Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

William smiled as he held her close. "I'm so happy!" He then pulled away and cleared his throat. "Sorry about that."

Lucifer laughed as he started to kiss her again.

Exiriya chuckled and said "Of course I will be. Its my Childs birth. I'm not that terrible of a person."
William smiled and carefully took her from Duanna. "She's beautiful. She really is a miracle." He looked at her.

"I love you so much." He smirked.
"I probably shouldn't even be meeting you but since you were a friend of Michael I could stay away and Leta needs someone in her life that can be a father figure or something, do you have a place to stay? Just wondering so that in the future I know where to bring her if she ever wanted to stay the night with you." Duanna smiled and fought off some tears that were trying to break through.

"And I L O V E you." she spelt out love since she couldn't say it to easily unless she really focused.
"Yeah... I live near but what about Lord Erik. Sure he's terrifying but he's still a... Man. Well I think."

Lucifer laughed but then grabbed his chest in pain. "Sorry. Its nothing. I just have been feeling this pain lately."
Exiriya looked at her, surprised. Xeliran stood at the palace doors. "Hey guys." Exiriya walked past him and Xeliran said "you can't be mad at me forever, brother." Exiriya smirked and said mockingly "I can try." Xeliran rolled his eyes and said "Demonia was attacked by Nova. He hit her stomach. The baby's alright. I just thought I'd let you know." Exiriya smiled as he looked at his brother and asked "where's Erik?" Xeliran looked at him curiously and said "where else? He's in his room with Duanna." Exiriya seemed surprised by this and he asked "what is sister doing with him? I mean I hope she's not trying to get together with him because he's incapable of love." Xeliran laughed coldly and said "she's a counsel member, idiot!" Exiriya held Semira close to him and said "fine whatever. Lets go, my love." Xeliran watched Exiriya walk away and said "I checked the bills and saw the hospital bill. Tell me what happened! You know your not aloud to use that money!" Exiriya stopped shortly but continued walking, knowing this fact but he didn't know what else to do.
Semira looked back at Xeliran. "Exiriya, shouldn't we tell him what happened? Maybe he'll understand. " she looked away and let her eyes rest on the floor.

Nadia moved up behind Xeliranand slid her arms around him. She gave jhim a gentle hug and whispere. "Hello."
"I brought you to the hospital because I was worried about the baby because of my irrational acts. I don't think that will give me an excuse for using money directly from the treasury." He went to the counsel members side of the palace and strolled into Erik's room.

Xeliran spun around, startled. "Oh hey. Where have you been? I was starting to worry." He kissed her lightly.
Semira didn't go in, instead she waited outside the door.

Nadia smiled softly. "Oh, things... have you seen Ash? It's been a while and... nevermind, bit have you seen him?"
Soon after, Exiriya walked out of the room and smiled softly. "He said we can get married by this weekend and he'll speak to Duanna about it. He wants us to marry before you get too big." He grinned.

"Ash? Probably the forest, hunting. He's an elf after all and refuses to come anywhere near the palace because he thinks badly of us." Xeliran sighed.
"I should possibly be getting back to the castle. I might be needed for wedding plans." Duanna sighed, she wanted to stay but her absence might go noticed if she stays gone for too long.

"Maybe you should go rest..." she seemed slightly worried.
William nodded slowly and replied "of course. I will be out here." He kissed her forehead and said "I can see why Michael fell for you now." He walked away from her without another word.

Lucifer waved her off and said "its nothing. Really. I promise you that if it was something I'd tell you." He kissed her lightly but accidentally bit her lip hard when the pain suddenly came back more painful than ever.
Duanna took Leta back who got slightly fussy about it. She walked back to the castle and to her room, Leta had fallen asleep on the way home.

She winced a little, pain didn't really effect her as it did other. She licked her blood away. "Lets get you to bed, it could be from the change that happened to you when you killed your brother."
Viktor walked into Duanna's room and smiled softly at her. He smiled and said "Exiriya wants his wedding by saturday. Can you plan it all? I have other work to do and I really don't want to do it." 
Lucifer said "I told you. I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He kissed her cheek before walking off.
Duanna smiled "That sounds like a fun job, I will make sure everything is planned perfectly. Where is the bride and groom or do you know, if not i can look for them. I will need to take their measurements for their outfits."
Lucifer grunted and said "fine. I'm tired anyways." He started walking away and called to her "come if you want to."

"I don't know. Not my job to look after Exiriya." He shrugged. "Good luck with everything." He walked out.
Hell was following behind him and smiled "Why would I miss watching you sleep?" she giggled a little.

Duanna sighed and looked at a dummy that was in another corner of her room, she said a few words and it took on an appearance of her, she told it to watch after Leta and protect her and it nodded to let her know it understood. Duanna soon left her room in search of Exiriya.

Demonia had fallen asleep and woke up after having an dream, she sat up a little and winced, she sighed as she remembered why she had some pain.
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Nadia sighed. "I don't blame him, I've been having nasty encounters with some of the people here... i feel unwelcome so, I'm going to return home. Maybe it'll calm people down around here"

Semira rolled her eyes and smiled. She held his hand and kissed his lips. "Thank you Exiriya, for everything.
Lucifer let out a soft laugh and said "not as interesting as you think, my love."

Xeliran kissed her lips and said "I would come with but the guards are keeping an eye on me after the last time I sneaked out." He rolled his eyes.

Axoret was asleep, laying on the bed. His hand was resting on her stomach. He seemed exhausted, the bags under his eyes very visible. He was both stressed and tired from lack of sleeping. He didn't seem to sleep very often. He was too busy working.

Exiriya smiled softly and responded "anything for you, my love. Your my everything."
"I have always enjoyed watching you sleep." she smiled "but there were times when I wished I could have been closer to you and you would have known, sometimes you looked like you were in pain...."

Lilith walked into the castle and quickly went to the room where her son is and started to collect a few things so that they could leave quickly.

Duanna knocked on Exiriya's door.

Demonia smiled and laid back down, she would tell him of her dream when he woke up, she wanted to let him sleep.
Lucifer smiled softly and was about to say something but screamed in pain as he clenched his chest. He finally collapsed from pain and laid their unconscious. Usually, pain didn't bother him but this pain was worst than death. It was like his body was trying to reborn but something was stopping him from doing it.

Exiriya answwered and asked "what's up, sis?" He smiled softly at her.

Axoret finally opened his eyes slowly and smiled a little. He rubbed his eyes and sat up so he could check the time. "Shit! I have to get back to work." He threw the covers off him and he seemed to only be in his boxers.
Hell was worried but being what she was she couldn't show it too well. She picked him up and took him to her home on earth and laid him down in the bed, she wasn't to sure what was causing the pain but she wanted to make sure it wasn't the darkness in hell.

"I came to get your measurements for your wedding outfits." she smiled "I guess you could say that I am your wedding planner." she then giggled.

Demonia woke up and yawned and then sleepily hugged him "I had a dream about our baby." she smiled

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