Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"If you want to be a counsel member you must be willing to fight at all times. You never know when someone might attack our king. You failed." Axoret bit his lip and said "I'm sorry about her. She didn't know you were testing her. Give her another chance." The boys eyes narrowed as he watched Axoret plead. "Have her meet me in the training room later tonight." He walked off. Axoret sighed.

Lucifer asked "was I that good?" He laughed.
Semira trembled again and leaned up into him. "Your tail... mmm Exiriya, I've crave for your body against mine for so long!"
"Sorry...I need to get in the mind set that this is Earth and not Heaven, we were taught that warnings are given first then you fight." she put her sword away. "Not only that but it wasn't the life of either of you two so I saw no it would have been a different story if he was behind you or mother but he went after me. Sorry that you had to ask for me to have another chance. It was my fault and if I failed the first whats to say I won't fail the second." Duanna sighed and then sat at her desk to continue with work and Demonia looked worried.

"I have never been with anyone before so it seems you have my heart, body and soul and all of them felt your touch." she smiled
"Your body feels so nice against mine." He wrapped her tail around her." He kissed her passionately.

Axoret sighed and said "he's a puppet master. He likes toys. He's been apart of the counsel since my grandfather created this kingdom. He was close friends with him. Its just a test to see what your capable of."

"You were a virgin?" He asked. He seemed surprised. "That's cute." He chuckled.
"I'll try to do better next time..." Duanna was going over things she had learned in the past before she was a part of Heaven's council, Demonia watched her "Maybe you should get some rest until you need to go for your second test." Demonia was hoping she would. "If I rest I won't be awake enough or I may not wake up in time to go for my second test."

She hit under the covers and blushed.
"Your next test is at midnight. No later no earlier. He is very strict about this." He chuckled a bit. "He may be intimidating but he's the best there is."

"Aw~ Why do you hide?" He ripped the covers off her.
"I understand. Thank you." she didn't look at them once while she focused on her work and Demonia sighed "I guess we'll leave you alone..."

her face was very red "Stop...." she covered her face so that he couldn't see how red it was, she then moved out of the bed and put a robe on "We...we shouldn't lay in bed for too long, there is much work to be done." trying to think about something other than what had just happened.
Axoret nodded and left. "I'm going to be with the counsel members until the trial begins." He bowed before walking away.

Lucifer laughed and laid their for a bit before he decided to get up and take a shower. He didn't seem to care that he was walking around naked.
(I'll be back later...there's a possibility that we are getting my dog put down soon...) 
Demonia went to her room in the castle.

Duanna fell asleep at her desk working on paper work.

Sephrith wondered the hallways of the castle.
A little before midnight, Axoret walked into the room and shook her a little. "Come on. We have to go. Don't want to keep him waiting." He smiled a little.
She woke up and sighed "Thanks...I didn't mean to fall asleep..." she saw Leta was with the nurse being fed and she walked out of the room towards the training room, for one reason or another her wings had gained a dark tint to them.
The boy was sitting cross legged in the middle of the training room with puppets all around the room. He looked up when he saw her approach. He pointed at her an a puppet went over to her and greeted her. He seemed to be controlling all of its movements.
Duanna bowed in greeting but said nothing, she had a cold personality to her but it wasn't a stuck up type of coldness. Sephrith walked into the room getting the feeling that Duanna had change in some manner so he went to find her.

Hell finished what she needed to do to restore the kingdom to its former self.
The puppet nodded before flipping her. "You will aim to kill me and if you don't, then you lose." Axoret walked in. "You will have a small audience as well." The other six guardians walked out of a room and sat down. They stayed together.

Lucifer made sure that the people were all properly fed before he went to the prison. He looked at all the suffering prisoners.
Hell followed him "You say that Demonia was doing a bad job but when I look at these starving prisoners I see that she was perfect for the job."

Duanna landed on her feet as she was flipped and quickly pulled out her sword slashing at the puppet, aiming to cut it in half starting at the head and then work her way down, then she would make her way towards him, she had the look of a killer in her eyes.
Lucifer kneeled down in front of a cell and stared darkly at a young boy. When the boy spit in his face, he growled angrily. "Kill him..." He went to the next prisoner

When she ran at him, he didn't even flinch. He slowly stood, seeing all of her moves in slow motion. He started to dodge as he easily started to move the rest of his puppets in to attack.

Exiriya held her close as he had sex with her. Afterwards, he smiled and said "Its been a while since we enjoyed a night like that.
Semira didn't speak. She simply rested in his arms as she breathed softly. "why were you jealous of Harrison? " she asked and looked up at him.
"Because you constantly went running to him despite how much I don't agree with his methods. He was starting a war for something really stupid and I just hate him. Yeah I was happy for a war to start but also, it meant leaving you and I didn't want to get involved if there was no point. Plus, he could be there for you more than I could ever. I love you so much but being a prince and the leader of the royal army, I can't be there constantly. I do have work to do."
"Exiriya, yes he was there for me but... even when you did find out you didn't fight for me." She lookedaway and sighed. "Things like that is what'll push me away. I know you job, but you shouldn't only fight for the royal palace. "
"Well if my father dies, then it will be my fault and everybody will hate me. Plus Xeliran will rule. If you die, I will hate myself and blame myself for it. There's a difference." He intertwined his fingers with hers. "I love you but you must understand the sacrifices I've made for you."
"Is it true? What you said about getting married tomorrow? " She asked and looked into his eyes. "Is it because of Harrison? Is that why you pushed it? " She asked and pulled her hands away from him.
"Its true but no. It has nothing to do with Harrison. I pushed it because... well I'm impatient." He grinned at her, childishly.
Semira smiled. "You act like a child sometimes Exiriya, but are you ready to have one?" She asked and suddenly swam away as if teasing him.
"I think I'm ready. I'm good with kids... sort of. I mean there was that one time-" He seemed to be joking on that last part.

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