Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Micharl nodded and said "we will find her asap." He nodded at his guards as they brought her to Azriel. Michael focused his energy to finding Hell.

Lucifer smiled and said "I know. You followed through my plans perfectly. I wanted you to hate me so it would be less painful for both of us when you died. I will speak to the elders to give us one more night." He disappeared.

As soon as he disappeared, Michael appeared. "Have you seen Lucifer!" He growled, furious that he couldnt sense him. "Tell me!"

Axoret smiled and brought her onto the bed with them. "Of course but why aren't you home?"
Hell smiled "I will never allow you to have him, I will die protecting him until my last breath. I love him so much even if he is the reason that I am like this, I could never truly hate him....I would help him destroy this world just to prove how much I love him." she couldn't stop her tears from falling. "Everything that I have done, I have done out of love."

A servant walked into the room to announce that Duanna had been brought to the castle "Shall I take her to a guest room?"
Michael smirked and said "that's cute. Thinking he loved you? A man who truly loves someone doesn't disappear one night without a note explaining why he left. He's a lost cause. He hates you. He has nothing left anymore. He might have pretended to love you but he can't even do that anymore."

Axoret was surprised but then said "yes please but make sure Demonia doesn't see her yet. I don't think she can handle it at this point."
"Even if he does hate me I will still love him....also did you enjoy the spell I put on your lovely wife so she would carry his child?" she laughed a little "I told you I would make you both suffer. And did Duanna leave you a note when she left your kingdom or did she just leave without a word, if so then she hates you and never loved you. I use to watch your brother and you from afar when you two were both angels, goodness how I loved him even back then." she sighed "Now then if you could....kill me....."

The servant bowed and left the room, Kana looked at Axoret "Are you going to go see big sister or stay with mom for now?"
Michael growled and yelled "you b****!" He stabbed her through the chest in pure anger. He growled a bit but then fell to his knee, feeling weak from the anger he held. He collapsed.

"No. Your mother needs me but go see her. I know she needs someone and I don't think its best to show our face to her just yet." He stroked Demonia's cheek.
"I love dearest Lucifer...."Hell smiled as she drifted off into death, her body returned to stone then dust. Only thing left was her clothes and a photo sticking out of her top, Michael's sword had gone through where Hell had been in the photo but on both sides on her there was a little boy and girl, it looked like it was a birthday party. The children in the photo had some facial features of Lucifer.

"Alright." she gave him a hug and then had a guard walk her to where Duanna is, as soon as Duanna saw Kana she hugged her and started to cry. Kana held onto her sister and was trying to get her to calm down."
Michael picked up the photo and immediately recognized Lucifer. "Where did the brother I know go? The brother I grew up with would never harm a fly. Wherever you are brother... Please come back to me." He looked up at the sky. "This is what this world has come to. Why? Why couldn't he have stayed with me?" He disappeared.
Two kids appeared where Hell had turned to dust, they were crying a little and they collected what the could and put it into a container. The two had promised one another they would stay there for the night and rest where their mother rested. The girl leaned on her brother and soon drifted off to sleep, the boy made a fire circle around them so that they could stay warm.

Kana was worried about the pain that Duanna would feel every so often.
Lucifer appeared by the children and said "she's gone..." He looked away and walked away. "I guess its for the best." He didn't feel the pain in his chest anymore. Not since he left Hell. He smirked a bit. He was going to fight until his last breath.
The boy stood up after making sure his sister wouldn't fall over, he threw a knife at Lucifer "A**! She waited on you day and night and told us nothing but stories about how our father was a great warrior! You are nothing more than a joke of a warrior! Mother died because of her love for you, all because of you the guards in the castle locked me and my sister away and escorted us where ever we went because mother had lost her mind!" the boy was crying "And to think that I was named after you..."

Duanna curled into a fetal position as the pain became worse, the infant was causing darkness to flow through her and she was trying to fight it off.

