Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"You're welcom, I will be going to do a few thing of my own." she smiled and bowed then walked to her room and picked up Leta and smiled at her "You and I are going to go find William and see how he is doing." Leta giggled.

"I see...that will upset Nova, at one time he use to call him dad, Nova knew he wasn't but it was the only father figure that he had." Demonia sighed.

She smiled "Only because I can do it so well and leave you wanting more." she vanished but her voice echoed saying "Find me if you can."

(seems my ride is a little late lol)
William was beating on a tree trying to let out his anger. He was angry at himself for not being able to protect Michael. Michael was the one who's always been there for him and even helped him up when he was down and now that he was gone, he had nothing.

"Its not for long." He kissed her cheek before getting up. "I'm just glad you and the baby are alright."

Lucifer laughed and started to look for her around the palace.

"I'm right here." Exiriya smiled a bit. "And the doctors said the baby is fine." He kissed her cheek, happy that she's awake.
Duanna found him "William....sorry about not saying anything when you asked about Michael....I'm just upset and I blame myself for it happening..."

"So am I..." she touched her stomach and wonder how she didn't feel the small bit of energy flowing inside her earlier, she smiled.

She was hiding in the lust prison room and laughed a little.
"I love you too." He kissed her roughly. "Damn it. I missed you so much."

"I should have been there for him..." He punched a tree hard. "I shouldnt have run like a coward!"

He touched her stomach and slipped his hand into hers. "We should start thinking of names, shouldn't we?"

Lucifer came down to the basement and yelled out "little pig little pig. Come out and play."
"That wasn't you." He kissed her and told her "I love you so much. I was willing to kill myself for you. I mean it wasn't the greatest plan..."
Semira hit hit him upside the head. "You think?! Never throw your life away like that! " She groaned in pain and rested back down. "I don't think the baby likes me yelling at you..."
Semira took his other hand and rested it on her stomach. "Well, i haven'treally tthought of it... they obviously like you more, so think of something. " she smiled softly to him.
"When shall we get married? You said we would soon but, recently we've been through a lot..." Semira frowned slightly and looked away.
"Yeah I don't know. Shall we go and find out with the counsel and my parents? I mean the doctor said you were fine and could leave whenever you felt ready."
"I'm scared to face them. I know they won't be happy with the new addition..." she sat up and gave a deep sigh before she stood to get dressed.
"Lucifer attacked me and Michael took the hit...he used some sort of his fiancee I should have been able to do something and not be so weak..." Duanna looked at the ground "I'm sorry..."

"I want to find a name that means strong, fighter, or warrior." Demonia smiled

Hell siad "I am in a place that you couldn't go before."
"He died a hero." He smirked, clenching his fist a little. " He didn't seem angry at Duanna. "He loved you a lot and would do anything for you. I hope you know that."

"Cayden, Evannia or Evanna... Hmm, I'm not feeling either of them. I'll try to think of some." He grinned.

Exiriya looked at her and said "dad is OK with my relationship... Plus, there's another." He looked down.

He walked into the lust section and immediately started to kiss her.
Duanna smiled "I know, and just as he gave up his life for me I would do the same for him" Leta started to make cooing noises and she giggled.

Demonia smiled "As long as the name has a strong meaning I will like it. For someone so small to survive nova's kicks and energy attack is amazing."

"Guess that hit gave it away." She giggled
"Baby..." He smiled softly at her, genuinely happy about it.

"I wish she could grow up with a father." He let out a heavy sigh to show his distress about everything.

"Yeah. Just a bit." He kissed down her neck.
"Maybe you would like to watch her sometime when she is older, tell her stories of the things her father did." She smiled at william.

"I don't think you would have found me if I didn't" she giggled.
"Would that really be OK? I mean Michael really didn't want to see me again after I corrupted him."

He laughed and said "at least give me more credit then that."

"Mom and dads!" He grinned at her.
"But this is me asking, not Michael and I did ask for you to stay around in case I needed you or the kingdom."Duanna smiled at him " and I think it might help me get over his passing. I didn't know how much I would miss him...he said he would return one day but who knows how long that will be..." She sighed

"Well you were a little blind when I tried to say how I felt about you." She giggled
Semira rolled her eyes and stood. She walked away from him, returning home. "Will you be there for the birth?" She asked looking back at him.

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