Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lilith sighed "Alright...when we return home should I join the search party for the prince?" Demonia smiled and stood up leaning on Axoret.

Duanna looked down and gripped the covers as if she was trying to fight away her anger.
Axoret held her close to him and helped her walk out. "Lilith... You go searching for Xeliran. I'll bring Demonia back home to Michael and Duanna so he can watch over Duanna and not have to strain herself too much. I will be out doing my own searching." He whispered something to a soldier and they walked off. "Alright. Lets go."
Demonia looked down "I'm sorry....I shouldn't have pushed myself so hard...I think I'll stay in bed for the next few days..." Lilith went on ahead to help in the search party.

Duanna looked at Michael and then looked away, she wondered what he was thinking about her after she drank Lucifer's blood. "I'm a poor excuse for a queen...."
UH vanished then appeared outside of the castle.

Vivian looked away from the guard and started to look around more for what ever made that 'Gah' noise, she then sighed "it was probably nothing..." she then went back to getting water from the sea.

Saya frowned when she noticed that she could lnt buy any of the good smelling food, she then walked away from the market stand and continued to walk around the village.
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Michael shook his head and said "of course not. Your still my Duanna." He kissed her deeply but then said "just dont go near Lucifer for a few days because drinking his blood as side effects. Like craving him so much that it feels like your dying. Thats what happens whenever one drinks from a demon or angel. I don't know what it is but it just happens. Thats why vampires prefer drinking from humans only."

Axoret helped Demonia back to the Kingdom of Azriel and smiled as he saw Duanna and Michael. He rested Demonia on the other bed and said "I'm going to continue my search for Xeliran..."
Duanna kissed him back "I won't...."Duanna looked down and then saw her mom and Axoret, Demonia kissed him "Just be careful. You know how I worry when you leave." she smiled, Duanna heard what Axoret was doing "Dad...I'm not sure where Lucifer had me but I am sure that I felt Xeliran's energy there...."

The smell of the food was starting to attract demons to the beach.
Axoret smirked and said "where do you think I am going?" At that, he left. He didn't trust anything about Lucifer and him changing. He's the devil. He will always be the devil. Why should he change now?
Duanna laid down wishing she had her memories when Lucifer had her. She was blaiming herself thinking she might have been able to do something to stop it from happening.

The guard grabbed Vivian's arm "I said you need to leave the beach miss." he gave her a stern tone.
Fayde was intrigued, but decided it would be best for him to go he had had enough of watching from the sidelines and by what Lucifer said he may be seeing his brothers soon. Hedropped his screen visible to all for a split second, amyone who did see him would see a smirk on his face before he disappeared enitrely his prescence which was at first hardly noticeable while he was there was now gone completely leaving any able to sense energies feeling like the room wasslightly different.

Fayde reappeared on the side of a secluded clif that now overlooked a bustling mortal town directly in front of it, and with the sea right behind it., forest in between all the locations. He faced the edge with a distant look on his face remembering that it used to be, his palace. He glanced back towards the town, that now after some time hosted a palace in its boundaries. He felt he should visit the owners after restoring his own home. He looked at the stone and knelt down placing his right palm on it speaking one word, "Rise." Immediately the earth rumbled, a large magic circle appearing before, sprouting the first few spires of the palace. They continued to rise growing walls and courtyards interconnected towers and battlements. A fearsome yet beautiful fortress stood the gates opening to grant access to its master. Fayde stood and walked in heading straight for a bath that ethereal servants had prepared. They disproved him and he got into the warm water. Cleaning himself before the townsfolk arrived no doubt armed and wary of the new structure that graced their horizon. (Image coming soon!!)

