Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

The angels met with her when she came out of Hell. One of the angels said "other than Prince Michael falling into a coma, everything is fine. We must take you to the heavens to purify you. We can sense Hell's corruption on you and we dont have the strength to purify you or mark you."

Exiriya frowned and said "last time I saw of Duanna she was going to take on her father, Nasir."

Axoret nodded and said "please protect her, my love."
Duanna smiled at them "Who says I want to be purified? Maybe I like this power that I now have." she smirked and raised up her sword as if she was going to cut them down."

The demon's around the orphanage ran away "Well that was fun." she felt the energy that passed through the air "Damn it...." she looked at the angels "Get ready to form a barrier and weakening spell." she ran off towards the energy and they followed her.

Demonia smiled and then shadow jumped to where Duanna was, the darkness that she felt almost made her sick and then looked at the angels "She's filled with darkness, unless you can weaken her she won't listen..." she was worried about Duanna, she had never seen this side of her before.
One of the angels whispered to Demonia "Michael really wanted Duanna to destroy Nasir so he removed her mark in hope for her to do so but... He fell into a coma as soon as he did so. He knew this would happen to him and he risked it."

Exiriya nodded and said "I'll see if I can." He followed behind her.
Demonia looked angry, "That mark would he killed her if she still had it on! Damn it." more angels suddenly showed up and Lilith smiled "you boys need some help?" and angel stepped up next to Lilith "If everyone is in their positions then when Lilith gives the word you attack!" Demonia looked at Lilith and glared "Don't worry i don't plan on killing her if that is what you are thinking." Duanna looked at Demonia "Mother I think I'll go after you first. Its your fault that I was born like this and had to suffer the way I did."

Nova looked out a window worried "I'm worried about mommy...."
Axoret nodded and said "I shouldn't have let her go." He slowly got up and said "I'm worried about the baby." He picked up Nova and said "lets go." He ran out of the apartment and when he got to where everyone was, he saw angels with Lilith and Duanna looking at Demonia with hatred. Exiriya was trying to keep them seperate. "What the hell is going on?" He demanded.
Nova sniffed the air "Sissy doesn't have her mark...she smells like a demon instead of an angel...." he shivered and Sephrith appeared behind Duanna and whispered something to her and she put her sword away and then knelt down, Sephrith looked at the angels that were around "I have brought out the Duanna that you all know, purify her a little her and then take her to heaven, there is to much darkness in her heart....if she goes to heaven now she could die." Sephrith smirked as he walked past Demonia and then walked up to Axoret. "Seems I will have to stay in the shadows instead of in your dungeon, if you're wondering what I told Duanna I said that the council members might look down on her even more and Viktor might make her leave when she had already tried so hard to show that she is a good member for them. Duanna is a who puts family last and work first, it may not seem like it but she works family into her work from time to time also it is now her job to protect the royal family but she sees that as her job and not something family related. Also get Demonia out of here, this much darkness isn't healthy for an unborn, even Demonia regulates how much of her darkness she lets the child have." he vanished into some nearby shadows.

Lilith ordered her angel to surround Duanna, they held their hands out in front of them and white light formed around them and their bodies Duanna was soon on the ground from the pain, her darkness had come back out already but couldn't move from the purifying process by the time they were done Duanna was shaking on the ground and Lilith looked at the angels from heaven "She is all yours now, sorry about interfering but being part a group that has angels working with us I couldn't just standby and do nothing."

Demonia had walked over to tree to be alone while she got sick, she had never felt so much darkness, not even when she had gone deeper into Hell, and then she was also getting sick from being afraid of Duanna, she had never seen her daughter have a look of pure hatred towards her. She was shaking from fear and a coldness that had kept over her.
The angels took Duanna and disappeared. When they reappeared, they were by Michael's side. One of the angels explained "he knew the risks of removing the mark that it would have on him but he didn't care. Come on. Lets go put the mark back on you."

Axoret hurried over to Demonia and held her tightly. "Don't worry. I'm here. Lets get out of here. You need rest. Nova!" He looked over at Nova to make sure he came over when called.
Nova followed and Demonia nodded "I just hope we get her back...I don't know what that was but it wasn't my Duanna..."

Lilith made sure that the orphanage was safe then she headed towards Azriel.

After the rebels got word that their leader was dead they dropped their weapons and surrendered. Hell smiled "Well that was a fun fight while it lasted." she looked around trying to find Lucifer.

