Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Semira was surprised by the sudden strike and fell to the ground. "You hit me. I may not be your Semira, but with the mark on her face it won't be long before she agrees with me. What if i fell on my stomach? You could've killed your only child. What kind of father would you be then? Oh, that's right, you wouldn't be one. You'd be a murder. "
Erik smiled a little. "I'm glad that you will continue." He touched her hand and said "never stop drawing. I love it." He heard someone yelling and he got off his bed. He went into the basement. "What's going on?" He demanded. He narrowed at the three of them.

Lucifer smiled and said "got to love you." He kissed her deeply. "Do they know its me?"

Exiriya looked at her and said "I'm sorry but your not my Semira. Good bye. Tell Eris, I will bring my army out after her so she better get ready."
"Oh, we'll be waiting. " She smiled and suddenly groaned again. "Ah! W-wait! " Semira cried out. This time it was the real Semira. "I'm sorry Exiriya! I can't stop it!" Anothergroan and Semira quickly rushed away.
Sephrith looked at him "Nova kicked Lady Demonia in the stomach." Demonia looked up "He was being a kid..." she winced as she tried to stand up "I will be fine." Sephrith sighed "The other one might be hurt, when Nova punches or kick he sends energy out through his attacks, he may not have meant to hurt his mother but Demonia should possibly be looked and and maybe even put on bed rest for a few days to a few weeks." He returned to the back of his cell when he noticed Duanna had followed Erik and Duanna sighed then picked up Nova and gently but firmly restrained him so that she could take him away from the area, she knew the dungeon was no place for her brother.

Hell kissed him back and smiled "You were given a warning from Axoret so I believe so." she giggled.
Erik brought Demonia upstairs and into her room. "Here. Rest a bit. I need to have a talk with Sephiroth." He kissed her forehead and smiled kindly at her. He then walked out and went back to the basement. "Sephiroth... What is it that's worrying you so much. You should know more than any of us that Demonia is strong but something did feel off about her pains."

Exiriya stopped when he heard his Semira call after him. He watched her run off with a distressed look on his face. Instead of getting his army, he climbed a tree and followed Srmira from the trees staying far enough away so she couldn't sense him.

"That's not good but as long as he's not after me..." He frowned a bit.
Semira stopped a few times. She was crying when the real her showed through and kept asking what was wrong with her. Finally she arrived at a wooden cabin and walked in.
Sephrith sighed "She's with child and Nova's kick could have hurt the baby...The rate of how quick a child grows in side demonia isn't exact but Duanna was born after five months because of a spell used to save her life, and with Nova he was born just after four months. My point is the child will grow quicker and come to injuries easier..."

Demonia laid in bed and tried to focus off the pain but the more she tried to not think about it the more she did and she began to wonder what was wrong.

Duanna placed Nova in the care of some of the maids and then went to find Axoret. She knocked on Xeliran's door wondering if Axoret might be in there.

"We should have a meeting with them so that this doesn't happen again." she smiled.
"I'll get a doctor to check on her immediately. We won't lose that child." He was determined about this. He quickly went upstairs.

Axoret answered the door and asked "what's up??" He saw the concerned look. "What happened?"

"We should." He smiled softly at her, agreeing with her.

When he saw the cabin, he landed on the ground and snuck in through the back to maybe here a plan or two before he got caught."
"I'm sorry to bother you and brother but my mom is in some pain...Nova kicked her in the stomach and her pain doesn't seem normal. I am sure that she is scared about why it hurts more than usual and I would think that you would be able to keep her calm until we can find out what is going on."

Demonia was laying on her side and curled up almost into a fetal position, it was the only way she could almost forget the pain was there.

Hell sighed as she saw what was going on. "We'll have to wait a few days before then, seems I should have told them about her being with child..." she told him what was going on.
A doctor walked into the room and smiled gently. "Lord Erik summoned me." He started to check her and as he did so, Axoret ran in. Right after, Erik came in casually.

"What?" He seemed surprised. "Should we go there and see what's up?"
"Its just a little stomach pain, nothing to have a doctor called in to check on." Demonia was trying to hide that she was scared; the baby already seemed to be two weeks old maybe a little more, it was weak from the energy attack the came from Nova. Duanna stood at the door in case she was needed for anything.

"I would hope Demonia would call on us if we are needed." she smiled "So did you worry about me while I was away from you and cleaning up your mess?" she asked teasingly

(be on later (well I will be leaving at 5) helping to take a friend home)
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Semira sat down in a chair. "Ah! She's fighting me... she saves her energy until he comes around, she hit me hard when he growled... i don't understand why not before..." Eris rolled her eyes. "I only need that child protected. It must be my sacrifice, and mine only! I want Exiriya to pay!" Semira shrugged. "Then why not kill the both... right in front of him?" Eris pondered the thought. "Maybe i will... but Exiriya is a dog, he probably wouldn't care if she died."
Erik shook his head and said "no. Demonia, you don't realize it yet, do you? Your pregnant and I won't let you lose your child." He kept his cool expression as he watched her.

"Of course. Axoret is a scary man up close." He chuckled. "With the flick of his wrist I could be in the execution room waiting for my death."

