Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Joy..." He said sarcastically with as little enthusiasm as possible. He caught her scent and grabbed the kids and disappear. He reappeared by Demonia. "I have a request of you." He bowed.

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"She has been looking for you." Lilith's horse started to become antsy and a shadow passed under her causing the horse to rear up and cause lilith to fall off.

Demonia smiled "And what is that and what do I get in return after you raped my daughter?" glaring at him.
Lucifer growled, quickly losing his patience. "You get to st-" He realized that he shouldn't threaten her so he changed tactic and said "I need the portal of Hell open and I promise I will do anything you want afterwards. We need it open."

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"Why is it that you need one?" Demonia wanted to make sure they weren't planning anything bad. Lucy looked at Demonia and smiled "You get to stay immortal if you open the portal and if you don't then I'll just stab you. With my mother's death you are no long connected to Hell to way you once were." Demonia took a step back as she worried about an attack. Lili smiled "Brother kills with no remorse, if he doesn't get his way he will kill." Demonia looked at Lucifer "Your kids are just as evil as you...follow me...." she led the way to a less used area of the castle and the kids laughed at their threats.

Lilith sighed "Thanks, I need to get to the castle quick...that was not a normal shadow."

Diva smiled "Is everything ok?"
UH looked at her then looked over at her horse, he set her down gently on her feet then calmed her horse down so she could get back on it.

Zafon looked at her then looked away "not really...I'm annoyed" he had a little bit of UH blood on his hand from when he punched him.

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Lucifer smirked and said "just wait till my babies are born. These two are nothing compared to what they will be like." He laughed, his wings opening up as if on queue. "I might pay child support but once they reach a certain age, their mine."

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"Lucy I suggest you hold your tongue, from what I have heard they won't even know you existed." glared at him rethinking letting them have what they want.

Lilith got on her horse and made it run to the castle.

Diva walked on the glass to walk over to him but it didn't phase her, she kissed him. "I could make you happy." she giggled
UH followed her close behind, his speed was as fast as the horse's.

Zafon watched as she walked on the glass, he then looked worried "babe...dont do that"
Lucifer smirked and said "tsk tsk tsk. So naive my little buttercup. Do you really think Duanna will be able to stay away? I may feel nothing for her but Im the father of her children."

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"If Micheal wishes it then she will, even not knowing herself I wonder how much of a fight she gave you." she smiled and then a shadow past under her and she fell to her knees in pain, Lucy and lili looked at Lucifer "We aren't doing it..."

"Why, it doesn't bother me." she smiled.

Lilith was worried and run into the castle and looked around frantically.
Lucifer was scowling and he said "she's my only chance!!" He helped Demonia up and kept her arm around him. "I will guide you. Tell me where to go."

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UH watched as Lilith ran inside the castle, he waited outside and looked at the horse that was now eating grass.

Zafon sighs "well it bothers me..."
Fayde paused on the stairs, feeling the energies of somany angelic beings dark or otherwise. He put a hand on Juliana's shoulder speaking softly, but with a determined tone. "I will return soon, but I must go now." With that, he became a fuzzy image and then was gone. He felt Lucifer, and used the recognition of that powerto guide his teleportation. He appeared to the left of Lucifer, still in his human form and gazing at those around him through his mask. While the initial shock subsided he looked at Lucifer a sly grin on his face. "Hello brother, do you remember me?"

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She touched the wall and more pain filled her "Someone doesn't to get into.....hell....." she was holding back a scream "there was a portal here.....but I closed it when I had......came across it...." she looked at the kids and she forced herself past the pain to open the portal then passed out, Lucy looked at Demonia worried " she going to be okay....?" he looked at the ground and saw blood "Dad....she's bleeding...." he became very worried and then looked at Lili "Go have everything set up for the spell and fast." Lili nodded and ran through the portal.

Lilith was worried and saw Axoret, she stopped to catch her breath "Have you seen mom, she the only one that I haven't seen?"

"Alright, i won't do it again." diva kissed him
Lucifer laid her on the ground and whispered "stay with me. Both you and your child." He slipped off his shirt and pressed it against the wound. "Hell!! Stop it this instant. I know its you!" He was becoming kinder and more relaxed. He was like his old self again. Well almost

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Axoret looked at her curiously. "No why?" Hr seemed very concerned that he hadn't seen her. "Is she in danger?"

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Juliana watched at Fayde left, she sighed then began to walk to her room.

UH looked toward the top of the castle, he then vanished and appears in the area where Demonia is in.

Zafon smiled and kissed diva back.

(sorry guys, got confused with the post)
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Lilith looked around "A quick moving shadow passed under my horse while in the woods and came this hasn't bothered anyone I have come across but I can't find mom...."

Lili popped her head out of the portal "Everything is setup, bring Demonia with us." Lucy looked at Demonia "Once mom is brought back Demonia will hopefully get better."

Diva smiles and goes back to cleaning up the broken plate
(Sorry kai'zen. I didn't read it. Let me add to it. :) )

Lucifer jumped at the sound of the familiar voice. He spun to look at him. He gave him a snide smile. "I would hug you and what not after not seeing you in so long but... Demo is here might be dying.

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Lucifer nodded in understanding and he picked her up. He looked over and said "I've gotten worst since the last time you have seen me but Im afraid I must go. I have to protect my family."

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UH looked at Demonia then looked at the people near her "what happened to demonia"

Zafon smiles then comes up behind diva and wraps his arms around her waist.

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