Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Later Lucifer woke up but seemed a little groggy. A beautiful angelic women appeared smiling. "Lucifer... My son. You are strong willed and brave but your irrational. I told you your anger would get you into trouble. Your chest pains are for multiple reasons. First of all, you used your angelic abilities to contact Michael. Secondly, you have fallen in love. You should know no devil is capable of love." He growled angrily.

Exiriya smirked and sais "of course." He sat on his bed.

"What about?" He asked her curiously.
Hell was in the kitchen area cooking so she didn't know that he had woke up.

Duanna giggled "How am I to take your measurements if you are sitting down? Also will it be a traditional wedding or something themed, maybe that hasn't been discussed yet."

"That our baby is a little girl and two names came to mind. Thane, Griselda, and Kana; the first two mean warrior and Kana means powerful." Demonia smiled

Lilith looked around as they started to sneak out of the castle. She wasn't too sure what might become of her if she stayed.
Lucifer's mother disappeared and he relaxed. When he felt well enough, he got up to see what Hell was up to. "Hey." He smiled a little when he saw her in the kitchen.

"My father created a family tradition that my real mom didn't approve of cause he hates weddings. He thinks their boring. Viktor knows of this." Exiriya smiled, standing up to let her do measurements.

"Sweet." Axoret kissed her lightly but then pulled away from her to do some work.

William stopped in front of Lilith and asked "whatcha doing? You look all sneaky like." He grinned.
She smiled "Are you feeling any better? I brought you to a home I have on earth, I was worried something at the palace might be effecting you."

She took a quick glance at him from all angles and then wrote them down in a small notepad that she had, she didn't even need to pull out a measuring tape. "Alright, well when your outfit is done I will need you to try it on so that I know its all correct."

Demonia winced as she stood up and then sat back down on the bed and sighed, Nova then came into the room holding some flowers that her had picked, he was almost scared to come to far into the room in case Demonia was angry with him.

Lilith jumped "I am trying to make sure I am not caught, Michael is gone so what was my protection from being touched by anyone in the castle and possibly put on trial for the one time I tried to kill my mom. I have to get out of here soon, since that devil king and damned queen is back this kingdom will stay the way it is and only get worse."
Lucifer grunted and sat at the dining room table. "My mom visited me saying it was because of you. Being a devil, I can't fall in love or it will kill me or worst. Also, contacting Michael didn't help. I might have hacked into my angelic abilities to do it.

Exiriya nodded a little and said "sounds good. Viktor must like you for letting you do all this without even doing the training first. Too bad he can't feel any emotions anymore because of everything he's seen as a council member. He also watched his mom be killed by his dad when he was."

"Wait... Michael might come back. This is rightfully his after all. He won't leave everything he worked for so easily."
"So what does that mean for us...? I would think dying for love would be a good thing..." she smiled a little.

"I see well if he has no emotions then I can work without worry of him developing feeling for me. My heart belongs to Michael and no one can change that." she smiled a little but there was sadness in her eyes "I need to stop thinking about him..." before she left she took Semira's measurements and then quickly left the room.

"Well until he does return me and my son is leaving. I won't let war and hate taint him the way it has tainted me..." Lilith sighed and walked past William, she felt like she had lost to much time talking to him.
He kissed her deeply and said "well this is pain I've never felt before. Its worst than dying." He coughed a bit.

Exiriya watches her leave , pity visible in his face. He decided to sit down a bit longer.

"Axoret has changed... He's not the same. I trust Demonia to keep him in line." A beautiful girl walked past him and he got distracted. "Bye..." He walked over to the girl and asked her who she was looking for. "I'm looking for King Axoret." Will raised an eyebrow and asked "and you are?" She looked at him and smiled softly. "The name is Queen Eleniel." Will immediately backed off, surprised.
She kissed him back and looked at him worried "Our kind isn't meant to be together, I was always told that but I saw what the people had and wanted it for myself...what do we do...I don't want to see you in pain but I want us to always be near one another..."

Duanna walked to her and started on the wedding plans. Duanna started to cough, she still had a fever but she wasn't going to let it get in the way of her work, when she looked at her hand she saw blood and sighed. She quickly wiped her hands and returned to work on drawing up the wedding designs.
"I don't know. I can speak with my mother and see what she thinks." He frowned a little.

