Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Axoret when are you planning the wedding?" Axoret thought about it and replied "as soon as possible. Exiriya is also getting married and knowing him he wants it done sonner than soon."

Lucifer nodded and replied "yeah of course."
"Wait... She's pregnant?" He seemed surprised by this fact. "I never would have guessed."

Erik nodded and bowed to his king. "Yes of course. I will plan it for this weekend."
Hell giggled "Well I just hope she has the life she wants for once."

Demonia's face was getting red from blushing, Duanna smiled "Is there anyway that I can help in all of this?"
Hell smiled and then yawned "Seems its been a long day, you can do as you wish, I am going to go rest."

Duanna followed happily.

Demonia heard a howling noise "That sounded like Nova..."
"Yeah. I might go to Azriel to check up on everyone." He walked off.

"So... I was thinking of starting the training after all the chaos has died down." He walked beside her but didn't look at her once.

"Lets go check on him! He could be in danger..."
Hell went to her room after kissing Lucifer good night.

"Alright." Duanna didn't look at him either "I was once the star warrior of hell after my mom but my mother started to wonder off and I started to do her paperwork. I suppose it made me forget how to keep myself closed from attacks. Also I would like to say that if one day you don't see me as a worthy council member I don't want you to hesitate in telling me I need to leave though I don't think you would hesitate." she giggled a little.

Nova was hiding from Sephrith who was going a little too strong in their training that day and Demonia saw blood on Sephrith's sword and a trail of blood leading into a barrel where Nova was hiding and Demonia ran over then picked Nova up who was shaking from fear and had cuts all over him "Sephrith you have gone to far this time!"
"I won't hesitate on kicking you out after examining you during training. I will be training you after all." He walked into his room and took out his laptop. "Type up the invitations. I have some paper work to do."

Axoret unsheathed his sword and put it at Sephiroths throat. "Give me a reason not to kill you. No one dares lay a finger on my son." He wad growling angrily. Lucifer was watching from the behind a tree.
Duanna smiled and clapped silently, if there was one thing she liked it was paperwork and invitations and she got to work immediately.

"I am making sure that he doesn't become weak like Duanna." Sephrith put his sword away and Demonia glared at him "By killing him!?" Nova had gone into his dog form and curled up into a ball in her arms, licking his wounds "Have him locked away...attempted murder on the crown prince of Hell."
"I'll have the counsel give him a trial. It should give Duanna some practice." He hand cuffed Sephiroth and dragged him back to the palace.

"You seem way too excited for that." A servent hurried in and immediately bowed. "My lord... We will need to set up for a trial soon. Lord Sephiroth attempted murder on the crowned prince of Hell." His eyebrow raised and he said "very well. You are dismissed." He didn't make a move to prepare for the trial. He continued what he was doing
Sephrith struggled but quickly became paralyzed when demonia activated his curse mark, she then looked at Nova "Lets get your wounds wrapped up." nova nodded.

Duanna looked up "What needs to be done to prepare for the trial?" she didn't seem to care that it was Sephrith that was being put on trial.
Semira smiled and kissed Exiriya passionately. "I told you that you'd be a good father." She said softly and hugged him.
Axoret said "don't make this worst for yourself." A servant came over and said "Prince Xeliran... He's in critical condition. He was attacked." Axoret demanded "was anyone with him? Do you know who did it?" The servant shook his head and Axoret told him "take him to the palace." He dragged Sephiroth off and hissed in his ear "if I find out you had something to do with him as well, I will make sure they sentence you to death."

Meanwhile, Lucifer was walking through the forest covered in blood. He couldn't believe he attacked Xeliran but he was trying to kill him and he had no choice. He couldn't go back to Hell right now.

"Work on that for right now. We need to wait for the other members. We don't do much to prepare for trials. "We also need to wait for the prisoner to get here." 
Exiriya grinned and said "lets head back to the palace. Father might need me but I wouldnt know cause Im so far away from the palace." He chuckled.
Semira pulled him into another kiss. "Don't tempt me to kidnap you. I will." She quickly slid behind him and tied his hands together.
Exiriya smiled as he spun around to kiss her. "Tying my hands togerther? What are you planning now?" He winked at her but when he heard something, he spun around hissing in anger for being disturbed. Lucifer walked out of the bushes covered in blood.
Lucifer looked at her and replied "yeah. Its not mine." He looked at the two of them curiously and asked "what are you two doing out here? I didn't know anyone lived out here."
Semira shook her head. "Well... I live wherever the water is... He lives in the palace." She smiled and looked at Exiriya before grabbing his hand. "I was just about to kidnap him before you came... wanna help?" She teased playfully and smiled wider.
"The palace? Your Axorets son aren't you?" Exiriya nodded slowly and Lucifer smirked. "The name is Uriel. I'm a friend of your father and step mom." He bowed.
Semira looked at Exiriya and sighed. "Back to business i guess?" She muttered and pulled away from him. Semira groaned slightly and fell to the ground. "Get out of my head!" She cried in agony as she began to hear that voice. It was Eris, she was back. Suddenly Semirasat up in a daze. "Exiriya. " she whispered looking down. "I... I have to kill you now... She said i have to..."
Exiriya spun around and Lucifer unsheathed his sword, pointing it at her. His eyes turned blood red. Exiriya stepped away, not wanting to hurt her.
Semira glared at Lucifer and hissed. " you have no part in this! " She growled and backed away. Eris steeped out from the trees and smirked stroking samiras hair. "Oh Exiriya, remember me? The blood witch you never failed to tease? Well now look who's teasing who? I have Semira here under my controlnow and you ccan't hurt her. After all she is carrying your child."
"Eris! I should have known!" Lucifer growled angrily and the trees around them started to burn. Exiriya looked around them. He turned to look at Lucifer before his eyes widened. He stepped back in fear. He turned to face Eris. "Semira! Snap out of it! This isn't you!" He kept his eyes on Eris. Lucifer smirked, stabbing Exiriya through the stomach. He was angry that Exiriya recognized him but thought maybe by stabbing Exiriya, Semira will snap out of it without feeling the guilt of killing him. Exiriya said pained "h-he's the one that killed our king!"
Eris growled sharply. "No fair! I wanted to kill him! Semira! " she demanded and with a slight nod of understanding Semira attacked Lucifer. Her claws ripped into his back and tore off the skin before she let a powerful screech.

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