Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Duanna giggled a little "It's nice to see you again and its nice to be back." she smiled.

Demonia held his hand and appeared next to them, when she saw Duanna she had to keep herself from crying and looked at Axoret "I told you I felt her energy."
Xeliran looked to see them and smiled. "Look who I found." Axoret ran over to hug her. "Its been so long." Xeliran looked at Axoret and said "dad, Leta is worrying me. I mean there are vines in her room and she speaks with them. Its rather worrisome." Axoret glanced at Demonia.
Duanna smiled "Hey dad, sorry for not contacting you two for so long." she heard about Leta "It must be hard not having your parents around...I haven't even been able to send her any gifts recently, I should have gone to see her first instead of Viktor..." she sighed feeling like a bad parent. Demonia was curious "Well on the way to Leta's room you are going to explain why you ran from heaven without telling Michael and why you saw Viktor first instead of your daughter."

Lilith saw Michael as he searched for Duanna "Hey Michael, what are you doing here?"
axoret nodded in agreement. "Michael is here and he's furious. He almost killed me. I think after his moms death, he lost it." He walked ahead to show Duanna where her daughter was.

Michael glanced at Lilith and grabbed her by the throat. "Have you seen Duanna?" He growled in anger.
Duanna looked down "He has been different....its why I left....." she followed "And I only went to Viktor first because he was behind on paperwork and his place was a mess." Demonia sighed "You should have gone to see Leta first...that stuff could have been done later..." Demonia was frowned in disapproval "Duanna I hope part of your heart wasn't given to Viktor the way it is given to Michael." Duanna said nothing she just looked at the ground and started to think about what her mother had just said.

Leta was sitting on her bed and heard what the vines told her she opened her door and looked out of her room but only saw Axoret, Xeliran, and Demonia, she didn't know that Duanna was walking behind them "I knew they weren't right...the vines said my mom was here....and dad too" Nova was walking towards everyone and Kana was on his shoulders, he was covered in red string. "Well then did we all decide to come see Leta at the same time." he laughed, he too didn't see Duanna from where she was standing.

Lilith placed her hands on his wrists and gently pressed down, she did not fear him and was not angry with what he was doing she was the same person not to long ago but it was revenge that made her that way, she had heard that he lost his mother and knew the toll it could take on someone, even now she still missed her father and that happened when she was 18 and only now was she getting over his death "How about you take a moment to calm down, I will lead you to were she is sure to go." talking about Leta's room. "Not only that but it's wrong for a father to not stop and say hi to his daughter." she smiled at him, when they had met in the past Lilith had the energy of a demon but now a days she seemed more human, kinder and a softer personality.
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Axoret nodded a little. "I could tell after he had slammed me against the wall threatening me to tell him where you were." He shrugged as he sat on Leta's bed. "Nova... Be nice and stay out of trouble. Leta, meet your mom."

Michael grunted but grabbed his chest, falling to his knees. "I have to find her first and then hunt down Lucifer. He's in this realm. My angels couldn't hunt him down in Hell."
Leta looked at Duanna and recognized her from photos she dropped her kitty and hugged her "mommy...." she started to cry again "I'm sorry for whatever I did, please don't hate me anymore...I promise to be a good girl for now on so please stop hating me..." Duanna became concerned and picked her up "Dear I could never hate you, why would you think that?" Leta wiped her tears away "You didn't contact us anymore and you stopped sending gifts....I thought you hated us because of something I did....." Duanna looked at everyone around her "Did I really just stop contacting you all like that?" she knew she hadn't sent letters but she didn't think how it would make anyone feel, she was so busy with things that were going on in heaven. Nova looked shocked when he saw Duanna and then balled up his fist as if he was going to hit her but with her holding Leta he stopped himself.

Lilith was worried "I can hear them and they are in Leta's room, come one lets hurry, if you want you can lean on me."
Michael nodded and leaned onto Lilith as he stumbled into Leta's room. "Duanna!!" He pushed Lilith away as he walked over to Duanna. He looked extremely stressed. He stopped himself when his eyes laid on Leta. "Leta?" He immediately recognized her it seemed. He then turned to Axoret and whispered something to him. Axorets eyes widened. "Are you serious? I mean I haven't heard from him in a while." Michael nodded and said "come on."
Duanna looked away from Michael not wanting to make eye contact with him, she had spent countless nights scared and crying, she walked out of the room with Leta in her arms and Nova quickly grabbed Michael "What the hell did you do to my sister!?" his fangs started to show the more he became angry.
Axoret stepped between the two and said "Michael and I... We have to do some work. He is our guest here so no fighting with him. Understand?" Michael nodded as he leaned against the wall. "I didn't do anything... Just saving the human world from complete destruction." He stormed off.
"Whatever....but while he is here he better stay away from my sister, I can smell the damn tears on her skin!" Demonia sighed and waited for the room to clear out "Is this because of Lucifer's disappearance? I may not visit Hell but we were once the same being, some time ago she started to become angry about something then I briefly spoke to her, she woke up one morning and Lucifer was gone, she didn't even leave a note behind. That's the last word I have received from her."