Demonia slowly woke up and smiled at Axoret "It's always nice to wake up with you next to me."
Lucifer seemed surprised but then said "you can't be my children... Its impossible." He growled lowly, knowing it was very possible. "Duanna... I loved her so much that it hurt to see her suffering. I watched her as much as I could. I've wanted to tell her everything but I can't. I will die killing those that hurt me. But... If you are my children, tell me your names. I want you to come with me so I can be a real father." He bit his lip. 
Axoret smiled "I know you needed me." He hesitated but then said "your daughter Duanna is here. I didnt want to tell you because I was afraid you'd feel worst but I think she needs a mom right now."
"My name is Lucifer, mother gave me your name but the nickname she gave me was friends always laughed at that....she cursed sister with the name of Lili. And I think we will return to hell, just like you didn't care about mom you don't care about us! You are the king of lies, hell I would join uncle before I would ever join you and sister feels the same way!" An army of demons quickly appeared behind the boy as his eye started to glow red, all the demons bowed behind him to show they were loyal to only him "All class A ranked demons, highest class and I made sure that each one of them could take on mom easily, yes I did use mom to train my army but I need to make sure their skills were the best. Who knows how many times I hired demon to kill my mother, those that survived to the point of injuring her passed but anything below that mother killed or insulted me to the point that I killed them with my own hands, what I did might be wrong but it was for the good of my kingdom, I am a demon and I only strive for perfection and I am only six years old but the kingdom of Hell belongs to me now, you are no longer welcomed to our world, as for this world I could careless what you do with it but you come into Hell and try to take the throne I will kill you, be it sword or my bare hands."

Demonia slowly sat up and rested her hand on her stomach "I think once I talk with her I will rest for a few days....I shouldn't have stressed myself out like that...."
Lucifer seemed intrigued and said "I will tell you the truth. I left to protect your mother. A man came to my side threatening to hurt her if I didn't obey him. I went with him no questions asked. I loved her so much that every moment without her was like being stabbed repeatedly. The man that took me fed on my emotions until there was nothing left. He needed me to destroy all three realms and maybe other realms beyond that. When I finally killed him, I was so devoid of emotion. I couldn't remember why I was doing such things but I knew the only things I felt were anger and hate. I couldn't remember even Hell. I didn't know about my relationship with her. I just knew I felt like there was something missing. Then Arwen came to me, offering to help me. She tried to pretend like she was the thing I was missing but I knew it wasn't her. Then I saw pictures of me with Hell. I noticed how happy we were. She was the thing I was missing. I kept Arwen knowing I could use her. I decided to fulfill my lords request but to do that I had to keep Hell away. At times, I did see her but it was like hell trying to keep her away. I didn't want to be near her. It was too hard. Its not over yet... I still need to destroy Michael and everything that he stands for. Your army would be perfect." He put his hand out. It was obvious he was telling the truth. "Come with me and we will show everyone that Hell is not to be messed with." He was very convincing. "Please give me a chance to show you that I can be a good father. I won't hurt anyone I love anymore."
He took a step back "I'm sorry but you already hurt us....mother was all we had since you weren't around and then she started to started to see me as you..." he looked down "I can't count the times she had to be restrained from hurting me and sis one way or another. Mom use to wait for you outside....everyday we slowly watched her die, you didn't even try to stop mom did you? Even after knowing you just watched her die....I tried to get her to stop but she would only hit me." he removed his shirt and he was covered in scars. "All of this was done by mother." he put his shirt back on and picked Lili up "I use to see you as the misunderstood hero...but now I can only see the monster that was once a great man."
Lucifer yelled "Lucy! Lili! I-" He would have apologized but he knew it was no use anymore. He chuckled and said "I guess this is what they meant. I'd suffer for everything I've done. Where did my human side go? Now I have nothing left to lose. Maybe its better this way." He walked away trying to hide his sadness with his sarcastic smirk. He couldn't still feel sadness and loneliness anymore, could he? Was it still possible.
Lucifer bit his bottom lip as her appeared before Michael, kneeling. He wanted to see the father that everyone spoke of, his kind side, he was hoping that maybe his uncle could help but he swallowed his pride,he pissed him off that he would bow before an angel just to ask for help. "Hello Michael." he looked just like lucifer did as a kid but with the energy of a fallen.
Michael grunted, completely uninterested by this demon boy but a servant whispered "this is Lucifer's son," as Michael was drinking his tea. He then coughed up his tea, shocked to hear Lucifer had a son. "Son?" He continued coughing. When his fit subsided, he narrowed his eyes, his interest peaked. "You have my interest now. Speak. Do you know where your father is?"
"I just spoke with him...I am sorry to say that I left him standing where my mother had died also even if I did know where he was I would not allow you to harm him just as I refused his offer to join him to destroy the world and our family. Seeing my mother's death was hard enough and even though I know you killed her I bare no grudge towards you but I also don't want more killing of family members."
Michael growled but then changed tactic and said "my brother... He used to be so kind. Before the creation of humans, he and I were closer than you would think. I love him even now but those that break the treaty, the death penalty is the only thing left for them." He smiled softly. Years of work were taking its toll on him. He looked exhausted. "If you can change him, I will change my mind. If you can revert him to his old self, then he won't be staring death right in the face. Now leave me." Guards came to Lucy's sides. He growled, hating Lucifer for raping his Duanna.
Lucy quickly summoned his demons to take care of the guards in case they tried to touch him "You may be done talking to me but i still need to talk to you. I swallowed my pride to kneel before you so you are going to listen to what I have to say" he stood up and looked Michael in the eyes "I know nothing of my father except what my mother had told me, you knew him more than she did and I came here to ask for your help to help me return my father to the way he was once before and in turn I will help our aunt Duanna. Having half sibling inside her must be painful for her. I can take that pain away and if you don't wish to help then I will still help Duanna in exchange of what might help my father be the person he once was."