William brought Eleniel to Axorets room but only saw Demonia. "Hey have you seen Axoret? This is Queen Eleniel of the Kingdom of Raziel. She says its urgent."

Viktor walked into the room and said "you don't look good. You alright? I know you were sick. Are you still?" He looked at her concerned.
"Alright..." she looked down "Are you hungry? I made some roast if you would like any."

Demonia had Nova on her lap "He left he a little while ago, he said he had some work that needed to be finished." she smiled at Eleniel "Nice to meet you I am Queen Demonia of the kingdom of Hell, I would help you look for Axoret but my son wants me to spend some time with him." Nova looked at them and smiled.

"I will be fine, wouldn't be the first time I worked through an illness. Once my work is done then I'll need to see Sephrith...he has my medicine." she smiled at him then coughed into a white handkerchief that slowly turned red the more she coughed into it, she wiped her mouth and placed the handkerchief in her lap and returned to work, her eyes were becoming lifeless and her wings were starting to have a dull look to them.
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Lucifer grinned and replied "of course. I'm starving." He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Your his new wife, am I correct? I will have to speak to your king but you might have to leave the palace and move into a safehouse before my sister..." She hesitated but Exiriya said "come on. Just tell the king." She nodded and walked ahead. "She apparently rules a Kingdom alone. Like she has no husband. I think my father has done business with her. He's told me she's unlike any ruler he's met. Her kingdom is like some paradise and everyone is well treated yet her kingdom is wealthier than ours." She seemed to be waiting for him. "You coming?" He nodded and ran over to her.

"I'm getting Sephiroth now cause that's not normal." Viktor hurried off to hopefully find Sephirpth quickly.
Hell smiled "If you are holding onto me then how will I retrieve the food for you?" she giggled and pulled away from him to get his food and then brought it back to the table. "I don't cook often so I hope I haven't lost my touch.

Demonia sighed and looked at Nova "Looks like we might have to leave soon..." Nova smiled at her "Will we go back home?" she nodded "If we are told that we need to leave to another area then we will." she started to wonder what would happen to Duanna since she could no longer enter into hell.

Sephrith sat in his cell drawing on the walls with a rock, when he was brought here he should have seen if he could have a book to read, a vial soon rolled out of his pocket and every time he tried to grab it the vial would slip from his hands, it was soon outside of his cell and in front of Prodosía cell and she picked it up, looking at it "And what is this? Something they forgot to take away from you when you were stripped of your belongings?" Sephrith looked worried "Roll that towards me right now." a smile grew on her face as she heard the worried tone in his voice. "I am safe in my cell so I think I'll hold onto this." Sephrith was getting more worried but his anger was also starting to flair up "Roll it to me now!" 
Duanna walked over to her window to get some air, she was having some problems breathing but she soon passed out before she could even reach the window, Leta started to cry, when Duanna fell she had hit the crib a little and it startled Leta awake.
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"I thought you were my dinner." He grinned as he sat down and started to eat. When he took the first bite, he smiled. "Its good!"

After speaking with Axoret, Exiriya walked in and said "pack your things. Axoret is stubborn as usual but he finally said yes to leaving. Eleniel will rule in his place." Screaming was heard and said quickly "we have to leave now!"

Viktor walked down the stairs and said "Sephiroth... as much as I hate to say this, I need you. Duanna is really sick." He unlocked the cell but then a servant ran down the stairs. "Viktor! I mean lord Viktor! Princess Duanna has fainted..." Viktor's eyes widened and asked "do you have the cure???" Worry was all over his face.
She giggled "No I am dessert." she smiled "Thanks I'm glad you like it."

Demonia slowly got up and winced, nova looked down and felt bad, he had seen the bruise that he had caused from his kick. "Good thing I don't need to pack anything..." she had brought some clothes but nothing valuable, she moved as fast as she could "So where are we going, did your father say if we were returning to Hell or not?"

Sephrith pulled Prodosía close to her cell bars and took the vial from her and placed it in his pocket "I do now...take me to her right now."
Lucifer smirked and replied "even better." He continued to eat.

Exiriya shook his head and said "that was the suggestion but she strictly said we couldn't because that's her next target. Apparently, her sister is a manipulative bitch that is after the throne."

Viktor nodded and hurried Sephiroth to Duanna's room. He ran to her side but when he saw Leta crying, he ran over to the crib and gently picked her up. He started to comfort her. He smiled gently and watched as she stated to calm down and even fall asleep.
She prepared herself a bowl and began to eat.