Duanna was holding Leta and started to cry quietly, Leta seemed confused and didn't know what to do.
Takashi looked over to see that kit walked into the bar, he smirked "yo kit...long time know see, whats up"

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Axoret hesitated but Michael said "yes. He's killing people and we have to kill him but whenever one murder would happen, another would happen simultaneously half way across the world. Its not different people. Its both Lucifer because he leaves the same message. Its in another language but it basically means 'Im coming for you'. He's after the royal family of heaven and... Azriel. He hates this kingdom for some reason. I didn't want to tell you cause then you would all overreact."

"Wait what???" Exiriya exclaimed. Ash smiled a bit.
Kit sat across from him "Been with my kid lately but the ex still won't let me in the bed..." he was straight to the point. "What about you?"

Diva walked outside "Zafon lunch is ready and would you get down off the roof, you are going to teach the kids bad habits."

"He shouldn't have left her...." Demonia looked down "He has no idea the damage he has caused to her....I met with her once to try to console her but she wouldn't listen to me...her situation became worse when I was leaving, she is trying to control herself but without an anchor she is slowly losing herself and returning to her stone form."

Duanna felt a pain in abdomen and she soon passed out and Leta screamed when she couldn't wake her up.

Nova heard the scream and went to see what had happened, he picked up his sister and took her to a guest room, Sephrith appeared next to her "This isn't good....damn it, I would love to know how this happened....go get Viktor right now...." Sephrith might have still been on the run but he would risk getting caught if it meant discussing with someone what needed to be done.

Nova did so he appeared near Viktor with in minutes "Sephrith wishes to speak with you about my sister Duanna, he wouldn't tell me what was going on he just told me to come find you."
Takashi smiled "oh you know, same old stuff I always do" chuckles.

Zafon sighs "fine.." he jumps off the room and lands swiftly beside her.

Juliana made it to the area where demon's were sighted, she looked around.

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"So what is that you do, I have never seen you lift a finger?" Kit laughed

Diva shook her head "Anyways when do you plan on going to see your daughter? I would think seven years of space would be good enough."

Lilith saw Juliana enter the village "Can I help you?"
Nadia smiled a bit as well and looked at Exiriya. "Yes, you'll be a father soon. Though... you can't see her. She doesn't want you to... but she can still hear you through the vines." Nadia assured and nodded toward the vines.
Takashi sighs "flirting with the ladies, of course.." he laughs.

Zafon looks at her then looks down "I dont know....she probably hates me now..." he sighs.

Juliana looks at lilith, she could tell she was a demon of the sorts but not a vampire "I'm a traveler....I was just looking for a place nearby to stay at.."

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Michael smirked and said "well were going to kill him whether she likes it or not." He smiled softly. Axoret shook his head. "Michael... Lets not speak about this here. Come hither." The two men nodded at each other knowingly. It seems to be that there was more to the story.

Viktor looked up at him from his desk. He took off his glasses which, by the way, looked good on him. He stood up and said "show the way..." 
Exiriya nodded and said softly "will I see her soon?" He smiled a bit, hopefully.
Demonia heard Leta scream "I need to go see what that was about."

Nova led the way and Sephrith looked up when they walked in and looked at Viktor "how have you been?"

Kit laughed "of course"

Diva smiled "I doubt that. She loves her father."

Lilith looked at her "And i am a guard."
"Well that depends..." Semira cut them off. "I want to see him! " She cried out immediately after in pain. Nadia rushed to remove the vines from his way. She got behind Semira and checked her progress. Semira reached for Exiriya as tears rolled down her face. "Exiriya i hate you right now."
Viktor smirked and said "great. Your disturbing me from working so keep it quick, simple, and cute."

Exiriya clenched onto her hand and smirked a bit. "You know you love me." He kissed her deeply. "I love you so much. Our family is becoming complete.
Takashi smiled "so how is your little boy.."

Zafon sigh "I really dont know...maybe I will later after lunch..." he looks at diva "will you come with me.."

Juliana sighed "I see...the would you know of anywhere nearby that I can stay at.."

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Sephrith looked at Duanna worried "She has no womb but she has a child growing inside her...she could die....I wonder if she has known. Then again she has been living in the heavens for so long and its a place of life or so i have been told so i could see how it happened...."

"he's a kid, he can't talk but he does sign language." kit laughed

"You know I like to stay home and watch the kids." diva smiled

"Yea i'll lead the way" led the way to the inn/pub where kit and takashi is.

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