Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Hell gave the order to let them fight one another without interference, dragons swooped down and and bit into some of the angels, other dragons shot massive energy balls of darkness at the angels. Hell felt pain as she struck down her tenth angel and she looked at her hand and it started to turn to stone, she was thankful that is was only her left hand, she continues to fight, she was protecting hell and the elders wanted her to return to stone for it. She didn't know why they were doing this to her but she would fight until she was made to return to her prison in Hell.

The girl had black wings founded up on her back "Just someone who wants to see Michael and Duanna suffer, thought I would take their darling daughter." she quickly spread her wings "I will be back to cause them misery." she smiled and vanished.

She smiled, she felt a little bit better as he vanished, just that small bit of touch took some of the pain away "I love all the same my dear." she started to search her room to see if she could find any clues as to where Leta was or who took her.
Lucifer smirked as he fought other angels along with his brother. Michael was stronger now that he had his full self with him. He heard a familiar scream and he spun around. He abandoned Lucifer and ran to his mother's side. "Mother!" Tears ran down his cheek and he kept screaming his mother's name. She was very weak but still alive. She struggled as blood spilled out of her mouth. Lucifer ran over to see Michael crying over their mother's limp body. He stepped away and yelled "retreat!!!!" The demons seemed confused. Michael looked up, his eyes meeting with Lucifer but Lucifer had little sympathy. He mouthed 'good bye, brother' before walking off.

Axoret cuddled Leta before walking inside. He walked into Duanna's room and said "I have your daughter..." He smiled as he looked at Leta to Duanna. "A girl said something about destroying you and Michael's lives but Michael's dead so there isn't much she can do about that." He shrugged.
Hell soon met up with Lucifer "Why are we retreating?" she had lost her left arm in the fight from it turning to stone.

Duanna smiled and took Leta and cradled her "Thank goodness that you are okay...did the girl get away?" looked worried. "Michael lives in the heavens and if something causes me pain then I am sure it would cause him pain."
"The leader of the angels, my mother, is dead. We have no reason to fight anymore since they are pretty much defeated. Plus... Its inflicting a lot on you." He had a worried expression as he kissed her cheek gently.

Axoret nodded and replied "yeah but I wanted to get Leta to safety first. She comes first." He smiled softly.
"Seems the elders didn't agree that I was protecting Hell...I'm hoping that in a few days my leg returns to normal....I already lost my arm, its going to be a mess when my shoulder is no longer stone......" she kissed him back she watched as the army went back to Hell "Seems we didn't lose many people in the fight, some of them said they would like to join the army if that's okay with us."

"Dad i think you are becoming a softy." she giggled and then looked around "Mom didn't come with you?"
"Sure." He smiled a little but softly touched her arm. "I'm sorry. I didn't know this would have happened." He pulled away a little as he walked off.

"Am not." He stuck his tongue out at her and smiled softly as he played with Leta. "I almost forgot how much I loved being a father."
She watched him walk away and wondered what would happen next and if peace would ever be in their future.

Leta giggled and Duanna smiled but she couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. "Dad...I have a feeling that sometime in the future I might be leaving...if I do and it's somewhere that I can't take Leta would you and mom watch after her?"
Lucifer stopped and said "if I die, don't let me wake up." He continued to walk toward Hells portal.

"Of course. Your my daughter after all." He grinned a bit as he continued to play with Leta.
Hell seemed confused and then looked sad "Alright...." she walked up next to him and kissed him on the cheek "You know your death would be mine...."

"Thanks." she smiled Leta grabbed one of his finger and held on to it with a slightly strong grip and giggled.
"I love you so much..." He held her close as he entered Hell. "You must be careful..."

"Of course... Where would you go? To your one true love?" He smiled a bit at her.
"And I love you." she smiled "I am never careful when I am next to you, I always fall when I look at you." she giggled and winced as her leg started to crack a little, she was trying her best not to move it.