Duanna looked at Michael and then the angels "If I would have known I would have just told him to leave and let me handle my father alone..." she followed them to the room where the rituals happened and then she remembered the pain she had felt that day. "I was hoping I would never have to go through with this again..." she started to cough and blood was on her hand "Just hurry and get this done before the darkness kills me..."
Axoret nodded and said "don't worry we will get Duanna back home safe and sound once she's purified completely." He kissed her deeply as he helped her up. "We need to get out of here. It seems as though the rebels are retreating and so are the Raziel rebel assassins. Arwen should be gone." Before he could react, someone stabbed him from behind. A beautiful girl walked out from behind him and smirked at his pained face. She ripped it out of him. "That won't kill you so don't fret but for me to gain any right to the throne I will have to kill all of you... even that petty counsel member. What's her name? Duanna?" Axoret growled and yelled "touch her and I'll bloody kill you!!!"

A group of seraphim angels got into their places but their was one place missing. One of the seraphim's called out "we can't do this without Michael!" An angel shook his head and told him "we can. It will just use up more of our power." They started saying the spell in unison.
Nova growled at the girl and then went into his dog form, he could feel anger inside of him and he let it take over, once more he turned into a very large and big dog that was covered in flames "Get away from my family!" he growled at the girl. Hell then appeared next to Demonia and drew her sword ready to fight the girl. "I suggest you leave child." Hell looked pissed for some reason.

Duanna could feel her other half trying to fight against her and wanting to come out, she knew the words and started to say them to herself even as she once again felt pain.
"Child?" The girl raised an eyebrow and sais "I was suppose to take the throne as soon as mom died but I never got the chance to rule over my kingdom before they kicked me out. I know more than all of you combied so don't go calling me a child when your the real child here." Axoret growled in anger.
Hell glared "I will call you a child if you plan on acting like one." she quickly used a spell that made Axoret and Demonia appear in the apartment. "Also were you around when the was dark?" Hell stepped close to her "The hate that you feel inside you is a creation of my own powers, every negative thing is of my own power. So think before you speak." Nova was still growling, he had an itch in his throat like something wanted to come out so he let his instincts take over and a fire ball flew out of his mouth heading towards Hell and the girl.

Duanna's wings started to become their original color as her body became purified but she was having some difficulty trying not to scream. The pain was more than she could remember and she started to wish it would stop "" she thought she would die if it continued but she also knew the risks if they did, she almost wasn't sure if it was her or the darkness inside her that said it.
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Arwen growled, angrily but when she saw a fireball coming straight at them, she stepped in front of Hell and a shield protected the two of them. "Weak..." She approached Nova and whispered "join my cause and I will teach you how to control your anger." She kissed his nose lightly. "You will grow up to be a strong young man but you won't be if your not properly trained." She seemed to be very convincing and charming. "The cruelty of man will bow down to me. No more will you be considered a weak prince." She put her hand out. She knew it was his choice and no one had any say.

Axoret kissed Demonia, happy that she was alright. "I'm so glad i got their when I did and Duanna didn't hurt you." He held her close to him. He ran his hands through her hair as he leaned her against the wall.

When they finished, the angels whispered to each other a bit. Michael limped into the room, surprising everyone. He put his hand out toward Duanna causing her to feel excruciating pain. The angels were all surprised by this. The pain was worst than the marking the angels were putting on her. Markings appeared all over Duanna's body. When he was done, he smirked as he closed his hand. The markings disappeared into Duanna's body. "Your mine now. You cannot enter Hell and if you go within a certain distance of it, you will feel excruciating pain. Darkness cannot enter your body. Your more pure than you will ever be." He suddenly appeared behind her and he brushed away some of her hair from her neck. He was shaking with desire. "Your mine for all eternity." One of the angels hissed at him in anger. "You really think your in any condition to put your mark onto her?? It could cause challenges for her living in the human realm." Michael smirked and told him "I put it onto her so she will come back to me someday. I knew very well what I was doing. She should be fine in the human realm. It shouldn't cause problems." He spun her around and leaned into kiss her but instead of kissing her, he whispered "see you soon, my love." He sent her back to the palace.
"In time of Hell I am a mere ten year old, my powers have only now started to developed, if I was fifteen I might have taken you up on your offer but for now leave my family alone!" he bared his teeth at her. Hell smiled "He is a child of hell, it is only normal for him to want more power and give you a chance to come after him in oh......about five thousand years." Hell laughed

Demonia smiled "She wanted to..." thought about something that she said and looked a little sad.

Duanna was thankful that the pain was over and she curled up into a ball on her bed and started to cry as she thought about what she had done to her father, she cried more when she saw she was covered in his blood.
Lucifer appeared between them, badly wounded. "The angels... they've declared war. We have to go back home." He coughed up a lot of blood. "Apparently, it was their plan to kill Nasir because with him still alive, the rebel army exists. Without him, no rebel army. Were an easy target. Michael manipulated Duanna so she would kill her father." He clenched his fist.

Axoret hushed her a little and said "its going to be alright. she cant hurt you anymore. Come on. Lets head back home."

