Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Duanna's body soon vanished in to white flames, Leta was crying "Momma....I couldn't help her more....I wanted to save momma.....not let her wonder momma and daddy made me stay behind....I just useless....." she dropped to her knees and cried more, her tears fell and flowers grew where the tears dropped, leta saw that flowers and started crushing them in despair. "I can give life to every plant but I couldn't even help my momma...."
Michael hugged Leta from behind. "Its OK." He disappeared with Leta and reappeared with her. He pulled away, awaiting her reaction to being in the heavens. He knew it was irrational but he would raise both children himself, no matter what sacrifices he had to make.
Leta didn't let him pull away to far before she reached out to him and held on, still crying, she didn't know where they were and she didn't care, she was just scared that Michael would leave her so soon after losing Duanna. She never once felt pain. "Daddy I am sorry for whatever I did as a baby...just please don't leave me again....I like grandmother and grandfather but they're not momma and father, I want to live with daddy...daddy is all i have now that momma is gone..."
Michael smiled and held her close. "I will never leave you again. I promise. Come. Lets go to your real home." He carried her to the palace, people bowing as soon as they saw him. He immediately signed her up for homeschooling. He smiled a bit. "I need to get back to work." He put her down and walked away.
Leta looked around and then started to run around and found a hiding spot, she soon cried herself to sleep, the plants from her tears wrapped around the hiding spot to form a barrier to keep her safe while she slept.

Demonia was in her and Axoret's room crying, she was blaming herself for Duanna's death.
Michael tried to get to work but a servant came to him with his crying son. "Leo..." The servant raised his eyebrow and Michael smiled. "His name will be Leo because he will have the strength of a lion. He did survive after all." He held his son and went to see Leta.
Leta had found her way in to Duanna's private room where she made sure that servants couldn't even enter but it seems that with Duanna's death her spells had fade away, she had set it up as the baby room, she even had put a bed in the room for her to sleep in there but the bed was covered in vines and flowers, Leta was underneath the bed asleep.
Michael walked in, comforting Leo. He saw Leta and smiled a little. He saw a crib and rested Leo in the crib but when Leo got cranky, he rested on the bed, cuddling with Leo.
Leta woke up as the vines in the bed were crushed and she crawled out of hiding but said nothing, but she did look up a little and around the room when she heard a small bell rang in the room, she wondered if Michael heard. "Did you hear anything?"
"Never! I'll kill you myself! I swear I'll never sleep with you!" Semira hissed and shoved him away as Nadia carefully handed her the wrapped up child. Semira finally relaxed as she say the child. A soft smile spread on her lips as she held the baby's hand with her finger.
Michael grunted and slowly sat up. "Hear what?" He rubbed his eyes. His face was wet from crying in his sleep. Leo stayed asleep. "
The bell rang again and Leta started to search for it "Maybe I'm just hearing things..." she was a bell on a dresser in the room but it was the only bell around, she picked it "It's the only one but it has nothing on the inside to make it ring..." it rang again and she dropped it as she felt it ring "It shouldn't be able to do that..." she looked at Michael "that bell just rang..." it rang again and she hid under the bed, scared. When it did ring is was soft and calming, the dresser the bell was on had a journal that Duanna had kept and it looked like and unfinished baby outfit, from the looks of the room it was where she had been spending her day.
A picture dropped out and it was of their wedding day, the picture came from her last journal entry, it was stained by tears but still readable.

"I over heard the council members today, they were talking about some sort of procedure that I could go through to have kids, if they would just listen to me when I try to talk to them then they would know that it can't be done. They also started talking about making it seem like I had fallen ill and after my passing they would find Michael a new wife, I had tried many times to see Michael but I was always told to return to my room and that he didn't want to see me, I wanted to talk to Michael before leave, I wanted to tell him about our little miracle and how the council won't listen to me when I try to tell them about our son and that the things they wish to do could kill him. I only see my only choice is to go to Azriel. The journey will take a great toll on my body and I may only have enough time to say hi to everyone and then leave somewhere quiet to use what energy I have left to save my child. Michael, my love, if you ever read this I am sorry that I couldn't help you forget the pain of your mother's passing and they I may have only done more damage but please come out hiding and take care of our kids. I love you forever more, Duanna"

She wrote nothing more and the bell didn't ring again.
Michael dropped the letter, covering his mouth as tears ran down his cheeks. "No." He fell to his knees as he finally cried. He loved her more than anyone. She was the only person he had left and she was gone. He would be a good father to his children. Even if it meant that he couldn't hunt Lucifer anymore."

Exiriya chuckled and kissed her lightly. Their son liked so much like Exiriya. Hopefully, he didn't make the same choices Exiriya did
Leta hugged him "I'm sorry daddy....but momma will come back, right? just like grandma said she would...." Leta didn't know much about the spell they had preformed on Duanna. Duanna hated what she was seeing, all she was able to do was throw energy into the bell. She wanted to hug Michael to let him know that she was there.
Michael held Leta close to him and he whispered "you and Leo are all I have. I promise I will be a good father. I know its what your mother would want." He was shaking as he continued to cry. He wish he could become stronger like his mother but he couldn't. That's the one thing he could never succeed his mother in.
Duanna tried her best to concentrate her energy in her hand to touch his cheek and try to wipe some tears away and she thought Please feel this, I am here. Please don't mourn me, I will be back in time.
Michael felt her slightly but he was too worried about what would happen to respond. Finally, he stood up and said to Leta "I'm going to speak with the counsel. I won't be long." He kissed her forehead.
Semira leaned on Exiriya. She cuddled close to him as she gazed down apon the small baby. "What shall we name him dad?" She teased and looked up at him.
Leta smiled "Do you want me to watch little brother and lock the door?" Duanna saw that Leo was having a nightmare and quickly comforted him, she was just upset that she was never able to hold him.
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"You were the last person i thought I'd have a child with...." she mutteredand shifted away. "Here, hold him." She said softly and bbegan to show him how.

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