Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Demonia's body stayed warm but she started to fall into a darkness and slip into a coma. Lucy walked through the portal "Dad we have to hurry." he looked at UH "We don't have time to explain."

Lilith looked around "She shouldn't have gone this far into the castle in her condition..."

"Dear I am trying to clean up a mess" Diva giggled
Zafon smirks then leans toward her closer and starts kissing her neck.

UH just nodded at the kid then vanished and appeared where Lilith is "Hey....I know where your mom is.." he looked down.
"Got it." He jumped through the portal and was whispering to Demonia to maybe keep her stable.

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Lilith looked at UH "Take us to her now."

Lucy and Lili ran into a room where there was a fire going in the center of it, they placed their hands on a stone that was in the wall and it vanished revealing where their mother's ashes were. "Does dad wish to throw this into the fire?"
"I just want my wife to live and..." He looked down at Demonia and then rested her upon a bed. "She isn't of use to me anymore so therefore, I don't care."
They tossed it into the fire and it made a slight screeching noise, the two started to say and incantation and the fire slowly started to die down, by the time it had had gone out Lili was on the ground passed out and Hell was in the center of the circle, Lucy fell to one knee since the spell took a lot out of him.
"I can't do much more...I thought with us fighting to bring her body back it would bring back her soul....seems she didn't see that as a big enough reason to live..." he looked at Demonia "I don't think mom attacked Demonia or she would know that you are here..." he pulled a blanket over Hell "Mom needs a reason to live....with the extra energy that I have I'll see if I can help Demonia if that's alright with you."
Uh nodded then vanished with the both of them then appeared where demonia was at.

(Sorry guys, was rping with someone else with a character named casey...and I just woke up so I messed up)

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"She has..." He hesitated, knowing he's been terrible to her. He sat by the wall and ran a hand through his hair. He lit a cigarette to maybe relieve some stress. He snickered and said "maybe she was right." He clenched his fist. "I should have at least let brother return me but I was so obsessed with my plan that I didn't think of anything else." His hands were turning into flames. He was angry but was fighting it.
"Dad you could at lease try to talk to mom, give her a reason to live, her body and soul is connected but without someone to to tell that she needs to return her body will return to ash soon and purified ash, the spell won't work a second time if that happens." Lucy walked over to Demonia and was about to check on her but just when he saw UH, Axoret, and Lilith suddenly appear, Lucy sighed, he felt that they were no threat to him.
Lucifer approached Hell's body and touched her cheek. He didn't have anything to say. Instead, he leaned down and brushed her cheeks a little. His lips met her cold lips. "Your so cold..." He smiled and said "I'm so happy your here. Just seeing your body... So beautiful."
UH watched what was going on but stayed out of the way, he glanced over to demonia and kept his eyes on her the whole time.

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Within a few minutes Hell opened her eye and gasped for air, she looked around seeming dazed and confused. Lucy examined Demonia's body and looked worried "The child is fine, a little weak but will survive as for Demonia she has fallen into darkness...she is slipping into a coma." saw that his mother was awake and quickly hid under the bed that Demonia is on.
UH walked over to demonia, once beside the bed she was on, he stopped and touched her cheek gently "demonia...please wake up..its me....Ulimate Hybrid..I'm sorry I ran off...please....come back..your husband and daughter lilith are really worried about you...and so am I.." he hoped that is voice would lead her out of the darkness and wake her up.

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Lucifer smiled softly. Acoret finally let out a low growl and demanded "what is going on here!!??" His gaze was terrifying but Lucifer completely ignored him. "Hell, I'm sorry but don't worry I'll never leave you again. Michael has already theatened to return me and kill me once and for all if I do so." He grinned.
Hell kissed him and smiled softly "I didn't think you wanted me anymore..." Lucy looked at Axoret and came a little out of hiding "You wife was bleeding after something attacked her so we brought her here to see if we could help her...sorry but it has nothing to do with my father, he did nothing to here."
Lucifer said "its a... Long story." He kissed her deeply and smirked. "I missed your lips... You don't know how much I had to hold myself back when I saw you."
Uh kept on trying to talk to demonia as he tried to lead her out of the darkness, when he noticed that it didnt look like it was working, he sighed then looked over at Axoret " should try to help demonia..maybe just talking to her while help lead her out of the darkness.." he looked at demonia with a sad look then slowly took his hand away from her cheek and stepped away from her.

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Hell smiled "And I missed everything about you" Lucy saw that his mom wasn't going to lose herself and he came out of hiding "Dad take mom to her room, she might be a little weak but she doesn't need to be in this cold spell room." He looked at Axoret "All we know is that something attacked Demonia while she tried to open a portal to hell for us..."
Fayde hadn't left, he just put on a screen, making his form difficult to see head on yet visible from ones peripherals. He took off his mask seeing no need for it since he was near invisble. He watched his brother and the other beings around him, as they swarmed in the room. He noted couples, children, and injured deciding that if he ever came into conflict with these people he will needbtheir weaknesses. The who was called Ultimate Hybrid, looked like a decent opponent, but Fayde wouldn't go into his warlike way of thinking, this was a time to tend to the ill amd support the others. Knowing that these people may find it strsnge if he showed himself, he decided to wait forsomeone to notice his presence not wanting to impose on these peoples tenderness.

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Lucifer picked her up gently and said "I'll take her there." Axoret stayed buly Demonia's side. "Its OK. I'm here now." He kissed her lightly.
Uh watched as axoret kissed demonia, he then looked away, he new that he didnt have to right to do or say anything so he just stayed back out of the way.

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Lucy went over to his sister and placed her on a cot in the room and covered her up and the returned his attention to Demonia and Axoret "She was bleeding earlier but that seems to have stopped, thank goodness too or she might have lost the child. Then again I never saw the shadow leave her could be what is causing her to not wake up."

Hel smiled and blushed as Lucifer carried her "So what do you think about our kids?"
Axoret looked at him and nodded. He touches her forehead and said "she's stable... The shadow, I think the only way to get rid of that is by a purification ritual and I don't hve the means for that."

"What kids?" Lucifer cocked his head to the side. "oh those kids! Lucy and I have really bonded over the past day. Lili and I haven't shared a conversation so I don't know about her."

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