Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Ah~! Please don't... don't do that! Don't tease me like that! " She moaned and pulled away from him. "You can do this now... not unless you're a mermaid too."
Axoret nodded and said "yes but is Duanna older than Xeliran? I want to ask the counsel if she can become the crowned princess." He smiles slightly.

Lucifer laughed and held Hell close to her before he went to Hell. He loved her a lot and was very protective.

He smiled and said "well later, your all mine." He kissed her roughly. "Your lips are so tender. I love it."
"Dad I don't that, I will be too busy doing other things also I would think that would upset him. If I can be put onto the council that would make me very happy." Duanna never wanted to rule any place and she still felt the same way even now and Demonia looked shocked "You would allow an angel to be next in line for the throne?"

Hell sighed and sat down "This is too much power at one time..." her veins moved as if something was in them.
Semira shook her head. "I can turn you! I mean into a mermaid!" She blurted but covered her mouth soon after. "I mean uh.... "
"Yeah. Maybe Michael has gotten to me but he was a good leader. I hate to admit it but he was a better leader than I will ever be. I won't die anytime soon but you never know. Just to be careful."

"Are you Ok?" He asked her keeping her steady. He looked worried. 
Exiriyas eyes widened but then they softened and he said "I love you so much but... I mean- OK."
Hell nodded "Its just been since before the existence of hell that I have had to control my powers. I have had to deal with Demonia's limit of power."

Duanna sighed "I once told him that he was as bad as you...that was when he was becoming a fallen...."
Lucifer nodded sadly and sais "I wish I could help you. I really do." He kissed her deeply.

"Yeah and that's why he's a better king. He's stronger than I could ever be. He didn't fall now did he?" He smiled slightly.
Demonia smiled "I think he might have if he didn't have Duanna there." Duanna looked at Axoret "So do you thin I could get on the council?"

"you being here is good enough." she smiled
Axoret nodded but when Duanna asked to be on the counsel, his eyes widened. "Well we've never had any females on the counsel before but that doesn't mean we can't change. And we do have an opening. Come. Lets head to their corridors."

He kissed her deeply, holding her close to him. He leaned her against the wall.
Semira melted in his arms. "But, it'dbe my first time doing so.... i don't know how it will be like." She said in a shakey voice as she trembled under him. "But Exiriya growl again, just for me..." she moaned softly in his ear.
"Always Exiriya. " she whispered to him and lifted his head. She tilted his head up and put some liquid in her mouth before kissing him. She forced him to drink it and suddenly pushed him down letting the water fill his lungs. She had a calm look in her eyes as she held him down. Soon he drowned but the liquid in his system gave him a very painful shock as scales began to force themselves on his legs soon giving him a tail. (You can pick the color and such)
"Do you think they would be bothered by me?" Duanna sat down as the room started to spin and demonia watched "Are you ok?" duanna looked at them both "Can I be alone for a moment?"

She kissed him back "Can you help me to my room?" she told him where it was.
Exiriua was shocked as he struggled a lttle but calmed down when his beautiful green tail took its complete form. He then started to laugh and he kissed her deeply.

Axoret said "I'll get the counsel. Demonia is stay with her." He was worried by the sudden change. He ran off.

"Yeah of course." He guided her to her room following the directions with ease
Semira was freaked. At first she thought he died but smiled as he kissed her. She moved away and layed her shiny black tail over his green. "I like yours better..." she said and looked up at him.
Demonia walked over and as any mother does when their child isn't well she touched her forehead and sighed "Worried over a slight fever. Lets get you out of your dress and into a light sleep gown" duanna shook her head "I have things to do before I can rest..."

Her room was next to Demonia's, seeming to be a new addition to the castle, she kissed him and pulled him down on her bed.
Exiriya smiled and said "yours is stilly beautiful." He kissed her nose before going back above the water. He felt reborn. It was strange.

When Axoret walked through a room, a man looked up. He was stunningly attractive. "Duanna isn't feeling good and I figured I'd let you check on her. Oh and she wants to become a counsel member." He started walking out but the door slammed shut. "What do you mean she wants to become a counsel member? A female counsel members is unheaerd of. Let me see her." Axoret nodded slowly as he led him to Duannas room.

"Oh~" He kissed her back and tore her clothes off piece by piece. He was a mix between rough and gentle. Afterwards, he laid beside her.
Duanna was looking through some papers and Demonia was leaning against a wall looking annoyed that her daughter wouldn't rest.

Hell smiled and cuddled up to him "that was the best thing I have ever felt."
Axoret walked into the room with the man. "Shouldn't you rest?" The man that stood beside Axoret was a boy no older than 16. He had blond hair and hazel eyes. He was very attractive in every way, shape, and form. "So your the girl Axoret was talking about. I'm the head of the counsel." 
"Im glad you enjoyed it." Lucifer gently ran his fingers against her skin.
Semira joined him and kissed his lips. "It's only temporary. " she said and came up behind him. She began to rub his chest and kiss his back.
Duanna turned to face him and smiled "I am Duanna Dragonfly, daughter to Demonia of Hell. It's nice to meet you." she curtsied to him and then look at Axoret "And I will rest once I have finished my work that I was suppose to do while Michael was king. Work comes before rest." Demonia sighed "I think it should be the other way around when it involves your health...."

She shivered under his touch "Stop that...."
"What's temporary?" He looked at her curiously but then went to kissing her neck.

The boy came up from behind her and put a knife to her throat. "Work? Come lets play. I'm in the mood for a new toy." Axoret didn't seem to react much to this.

Lucifer laughed and asked "why? Seeing your reaction is so much more fun!"
Duanna looked annoyed "I think not. I'm already taken." she drew out her sword "You better take you knife away since I am in no mood. I might be sick right now but it doesn't mean I won't fight you to make sure you don't lay a hand on me." her sword started to glow.

"My body is sensitive after all of that...not sure why....." she blushed.

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