a little before walking off. "Shall we go?" He asked.

Axoret picked the lock and opened the door. "Listen... He's probably not dead forever. I mean he is an angel so most likely, he's in the heavens right now."
"I thought you wanted to leave it in ruins and are you sure that you want to return to hell? Your wings are turning white." Hell smiled.

Duanna threw a pillow at them "I said leave me alone...even if he does return who knows how long that will take....I have to stay here, now that I have my wings I have to stay on earth for several was part of the deal....looks like you get your kingdom back...." Demonia looked at her worried "Duanna dear please calm down, if he is in the heavens I doubt he would want to be watching over you and seeing you so hurt and torn by what has happen."
"It may hurt but I'm a fallen. I won't turn into an angel again. They don't accept me there." He smirked and said "No. I will be a good leader."

Axoret walked over to her bed and kneeled down. "Listen, I know you loved him and it hurts but please... You have to understand that where he is, he's happy. You don't want him to be dragged down with you and have him suffer here. He loves you and someday, he will come to you again but mourning over him won't bring him back."
Hell sighed "Lucifer you will be a good temporary leader." she smiled "I still want Demonia as permanent leader."

"So if my mother died you wouldn't be crying and you would be acting calm, cool, and collected of yourself!?" Duanna glared at him as she asked "Just because I am suppose to answer to someone higher I shouldn't cry!? People mourn and its normal!"
Lucider ignored her for the most part as he went on ahead. He felt terrible after killing his brother but what's done is done."

"Of course I'd be upset but..." He bit his lip and said "fine..." He kissed her forehead before leaving the room. He was on his way to see Lucifer.
Duanna closed the door once more and sat on the bed and cried herself to sleep.

Hell placed her hand where the castle was and it was soon restored to its former self, it did not have a look of decay to it and it almost looked new "Glad to have this power back again...Demonia would have died like the first time she was alive if she had this power. Maybe in the next few thousand years I will help her with her hidden power."
Lucifer laughed but when he saw Axoret approach on his horse, he stood in front of Hwll. "Chill out. I've come for a favor." Lucifer was caught off guard but said "go on." Axoret said "I need you to summon Michaels spirit for Duannas sake."
Hell smiled "Sounds like fun. Why don't we help them Lucy dear? Duanna is a sweet girl and I think you owe it to her." she started to hug on Lucifer.
Semira shook her head. "That's the thing Xeliran. I'm not ok ,I'mjust ddealing with it." She muttered and stood walking into the water.
Exiriya frowned and said "I love everything about you. Even your siren side. Your amazing in every way. You can believe me or not.

Axoret held Demonia close. When they got back, Lucifer sat in the center of a room and started saying a spell with his eyes close. The area around him began to glow. After the spell was over, a spirit form of Michael appeared. His angel wings were spread open. "What am I doing here?"
Duanna smiled as she saw "Michael...?" she wasn't sure what was said to convince Lucifer to summon him but she was happy that they had done so.
Lucifer stood up and narrowed his eyes at Michael. "She wanted to see you." Michael leaned against the wall and said "look, Duanna. I'm sorry for leaving you but maybe this was meant to be. I mean I have to take over eventually. I have to take responsibility. I'm sorry." No one was able to touch him. He was like a hologram.
"I believe you. I just feel alone." Semira said and got deeper in the water before vanishing. "IIt's been so long since you'veswam with me Exiriya. Didn't you say you loved all of me? Harrison swam with me..." she muttered the last part so all he heard was Harrison.
Exiriya stripped down to just his boxers before diving in. He came up in front of her and he started to kiss her, feeling her all over.

"Of course I will. Your the love of my life. When the time comes, you will see me again." He leaned int o kiss her but as soon as his lips touched her, he disappeared.
Duanna smiled "Lucifer thank you for doing that, I know you possibly didn't want to but thank you anyways." she walked over to him and hugged him and Demonia giggled a little and Hell rolled her eyes then looked at Demonia "So when are you and Axoret getting married?"
Lucifer nodded slightly but then looked at Axoret who said "I don't know. I can talk to the council and see what they think." He smiled a little.
Semira gasped but soon kissed him back. "What's gotten into you? Have i made you jealous? " she asked and moved his kisses down to her neck. "I can feel your hands on my scales... why would you want to touch my tail? It's hideous. .."
Duanna stopped hugging him then went back to check on Leta, Demonia sighed and smiled at Axoret "So looks like you are the king again." Hell looked at Lucifer "Lets go back to hell before these two gag me with their love, goodness I can feel it in the air."

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