Exiriya came up from behind Eris and put a knife to her throat. "Release her and maybe I'll spare your pathetic little life and not wipe you away from existence." He cut her throat a little to let her know he wasn't bluffing. A fire started to grow from one room to another. "Oh and I left you a little present. If you don't free her, we'll all be dead.:
Demonia's face became very red and then she became a little scared about if the baby was fine or not after being hit with Nova's energy, Duanna giggled a little "I guess I will go design a dress that doesn't put pressure on the stomach. Also does that mean my mom will need to be on bed rest?"

She smiled "I wouldn't allow you to die. I would make the fires give you new life. the same thing will be done to you as it is with Demonia."
"With this... we'll need to hold off on the wedding. I'll focus on Exiriya's wedding then." Xeliran walked in weakly and sad "actually, I have to talk to you about that since Semira is pregnant." Erik and Axoret seemed surprised. Erik said exasperated "you men got to stop sleeping with your women or at least wear protection. I'm going go and reschedule both weddings and redo all of the invitations. Duanna come on." He seemed annoyed.

"That happens to me anyways and if I'm alive for too long, my body will shut down and force it to sleep. I can force myself to awaken if I need to. I did it the last time."
Duanna giggled and followed "You know it doesn't have to be postponed. I have made several designs in another book for such reasons. They were designs for my own wedding if I ever found someone..."She blushed a little "It was a joke me and my mother had at one time and I thought what if it did happen so I started to make sketches. Its only an idea that you look through them and I could also check over my mom and break it down to math how quick the child will grow and make a dress based on all of that then invitations won't need to be redone, well not for my mom and Axoret anyways."

Demonia sighed "I should have thirst has been growing, I'll need to find a new blood maid soon..."

"I see, well with my process a thousand year sleep isn't needed." she kissed him and bit his bottom lip
"Can you get it for me." He stopped when his eyes laid on William standing in the middle of the hallway. "I thought you were banned from coming here." Wiliam looked down and replied "only from Michael's side. Is it true that he's dead?"

Axoret came to her side and said "I'll stay by your side through everything." He kissed her deeply. The doctor told them "the baby is fine. Its a tough one." Axoret looked at the doctor and asked "how would the baby react with my dark elf blood and her demon blood?" The doctor looked at them and replied "they should be fine since your a dark elf." He smiled softly before leaving.

He smiled, kissing her back. "Sleeping for a thousand years is painful because any relationships I make, I instantly lose because no one is willing to wait ta thousand years."

"As long as I die with her." He was bluffing. He bit his lip hard, keeping his eyes fixated on Semira. He couldn't take it anymore, and he threw Eris to the floor. He wasn't going to lose his child. He picked up Semira and carried her out of there. He took her far away but finally fell to his knees exhausted. "Damn it..." He laid her on the ground and kissed her deeply.
Duanna looked down when she thought about Michael "I'm going to go get the sketch book...." she walked into her room and looked through all her sketch book trying to find the right one and then came out with the book in her hands.

Demonia kissed him back and smiled when she heard that their child was fine. "I wonder how they knew before we did...unless Sephrith felt them and thats why he panicked....he didn't want me to lose any part of my happiness with you." she smiled.

"I have always loved you and waited for you, even though my body was stone and I lived within Demonia, I longed for you more than she ever could and the next time you sleep so will I and I will sleep next to you." She smiled.
Erik took the sketchbook from her and laid on his bed, looking through each and every one of them. "No. No. No. Yes. This one." He showed it to her. "I love it and I know Demonia will too." He smiled softly.

Axoret nodded and said "well I'm glad they told us before we started worrying about you gaining weight." He grinned at her.

"So it wasn't a sudden thing? Why?" He looked at her curiously.
"That one is mom's favorite design, she help me to come up with it....I was wondering when I went to my room what did you tell William, its none of my business but I was just wondering?" Duanna sighed wondering if William was upset of Michael's death.

"I think I would have gone to see a doctor at the first sign of having a slight bump." she giggled and then looked around "I wonder where Nova poor dear must think that he really hurt me...I just hope he didn't go see Sephrith again...I don't really mind but I don't trust Duana....she is different from the little girl I use to know."

"I fell in love with you the same reason I rest in Demonia, the darkness that you have is a magnet to someone like me and then I fall for your personality." she smiled and licked her lips "Then your body." she giggled
"I told him to leave and to never speak of Michael. He tried to fight me on it but I had some guards take him away." He sighed in annoyance.

Axoret laughed and told her "he's probably in his room. Erik isn't allowing any of us near Sephiroth for now except during our wedding but even then, he can't speak to any of us and will be with guards the whole time to make sure he isn't anywhere near us. Erik really goes to the extreme to protect us."

Lucifer pressed Hell against the wall and kissed her deeply. "Oh really now?" He winked at her.
Semira choked on the smoke. She tried to pull away from him but eventually passed out from not being able to force it all out.
"Oh...I there anything else you wish me to do?" Duanna was a little saddened by the fact that she didn't get to speak with William.

"I see, so what is his punishment for hurting Nova? It hurts me too see him like that and I almost wonder if it isn't my fault that he snapped the way he did..." Demonia sighed.

She smiled "yes, really." she tried to get away from him and be a tease in the process.
Exiriya yelled out "damn it..." He was irrational and he knew it but right now, he needed to get her somewhere safe. He picked her up and carried her to the hospital since it was closer than the palace. They immediately took her in.

"I think thats everything." He went over to her and looked like he was going to kiss her but kissed her forehead instead. "Thank you for everything."

"Five years in prison and he cant be near the royal family." He frowned a bit.

He smirked. "Teasing me as always, I see."

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