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Axoret got to Lucifer's apartment and knocked on his door. When there was no response, he knocked again. Finally, Lucifer called out "be there in a sec." He walked out in a very strange outfit for him. Instead of wearing all black like he usually does, he was wearing a plain white t shirt with boxers with hearts on them. Axoret raised an eyebrow but decided to ignore it and said "I know you have my son here." Lucifer cocked his head to the side. He shook his head and replied "no. You can search my apartment but I haven't seen him." Axoret walked past him and searched every room. When he got to the room where Xeliran used to be, he saw no sign of him. He seemed dumbfounded by the fact that his son wasn't here. "I'm sorry for accusing you. I could have sworn he was here. All the evidence points to you." He shrugged and left.

Somewhere in the middle of the ocean, Xeliran walked out of his cabin. He knew there was no point in trying to escape when he had no idea where he was or how to get home so he would obey his captors for now. After Lucifer gave him to this strange but beautiful women, he has had a free reign. He could help himself to anything as long as he didn't try anything. He stretched and then leaned on the railing, the wind practically attacking his hair. He was enjoying himself on the cruise ship.
Nova heard the girl and walked over "Is there a problem here?" he gave his usual princely smile to Vivian. "Is my guard bothering you?"

Demonia sighed as she sensed the darkness inside Duanna and worried a little.
Raven came to Xeliran's side and said "its beautiful isn't it?" He smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah. I've never seen a view so beautiful before." He looked at her a little. She asked "aren't you afraid of me? I mean I could take your life any minute." Xeliran shrugged and said "I know you can't touch me so I'm not afraid." He smiled as he continued to stare out at the horizon.
Fayde had finished bathing and was dressed in his normal clothes as sun began setting, he looked out of his balcony to the beach leaning against the rauling he sighed, "I better wake them now that I've returned." He turned and exited hisroom heading for the first tower which holds his first follower.

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Kaz looked around and sighed happily as the girl continued from her gaze towards him. "Thank god..." He whispered to himself.
Juliana was in her room yhat she rented, she was laying on the bed and looking up at the ceiling, she sighed then got off the bed then walked ovet to the window, she opened it then turned into a bird and fly out the window, she flew around then decided to go look through the forest, as she flew through the forest, she stopped and perched on a tree, she looked around then notice a man hiding behind a tree, she then flew down and turned into a cat, she walked over to kaz and set down beside him while looking up at him "meow..."

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Duanna had fallen asleep but fell into fitful dreams.

Nova looked at the guard and he let go of Vivian "I am sorry that my guard did that, as payment to you because of his brutality and manners I would like it if you would eat with my sister and I."
Raven grinned and said "I'm going to go pay a visit to my sister." Xeliran looked over at her and replied "tell her that I'm safe. Oh can you pay a visit to Nadia? Tell her the situation for me please. She's most likely in the forest. Tell Ash I said hi." Raven rolled her eyes and hit him. "I'm not your slave. Quite the opposite actually." A few soldiers came to her side and she said "since I don't trust you. They are going to watch you." Xeliran grinned and replied "really hun? I thought we were really starting to bond." At this, she hit him but in a playful way. He laughed. "I won't do anything. Promise, my love." He winked at her but she soon disappeared.

Raven reappeared by Demonia's side. "Wow. Your really pregnant right now. Like your going to give birth any second now. Tell your little boy toy to start using protection cause I don't think you can handle another." She rolled her eyes and then told her "anyways, I came here to tell you that Xeliran is safe. He says hi by the way. He hasn't tried to get away or anything. I think he's just happy that he's not tied up and being tortured by Lucifer anymore. I might even invite you guys to the wedding." She smirked, watching her reaction the entire time.
Kaz kicked towards the cat. "No! Bad animal!" He was shocked at this newly seen creature, as all that he had seen with his time on the ocean was marine life.
Juliana got annoyed as he tried to kick her away, while still in her cat form she began to speak "how dare you kick at a rude.."

Vivian looked at nova then sighed "fine.."

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Kaz jumped back and fell onto his butt. Shockingly he would stare. "Y-you talked too?!WHat the hell is this place!"

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