Nova was following and Demonia looked worried "If we can't go to hell then where do we go, not only that but she would have to know where the passage way is to get there...."

Sephrith turned Duanna on her back and checked to see if she was breathing and looked worried when he couldn't find a pulse and she didn't seem to be breathing, he pulled a band from his pocket and placed it on her arm to find a vein and smiled when he did meaning there was still some life in her, he then pulled a small medical kit from his pocket, opened it up and pulled out a syringe and attached a needle to it, he pulled some of the liquid from the vial into the syringe and then carefully injected it in Duanna's vein, he put everything away and placed her in the bed. "She'll be fine. We've had closer calls then that before." He sat down and calmed himself "Don't tell Demonia about what you saw happen alright....? She doesn't know about how ill Duanna really is and she might blame herself if she knew."
Lucifer smiled softly, watching her. "Your so cute when you eat." He grinned.

"My father has an apartment we can stay at. No one knows of this. Plus... You must know that Raziel are former allies of Hell. The Queen hated the relationship so she cut the ties."

Viktor looked at Sephiroth and nodded. "Of course... You realize your still going back to prison right? Don't think I'll let you off the hook."
She giggled and cleaned her bowl when she was done. "So are you wanting dessert?"

"I have been allied to many kingdoms so it doesn't surprise me and who knows how long ago that was, it could have been during one of my episodes where I lose control of myself." she smiled "Those were the darker times in hell but also some of the best."

"I figured...also I heard you are emotionless but you were worried about Duanna....don't get too attached to her alright, she is in love with Micheal." he held out a piece of paper "Its all the ingredients needed for her meds, she gets it three times a day."
Luxifer smirked and replied "I'm always wanting desert." He grinned at them.

"If she is so evil, why would she throw you off your throne if she agrees with you? Whatever..." He frowned a little."

He smirked and said "she reminds me of my daughter. That's all. She's like a daughter to me. Nothing more." He grabbed the list and said "take him away!!!" He whispered to Sephiroth "she's not yours anymore..." He watched his guards take Sephiroth away
"I lost plenty of people when I became soft, she either left when I was dark or left when I realized my kids are the only family I really have so I went soft. Then again other make me their ally in hope that a war will start when they decide to leave." Demonia sighed.

Sephrith glared at him but went back to his cell without a fuss.

Duanna soon woke up and looked around "When did I get in bed...I remember walking over to the window then darkness..."
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"She probably didn't like your corrupt era because she seemed really sweet and innocent.... plus she was hot. Don't tell my girlfriend." He grinned at her.

Viktor smiled soflty and told her "don't worry. You just fainted but how do you feel?" He stroked her cheek slightly. He was very fatherly when it came to her.
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Demonia laughed "I see and I won't....will the council be staying at the castle, I'm just worried about Duanna and what might happen to her while I am gone."

"I am feeling better," she looked down at her arm and smiled "You let Sephrith out so that he could give me my medicine or did he tell you what to do and you helped me? Did he tell you how often I am suppose to get my medicine?"
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"They will. Without me, we don't have our army but father thought it best that I leave as well since I'm second in line. The council can handle themselves. Don't worry. Plus, Viktor will protect Duanna." He smiled a little.

Viktor nodded slowly and replied "he did it this time but he gave me the ingredients to make it and luckily, we have all these items." A girl walked into the room, curiously. He smiled a little as he held her close, kissing her deeply. "They told me I'd find you here." She seemed to be really pregnant.
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When she had calmed down she went and hugged him "Are you okay? You were amazing but you seemed distant."

"Alright..." nova sniffed the air "I smell rebels...."

Duanna looked at the girl wondering who she was.
Viktor looked at Duanna and said "your family thinks I'm in love with you for some reason but your like a daughter to me. This is my girlfriend." His girlfriend winks at her and said "I'm one of the few girls that's OK with him never truly loving me. He promised to be a father to our son." Viktor shrugged and said "I got her pregnant so I'm taking full responsibility. I won't marry her though.

"Might be her army."Exiriya hurried the two of them out of the palace and brought them to an apartment. He dragged them to a room and opened the door. Axoret was already there."

Lucifer frowned and said "my mother... She hated me the moment I fell. I can't comprehend why she would ever want to help me. Maybe I'm overthinking it but I hate her and she knows it."

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