Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Fayde sighed before taking off his mask and revealing his deep amethyst eyes, he looked back at the boy that addressed him, "So you know my brother hmm, and who is this Duanna?" He turned facing both of them, "Take me to him, It's been awhile since I've seen my family".
Juliana sighed while annoyed then walked up stairs, she didnt really care what was going on, she was just her to do her job.

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Fayde looked back at the girl as she went upstairs, "on second thought, I should fulfill my end of the agreement." He put his mask back on and followed, blurring as he zipped around until he was right behind her. "I'll stick with you." It was a safe way of saying he was becoming attached without sounding like it.
Kit looked at takashi "I wonder if he meant blood brother or brother in battle....Lucifer is the only brother that Micheal has from my understanding..."

Demonia sighed "Dad let him be....I was in love with him as well at one time or another..."
Takashi looked at kit and shrugged.

Zafon sighed "where is he...he still made me a promise a long time ago that he broke.."

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Lucifer picked him and hushed him. "Shh... Its alright. I'm here now. I'm not leaving you anyytime soon." He starts walking off but Michael grabbed his arm. "The next time you leave an your a dead man." Lucifer nodded and said "I will pay for the twins just... Protect Duanna." He walked ahead.
Lucy smiled a little and hugged his father "Also sis is at Azriel, I had uncle watch over her while I came after you, we need her so we can get mother's ashes from the hiding spot. She'll probably hit me since I forced her to fall asleep..." he sighed

Demonia sighed "I really don't know...i haven't seen him in years."
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Demonia punched Zafon and suddenly Diva appeared and she looked around "Seems the energy has led me here..." Demonia looked annoyed "Great who invited the bi***?"
Demonia glared at Zafon and Diva saw her swollen belly "Ummm....dear its called mood swings....remember how I get, throwing plates at you one minute and then loving on you." Demonia was pissed to the point that guards came over and Diva moved close to Zafon looking scared "Dear maybe we should just go....?"
Zafon looked at then guards then looked at diva, he sighed then looked at demonia "I was hoping to spend some time with you....seeing as I havent seen you in a while..but I guess not.." he sighs again then picked diva up bridle style and vanished with her, then appeared at their house, he gently set diva down on her feet.

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"Dear don't hold it against her. If I had known she was pregnant I wouldn't have suggested you go see her. Then again I am sure that me suddenly appearing didn't help matters any...she has never liked me." Diva sighed.
Zafon looked at diva "diva..its ok" he kissed her "I have to look for someone though...I'll be back ok"

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Zafon smiles then kisses her back "ok...see ya" he vanishes then appears where UH is. UH looked at zafon with his emotionless eye's. Zafon gets angry when he sees what UH looks like now, zafons eyes glow crimson red "you dumba**!! What the heck do you think your doing" Zafon walks over to UH and punches him acrossed the face hard "what the hell are you thinking!!! Falling for my daughter!!" Zafon grabbed UH by the collar of his shirt and lifted him off the ground. UH just looked at zafon while some blood ran from his mouth from when Zafon had punched him. Zafon gets more mad then slams him into the tree hard "ANSWER ME DA** IT!!"

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(Sorry. For some reason it didn't tell me the alert for some reason)

"Alright. I will wait outside while you go get her. I don't think Duanna wants to see me or if Michael will even allow me near her." He glanced at his brother. He brought Lucy back to the palace and put him down. "I'll be here."
"Alright." he smiled and ran inside to get his sister and when they came back out Lucy had a red mark on his face like he had been punched or slapped, he was rubbing his cheek and his sister tried her best to look and be angry with him "I said she would be upset..." he sighed

Lilith felt zafon's energy but didn't know who it belonged to, she took a horse and rode out to the area and saw zafon and UH "Excuse me! You are to stop hurting that man right now!"
Zafon looked over at lilith and groaned in a annoyed manner, he then let UH go only to watch him all to the ground as if UH was a lifeless body, zafon only got more annoyed with UH "pathetic..." zafon then vanished and appeared at his house while looking mad.

UH just set there leaned up against the tree and loking down.

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They followed behind and Duanna watched them leave, she left the window and sat on the bed, she had to close her eyes and force herself to calm down, she wanted to go out there and hit Lucifer.

Lucy walked up to where the portal was but somehow it had become solid rock. "The portal is gone...." he looked at Lucifer "Can you do anything? Mom never taught me what to do when this happens...."

Lilith sighed and looked at UH "sir are you alright? I would like for you to come to Azriel with me."
Zafon walked into the house.

UH didnt look at the girl, he just set there "is demonia there...."

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"S***... I don't know. I don't usually control that so I don't have any idea what to do." He bit his lip hard and asked "where are your mothers ashes?"
Lilith looked at him better "Are you UH?

Diva was cleaning up some broken plates and looked at Zafon when he came in "Kids decided to play with a frizz bee inside the house."

Lucy looked like he was going to cry "Its in the palace you think we would be able to ask Demonia for help?"
Lucifer nodded and said "yeah. I mean at the moment she hates me but she has a soft spot for children so you two are going to ask her for me being as innocent as you can." He grinned at her

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