Demonia was trying to calm Duanna down who was crying from the pain. Demonia felt powerless, nothing she did seemed to help.
"Siblings...." He corrected biting his fist hard. "When I saw her, I immediately sensed two. Angel demons hybrids can't work. Ones an angel, ones a demon. They will still be hybrids but one will be as corrupt as Lucifer, and one as pure as Duanna. The thing I'm worried about is that... The demon one might kill his sister because she won't be strong enough to fight him off. But... If they both survive, they will be the strongest babies in existence. They will be stronger than even Lucifer or Hell or Demonia..." He seemed to be telling the truth. "The reason why I know you can change your father is because... Back when he was young, he always talked about how he wanted to fall in love and have children. He's good with kids. His entire personality hasn't changed despite what he tells himself." He shrugged at the truth of the second part.
He sighed "So at some point and time I might wind up like you and my father, I can take some of the darkness and power away from him but all that would only hold until they were born...where is Duanna, I might be named after my father but I keep my word and I will help her as much as I can." he was very mature for a six year old he stuck his hand wanting to shake Michael's, he had pulled most of his energy away from his hand but left enough so that Michael's energy won't hurt him. Lili appeared behind him "Louie (didn't like to call her brother lucy) why did you leave me at home by myself....?" she rubbed her eyes
"Twins?" He raised an eybrow but then shook Lucy's hand. "Protect Duanna from anymore pain. And I'm nothing like my brother." He smiled kindly at the two.
Zafon sighs and finishes his food, he stands up and looks at the older kids "I'm going to need you guys to watch the younger one for a little while....I have to go do something too..ok"

Takashi sighs "I really think you want me dead...fine" he stands up.

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"This is my sister Lili, she's a bit more shy than me, she is older and would have taken the throne but because of the things mom did to her she is easily scared, she willing gave me the throne even after I said I would help her get over her fears. And what I meant was me and my half brother could be fighting over a kingdom one day like you and my father has been doing, I should have made that more clear. Now then show me where Duanna is."

The eldest sighed " know if your gone too long mom will get upset, you know how protective she is of her babies" they laughed

Kit followed and then pushed him towards Juliana as a joke.

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