Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Michael disappeared with the two of them, reappearing by Duanna's side. "Hey honey." He kissed her cheek. "These are Lucifer's children but don't worry. There here to save you. Relieve the pain."
Zafon smiles "I know.." he looks over at diva.

Juliana glanced over to see kit and takashi walking toward her, she sighed in annoyance.

Takashi looked back at kit "I am kick your but for this later..." he gets pushed ovet to her, he looks at her and rubs the back of his head "um...hi.."

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Duanna smiled at Michael and then bit her lip to hold back a scream and Lucy looked worried "She has a lot of darkness that she is fighting off. Even the angel is being hurt and that's whats causing her the most pain. If you could miss, please lay down on your back." Duanna shook her head "It hurts to much to move..." he sighed "I think your son knew I was coming, he is causing you enough pain that he wants you to stay in the fetal position so that your body being curled up acts as a shield for him." he looked at Micheal "I can't help her properly with her like this you either need to convince her to move where she is on her back or you help her move."

Diva sighed "if you need to go see Demonia then I will allow it this one time."

Kit walks up next to him and smiles "My friend here thinks you're cute but we were wondering what a vamp hunter was doing in a town like this."
Michael helped her move to her back and whispered to her "if we don't do this, the twin will die. Please, bear through the pain until he's done with you."
Fayde had decided that it was past time to make his appearance in the world of man and beast. He reached forward with his right hand pushing through the barrier he wrapped himself in ages ago, his hand disappeared on his side but appeared in the air in front of him, the barrier looking like fractured glass around his arm. He sighed and stepped through fully shattering the barrier and appearing in midair. A pulse of power flew from him in a wave rushing forward in a twenty mile radius, a consequence of him being isolated for so long a building up so much power.

He looked around, directly below him was a small town that reeked of beings of all kinds, he lowered his vision into the ethereal plane to find that there was an assorted collection of beings in a tavern below. Other than that he concluded it was just like any other town. He brought his vision back into the physical plane, and drifted down to the ground. Fayde walked towards the tavern immediately with a confident and purposeful stride. He walked right into the bar pushing open the door and looking at the patrons through the white screen of his mask. He walked in and sat at the bar two stoo;s down from a man who was clearly inebriated he ordered a and payed with what at first looked like a coin from ages past but quickly turned into the currency of this time period. After recieving his drink he sat there taking a drink every so often while he contemplated what he would do now, he spoke more to himelf than anything smiling as he did, "Maybe I could visit Micheal see if he's still one who remembers."
Duanna let out a slight scream when she was moved and Lucy quickly covered his sisters ears not caring about his own and sighed when she had stopped, his sister had sensitive hearing so he was always trying to protect her from anything that could hurt her. "Demonia if you could please leave the room, sorry to say it but your darkness is hurting her as well, I know you just wanted to help but you are with child so you let your energy flow freely so that your child can feed off of it, that currently doesn't help her and it won't help you or your child to suppress you energy." Demonia kissed Duanna on the forehead and then left the room "Michael if you could can let Duanna rest her head on your lap? It might hurt her a little but I think if she has you that close to her then she can bare with it and I will have to use some dark energy to make sure I don't get the wrong child but once that is done and can start to extract it out and lay a control spell on him."
Michael nodded and rested her head on his lip. He hushed her, trying to comfort her. "Its alright. I'm here." He smiled, nodding at Lucy.
He sighed "I'm sorry..." he placed both his hands on her stomach and formed energy no bigger than a needle from all his fingers and slowly let the energy enter her, Duanna grabbed Michael's hand as the energy went into her and tears rolled down the side of her face and Lucy felt bad "I really am sorry...I hate hurting family..." he couldn't imagine how painful it could be, once the energy had taken hold of the child with the darker energy he started to pull it out while laying down a spell to control how much power the child could have, when he was done he started to fall back and Lili caught him "how are you feeling now?" Duanna had grown pale during the process but she was regaining color "Much better....thank you, I'm just feeling a little weak is all." Lucy smiled at her "Glad I could help, now then once I have had some rest I am going to go find my father."
"You are excused." He touched Duanna's cheek and said "I am so happy that your alright and both of OUR children are alright." He hesitated but then kissed her nose and sais "I don't care if their Lucifers kids. I will raise them as my own. They won't know my brother. They won't know of his existence."
Lucy leaned on his sister and sat in a chair just a little ways outside the room.

Duanna smiled "I wouldn't care if he saw them....but I would be worried about how they would turn out if they were around him too long." she sighed "Dear....he want me to contact him when its close for me to have them...I'm scared about what he'll do....."
He kissed her deeply and said "lets worry about that when the time comes." He knew only bad things could happen if she contacted him. He was afraid he'd take the children from them but he didn't show any worry on his face.
"I was wondering.....the boy that helped us, was Lucifer like that at one time? I though the poor boy was going to cry because of the pain I was feeling while he did all of that. I wanted to give him a hug and tell him that I was fine and grateful that he helped us. So what is his name?"
"Lucifer used to be the kindest man you ever met. He couldn't hurt a fly. Everyone loved him. He wasn't just my brother. He was my best friend. I told him everything. Then, he changed. He became arrogant and superior to everyone around him. I tried to get him tot all to me but he would just beat me for even trying to speak with him." He hesitated to tell her but then said "his name is... Lucifer."
"I see, he has Hell in him, it amazes me that someone raised by the original darkness turned out so nice...also I had been meaning to ask you something...when I first entered into Heaven were you and your mother already there?"