"I just have a feeling that something bad has happened...I'm not sure with who or where but...." she had just now remembered the fight between heaven and hell "Do you know where the angels and demons were fight?! Heaven was attacking Hell....something might have happened there."
Lucifer glanced at her and said "let me carry you." He picked her up gently. "Don't worry. Your light." He grinned a bit.

Axoret nodded and said "follow me." At the battlefield, Michael sat in an open field as he coddled a limp women. "Mom... No. I can't rule heaven. Not now! Please... Open your eyes." Tears were running down his face.
She blushed "Thanks." she enjoyed being so close to him and smiled as she rested her head on his chest.

Duanna handed Leta to Axoret and walked over to Michael and placed a hand on his shoulder, she wasn't sure what she could do but she wanted to be there for him "Dear..." she didn't know what to say.
"Your mine tonight?" He smirked a bit. He grinned cheesily. "I'm looking forward to it."

Michaels mother disappeared in light. Michael stood up, sniffling. "Lucifer didn't care..." He kissed her. "I must go to the heavens... I have to be crowned king." He disappeared.
She giggled "I like the sound of that." she kissed him

Duanna sighed and walked over to Axoret "His mother died...he'll be crowned king...." she starts walking home with a lot on her mind.
He held her close and told her "not here..." He walked ahead with her. When they got to the palace, he held her close as he kissed her passionately.

Axoret frowned, understanding that Michael woudnt come back home to Azriel ever again. He followed her, cuddling Leta.
She enjoyed his every touch and every kiss.

Duanna sighed and took Leta "I need to get ready...and I want to spend as much time as I can Leta, I am sure Michael will send someone after me in time. I may want to see my mom later, is that okay?"
Lucifer smiled as he touched her all over. "I love every part of you." He bit her neck a little.

"Of course. You don't have to ask permission." He smiled a bit. He walked off.
She bit her lip to stop from moaning "No biting..."

Duanna returned to her room, she wondered if Viktor was in his room yet, she enjoyed talking to him but wondered if she could since her markings had hurt him last time. She looked around her room and wondered what should be packed away, she looked at Leta and kissed her forehead. A mark appeared and then vanished "I will be watching over you no matter where you are I will me watching over you." she held Leta close.
"But you obviously like it." He smirked at her. He leaned in and whispered "you like it rough, don't you?"

Viktor walked in wearing a suit and said "I have to go out of the country for a bit. Are you satisfied?" He smiled gently at her.
She blushed and nodded "You could make me bleed and I would still enjoy it."

Duanna looked at him "I might be leaving soon as well...Michael's mother died and he'll be crowned king....and then I'll have to become a queen....I have tried so hard all my life to not be a queen....." she sighed "I will stay long enough to oversee the wedding and then I guess I will be going to the heavens....I am sorry for the pain that you felt earlier...."
Lucifer smirked as he dragged her to his room. He tossed her onto his bed and laid upon her. "Your amazing, you know that?"

Viktor frowned and looked away slightly. "As you wish but I hope you know, your always welcome back." He smiled softly.
Hell smiled "And so are you, promise me that as long as you live you will stay beside me?"

"Thank you, I am sorry that my stay as a council member was so short....also my mother and Axoret will be taking care Leta....I'm not sure what she is so I am scared that the heavens will hurt her if she goes." she wanted to give Viktor a hug for his kindness but would repay him by giving doing his paperwork every now and again.
"Of course. Your mine for all of eternity." He kissed down her neck.

Viktor held her close and whispered "this isn't a farewell... This is a see you later." He kissed her cheek lightly.
She smiled and fell into his kisses and embrace, she enjoyed everything that he did to her.

She smiled "I do hope you will be back in time to see the weddings and my hard work.....but then again I hope I am there as well." she sighed "I should really get to work on all of that, I still need my mothers and father's measurements." she kissed him back and left the room with leta stil in her arms.

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