Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Demonia had finished wrapping Nova's wounds and sighed, she had never seen Sephrith so angry then again he had lived so many years past his life she wondered if his immortality wasn't affecting him in some way.

Duanna went back to what she was doing.

Hell had woke up to find Lucifer had not returned home yet so after getting dressed she headed to Azriel and used her powers to appear in front of Demonia who screamed a little since she wasn't expecting a visit from anyone and then calmed down when she saw it was Hell "You really shouldn't sneak up on people like that..." Hell giggled a little "And you shouldn't leave yourself open anyways have you seen Lucifer?" Demonia shook her head "not since you left with him." Nova had fallen asleep on his mothers lap.
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When Axoret dragged Sephiroth through the front door, he was greeted by the counsel, all but Erik and Duanna. One of the men said "come with us to the trial room. Lord Erik and Princess Duanna will be there shortly." Axoret roughly dragged Sephiroth with him to the trial room and sat him down at the table. One of the members left while the rest sat down in their designated seats. He walked into Eriks room and said "the prisoner is situated." Erik nodded and stood up. "Come on."
Duanna nodded and followed, when she came into the room she didn't even look at Sephrith who was now cursing himself for letting his anger get the better of him, he had felt bad for doing what he did to Nova.
Semira yelped in pain and staggered back. She looked over at Exiriya and crawled over to him. "Exiriya?" She asked and suddenly bit a nice chunk out of his arm.
Lord Erik growled as he looked at Sephiroth. "You stand accused for attacking the crowned prince of Hell. What is your defense?" Axoret stepped forward supporting Xeliran who was badly wounded. Axoret helped him sit down. He said "he was found badly beaten. He says Sephiroth didn't do it but he refuses to tell who did it."

Exiriya winced in pain. Lucifer said "I killed your king so what makes you think I'm afraid to kill any of you?"
Eris laughed. "Well i'm not afraid to die. So it doesn't matter to me." Tasting Exiriya's blood made her sick. Being a vegetarian it quickly snapped her back to normal. "Oh my- I'm sorry Exiriya! "
Exiriya smiled softly and touched her cheek before falling unconscious from blood loss and shock. Lucifer growled as he pointed his sword at Eris. "Fine then I'll just kill you."
"If I have any its my anger...I became upset by the fact I could no longer watch after Duanna or train her. I have been doing so since the time that she could walk...and then I saw how much she had forgotten when she when she was trying to prove her worth. I am guilty of anger and not thinking straight but I am not guilty for attempted murder...I would never kill those that I wish to protect...what would I have to gain, with a snap of Demonia's finger she could take my immortality away and I would turn into dust." Sephrith looked at Duanna and sighed when he noticed she had her eyes closed to listen better and not let her eyes get the better of her judgement.
Eris laughed again. "Semira come dear we must leave. Lucifer, why don't you be a dear and tell Exiriya he can have her back once i get that baby." With a cut of her hand they were gone.
"Duanna... is he telling the truth?" He assumed that Sephiroth wouldn't lie to them but he could never be sure and since Duanna grew up with him, she could probably tell if he was lying.

Lucifer smirked a little and picked up Exiriya, carrying him out back to the palace.
"He raised me and protected me, he is my teacher in everything I know and my mother has always had control of his life. Once a mortal man that was gifted with immortality after fighting my mother and winning. Its possible seeing my fighting skill were not what they once were it made him angry that I had forgotten so much that he had taught me so he might have fear my brother could be the same so he tried to go and train him but took it to far. This is honestly the first time I have know him to do something like this, I can smell the blood on his sword from my brother...I have never known him to go that far in training my him..." Duanna sighed wondering what caused Sephrith to snap.
Erik nodded and said "being as this is a first offense, you will be in jail for..." He glanced at what seemed to be his second command. They said "five years," before getting his stuff and leaving the room in annoyance. "Duanna... go back to my room and finish the invitations and paperwork for the wedding since you seem to love it so much." He grabbed his stuff and handed it to her. He went to Sephiroth's side and dragged him off.
Duanna did so without any objections to Sephrith's sentence and Sephrith sighed "Seems like she has no mind of her own....will I be able to attend Demonia's wedding? That is the only thing I ask, is that I am able to see her be married and smile in joy for her new life." Sephrith was looking down as he asked this.
"Yes but a guard must be with you at all times and you are not aloud anywhere near the family." He pushed him down some stairs and finally locked him in a cell. "They will be married by Saturday but I suggest you make yourself comfy."
Prodosía looked at Sephrith "Oh my and look how far the mighty has fallen." she laughed and then look at Erik "Hey can I get a cover or food or something? Duanna brought me down here and I feel like I have been forgotten since then."
"And whats your crime?" Erik asked her curiously. He stood outside of her cell. "Prisoners shouldn't be prisoners unless the counsel decides it and I doubt Duanna was part of the counsel when she threw you in here."
"I killed a family and then tried to take Duanna as a hostage but she used some magic to bind my hands together. This was all during the rule of Micheal though I hear he dead now so I be released." Prodosía smiled and sephrith looked at her "Just so you know she is also a member of the rebel army who wishes Demonia to be overthrown and turned into a slave."
Erik nodded and replied "yes Michael is dead but Axoret, our true king, is still alive and you still have to deal with us." He walked off and told her "your trial will be soon but most likely they will want you executed.
Prodosía mumbled something then spat in Erik's direction but not on him.

Duanna had finished her work on the invitations but before she did anything more she would let Erik look over it all.

Hell vanished out of Demonia's room who she had left in some form of shock and she then appeared before Lucifer.
Erik walked into his room and he asked "you done?" He read over it and smiled in satisfaction. "Its really good. Thank you so much. Is all my paper work done as well?"

Lucifer said "hey..." he pushed past her as he continued down the hallway and into Exiriya's room. He let a servant look after him before he went over to Hell. "I might have almost killed both of the king's sons."
"Yes, I believe I did it all correct. I use to do my mother's paper work so it things like this I have become quick and efficient in it all." Duanna smiled.

"Should I heal them and what exactly did you do." she sighed wondering what kind of mess Lucifer got himself in this time.
Erik pat her head smiling in appraisal. "I'm glad I said yes. Your turning into quite the useful one. The room beside mine is empty. You can stay in there. I can help you shop for some things for your room tomorrow as a welcome present."

Lucifer explained "well Xeliran is with his father right now and Exiriya is in there. Xeliran attacked me so I subdued him but I think I went to hard on him because before I knew it, he was bleeding out so I ran. Exiriya recognized me so I stabbed him to quiet him."
"You return home. I will see what I can do to help make all this be forgotten." Hell smiled and kissed him. "I'll heal the one the best I can and then see if I can get to the other."

"Axoret was going to see if I be the crowned heir i think if he found out I was older but I didn't want a throne so that's why I asked if I could be on the council and I can just have my mother bring my things over from my room in Hell. I like to be as little of a burden as possible, being trained again in fighting makes me feel like a burden already." Duanna sighed "And are you sure you want me next door, I am taking care of an infant who does wake up in the middle of the night crying."
"Axoret doesn't know... yet. Oh and the bite marks on Exiriya aren't mine. They were his girlfriend's. Tell him that this girl said that he will get Semira back when their child is born."

"I have two children! Trust me, it doesn't bother. Your no burden but if that's what you want, then I don't mind." He laid on his bed and said "you are dismissed. Best get comfortable because these rooms are nothing compared to the royal bedrooms." These rooms, a lot like the servant rooms, were very small, plain rooms.

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