Lucifer had recovered his energy and started to leave the castle "Sis I want you to go back home alright." she shook her head "Sis please...?" she shook her head again and he sighed, he walked back to Michael's room "I am sorry to bother you but could you watch after my sister? She is trying to follow me to find our father but I am worried she will get hurt..." Lili grabbed his arm "If you like it or not I am going with you."
At first, Michael hesitated but then finally sighed and said "yes. I was one of the members to purify you but shortly after, I was forced to leave cause my mother had other plans for me and sent me to the human realm. When they wlked back in, Michael smiled a little and sid "it will be my pleasure to look after her."
Lili stayed close to her brother and he sighed "Forgive me..." he used his power of control to force her to sleep, she did and he caught her then laid her down on a small couch in the room "When she wakes up she'll be angry with me...but please don't let her follow." he moved some hair out of her face and then kissed her cheek "My sister is all I have left, the treaties of hell have been broken so I have no allies, I hope when this is all over Heaven and Hell can renew their treaty."
"Don't worry... You know, Lucifer is the only other person I know that can ue compulsion to send people into a sleep state. Don't grow up to be like him, please. You are too much like him. You even look like him and bear his name." He held a worried expression on his face.
"I only use my abilities like that when I need to, I would constantly worry that she would become hurt. I felt that I had no other choice but to have her sleep. I plan on being a king that his people love and not fear so I will never become my father, I will never fall into the darkness that has." He left the room, he felt he had already spent so much time talking and making sure that his sister was safe. when he was outside the kingdom he placed his hands on the "Show me where a meeting place my father goes." a shadow seeped out of his hand and then moved around a little on the ground before darting off, he followed it not sure where it would lead him.

Duanna kissed Michael "I since a great deal of good in that boys heart, I don't think he will become like her father so easily."
Lucifer was sitting at a bar, speaking with a girl. Her hands were all over him. "Show me where it is and I'll give you what you want." She was grazing vampire teeth against his neck, causing him to moan a little. "Don't tease me or I'll be the one on top." He took a sip of his wine.

Michael shook his head and said "I didn't think Lucifer would ever end up like that but within a year, he was out killing people for his amusement. Once he touched darkness, he couldn't break up with it. It was like a drug."
He saw that he was in a bar and cursed, he would just wait outside until his father left. Some drunks walked out and saw lucy sitting on a bench, they walked up to him and then grabbed him. He didn't seem to amused "I suggest you let me go." the drunks laughed at him "you know in this place people pay a pretty little penny for kids who look like you." Lucy hated that it would give away that he was there but he quickly summoned a demon and had them take care of the drunks. he praised the demon that protected him and then dismissed him.

"Well then we will just have to keep an eye on him to make sure that doesn't happen." she smiled.
Lucifer finally walked out with the drunk girl. He smiled but annoyance showed on his face. "Come on. I'll give you what you want just lets go somewhere private... Like that alley." He smirked as he dragged her to the alley. She screamed but the screams quickly died down. Soon, he walked out of the alley but when he saw Lucy, he growled. "Don't you see Im at work." He walked past him, happy to have gotten the number he's been looking for.

"Yeah. Darkness is addicting and he's such a sweet kid. Hopefully he doesn't spend too much time with his father."
"I child's need should be put before work but fine, damn....Michael was worried that I would become like you. That's a laugh...I still don't see how mom fell for know we were told that against all odds you and mom were the best couple hell had ever seen.....even though your love for one another was slowly killing you both....Mom was growing weaker, she nearly died while giving birth to us because her love for you was so strong also..." he pulled a note from his pocket and then stuck it back in "Never mind you would probably just burn it before reading it."

"But he was born into that world so darkness should be seen as nothing new to him, its why I think he will fair better."
"Give me it!" Lucifer put his hand out, looking at him with stern brown eyes. He wouldn't let his anger take over so he kept his cool.

"Lucifer was born as one of the purest angels that ever existed. Now look at him." He smirked. "I guess it all depends on were your from I guess."
He pulled the letter from his pocket and handed it him worried that he would still burn it.

Duanna kissed Michael "I still believe that there is some hope for your brother, after all I watched you return from your darkness." she smiled as she thought about the time Michael had almost become a fallen.
Zafon walks over to diva and kisses her "I try not to be out really late..ok" he smiles.

Juliana glare at kit then at takashi "its none of your business...get lost vampire scum..." looks away while annoyed

Takashi flinched a little "ouch...woman's got a bit of a bite" he looks at kit and smirks.

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