Viktor ran into Duanna's room, furious. "Someone destroyed the rebel army and all protection of Hell.... the angels have delcared war on Hell. There not Prince Michael's orders. Its his mother's though."
Hell looked pissed "I knew he couldn't be trusted, you return home, heal yourself, I will round up what is left of the rebel army and have them work with our army. In times of a common enemy the rebels have worked with us."

"No but I think I did something to hurt her...and are we talking about your home or mine?" she smiled a little.

Duanna looked at him and sat up "I have a feeling this is all my fault....I killed my father......he was a threat to the royal family of Hell but the protection of Hell should still be there.....tell me what to do....." she was still crying.
Lucifer shook his head and said "these aren't Michael's orders. I think he's following orders from his mother to please her but for now... He's considered an enemy." He kissed her lightly. "Nova... You should go home with your mom."

"Mine... I don't think yours is that safe." He took her hand and appeared at the palace. He saw soldiers hurry outside. Exiriya was calling orders.

"Fight along side me." He held her hand closely. When he got too close to her, he felt excruciating pain. He quickly pulled away from her. "I have to leave." It was obvious Michael had full control over who could come close to her. He didn't like Viktor and that was obvious.
Nova nodded and started walking home and Hell sighed "We still need to ready our armies. Go home and collect anyone you can but do it with as much kindness as you can, they are use to Demonia ruling them and they do listen as long as you're not cracking a whip at them."

"What in the world is going on....?" she felt Duanna's energy and felt sick "Damn it...dear do you think you could go check on Duanna? Something is off about her but in a pure way.....its taking everything I have just to make sure that the energy doesn't reach our baby...."

Duanna felt hurt "So is your plan to make me lonely....dear I am a council member....." she pulled her legs on into the bed and pulled them close to her.
Lucifer nodded and said "fine." He disappeared. He started to politely order the armies around. They obeyed his every word.

Axoret nodded and said "yeah I can sense it as well. Its strong. Its like it belongs to an angel but angels don't really come here that often. Its from Duanna definitely but something's off. I'm going to go check it out."

Michael said to her "he had bad intentions. I can't watch you have sex with another man. Your mine!" He was very possessive of her.
Hell quickly rounded up what was left of the rebel army and made a deal with them.

"Thank you." she kissed him and sat down to rest, her stomach was already starting to become slightly swollen.

"I would never sleep with another man no matter what....I would kill....." she winced as she said the word and sighed but continued what she was saying "any man that tried to touch me in sexual way, if it isn't you I won't be touched." she looked around her room and then at Leta's crib and then looked scared "She's gone...!"
Lucifer got the army ready and they all went to the human realm where the angels were waiting. He waited for Hell.

Axoret hurried inside the palace and looked for Duanna. He was worried for her. She was in the Heavens. Who knows what happened there?

Michael appeared in spirit form behind her. "What do you mean she's gone!!" He growled angrily. He unsheathed his sword. "I will kill anyone who dared take my baby.
Hell soon joined him "They agreed to fight with us in exchange for their freedom." she sighed "We needed their so there was no other choice."

A girl ran past Axoret and she was covered in blood and was smiling, Leta was in her arms crying.

Duanna looked at the mannequin that had a spell on it to protect Leta and it now laid on the ground in pieces "I left her in her crib with spells all around to protect her....the room should have been invisible to everyone but you and me....I should have protected her better....."
Lucifer gave her a disapproving glance but then unsheathed his sword. At that, the angels attacked. What surprised Lucifer was that Michael was fighting with the angels.

Axoret was surprised but spun around quickly and grabbed the girl's wrist. "Who are you and what are you doing with Leta??"

Michael frowned, clenching his fist. "Its not your fault. Someone has betrayed us." He forced himself to show his human self to her. He couldn't last in this form very long but he kissed her deeply. "Don't worry we'll get her back." He couldn't stop kissing her. He craved her more than ever.
Hell smiled as she she gave the order to attack, she smiled as she heard a roar of some sort coming from the clouds and the dragons of hell joined in the fight.

"I thought the royal family had been dealt with..." she seemed annoyed, Leta looked at Axoret reaching out for him and the girl hissed at her, Leta started to cry and struggle more in the girls arms. The struggling made it very difficult for her to keep her grip on the child and it also distracted her from keeping her attention on Axoret.

Duanna kissed him back and hugged him "I wish this could happen everyday....feeling you so close to me.....I don't think my chest would hurt so much then....." she wanted every bit of him but she knew they needed to find Leta.
Lucifer fought Michael for a majority of the battle. He didn't care about any of the other angels. Just his brother. For once in their life, they looked almost exactly alike.

Axoret hit her in the stomach to push her back as he took Leta from her arms. He easily hushed her. He was very fatherly toward Leta. "Its OK. I'm here now." He glared at the girl and demanded "why are you here? Who are you??"

"I'm so sorry." He winced in pain and kissed her passionately. "I love you so much." He disappeared as soon as he kissed her.

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