Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Demonia heard Axoret but every time she tried to say something nothing would come out. Lucy thought about it "It hurts me but I know how to preform those spells."

"He is a sweet one...he protects his sister so well...I think about all the times that I would hit them both...." she looked ashamed of herself.
"Are you sure?" He asked him curiously but then shrugged and sais "if it doesn't hurt too much." He frowned.

Lucifer looked down a little but then said "I need to go see Michael and maybe Fayde if I have some time." He shrugged. He then stopped and said "maybe I'll see how the unborns are doing and if their still alive."
"Of course it hurts but pain is nothing compared to the feeling of helping out family." Lucy smiled.

She held onto him tight as he mentioned leaving, she was scared she was going to lose him again.
"You will turn out into such a fine man. I don't understand why Michael is so worried you'll be like your father. Your nothing like him." He smiled softly.

Lucifer shook his head and said "don't worry. If I run for it I will end up being another lost soul in the pits of Hell and I'm not risking that. The only man I fear is my brother because of the hold he has on me." He shivered.
He smiled "I'll make sure that the energy doesn't hit the kid." Lucy's body started to be surrounded by pure energy like Michael's, he winced as it went through his body but he placed both his hands on Demonia's arm and started to search for the shadow that had entered her body.

She smiled "Alright." she kissed him and let him go "I just hate the thought of being away from you even for a moment..."
Axoret smiled as he watched them but then snuck out and went to Lucifer and Hell. "Explain! Why can he summon angelic magic that only seraphims can perform and apparently, he can also be in the angel realm without it causing damage to him." His eyes narrowed.
UH watched the kid, he was glad that someone was able to save demonia.

Saya watched through the forest looking around at her surroundings, she looked forward as she noticed the end of the forest coming to view.

Vivian was walking through the village while caring a few boxes, she was helping out some of the villagers, seeing as she had free time.

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Hell looked at him "Just because Lucifer is a fallen doesn't mean that the kids are the same way. They normally take after one energy or the other but with Lucy he took on both, he wanted to know about his father and after I told him he spent most of his time in the library, when he came out he looked so tired but I could tell that he was different. I had gone to see if there was a mess left behind....there was but not of books....he had tried so hard to unlock both light and dark energy it had nearly killed him. He slept for the next week. It was several times that he even knocked me out when I had started to lose myself to anger and darkness...if not for him unlocking that energy i don't know if Lucy and Lili would be here today." Hell looked away, she wanted to cry thinking about what she had done.

Lucy chased out the darkness and sealed it in a sphere of light energy then contained it in a large jar so that he could show it off later, he quickly hid the jar and then laid down next to his sister to get some rest, Demonia woke up and felt sick from the light energy but was relieved when she felt her baby was safe. Demonia saw UH and smiled at him. "I heard you and I heard my love." she looked around and started to sit up "Where did he go?" Lilith gently pushed her down "You need rest, he will come check on you soon enough so don't worry."

Kit was on patrol, making his rounds, keeping an eye on everything.
UH looked at demonia then quickly looked away, he didnt feel he had the right to look her in the eyes, see as all the stuff he did to upset her, he hated himself for all of it, but he wad glad that she was ok "...."

Vivian sighed, she didnt enjoy doing this type of work, she prefered to use her sword fighting skills, she was starting to wish she was back in japan, suddenly she accidentally ran into someone, the boxes fell and she fells back as well.

Saya exited the forest and began to walk toward a village that was near the forest.

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Lucifer shrugged and said "plus I may be a fallen but I'm,still of seraphim like my brother is." He didn't seem phased by it but Axoret thought poorly of it.
Hell looked worried "He's promised me that he will only do it if he has what did do for you to witness his little talent...?"

Demonia looked at UH "I smell your blood on you, what happened?"
UH kept looking away, he sighed "I just got into a fight...its nothing.." he moved his cloak a little to cover the large scar acrossed his chest.

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Kaz scratched his head and yawned as he looked around after hearing ," land ho!" Being called out. "There actually better be land this time dammit!" Yells out Kaz. He looks around the all familiar ship he was on, and he walks to the Side of the deck, maneuvering around deck hands that were walking around. "Hm. Land ho indeed..." He says to himself as he sees trees and other giant environment scenes behind the soft sand. "This is here I depart! Quartermaster! You take charge! I might see you guys again, but we will most definitely sail again mates!!!" He yells out, listening to the cheers of not one ship, but the following 199 behind that on as his speech was repeated throughout them all. Short but sweet could be another saying for it. Kaz nods to himself and pulls his red coat front o each other a tad nervously, looking over the deep blue ocean. "Good luck mates.." He whispers before holding his three blades, running, and jumping off of the boat and into the water. He swam with his green short ruffled hair to the surface and on towards the shore. After about 20 minutes of swimming, he shook off the soaked captains cost he had on. Kaz stretches and cracks his back, arms, and legs before looking around. "Hell. Was wonderful compared to this place." He says jokingly before taking a step forward.
Vivian looked up at who she bumped into and noticed it was a villager "oh I'm sorry" the villager just looked at her then walked off, vivian sighed then stood up and dusted herself off, she then picked up the boxes and took them to the person that ordered them, once she dropped them off, she wad asked to go get some sea water, she sighed and got a bucket then began to walk toward the sea that was on the other side of the forest.

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Kaz sighs and stretches his arms out after stopping. "Nope. Dangerous as hell. Monsters, shiz jumping out whenever. Not doing it. Aha." He shakes his head slightly before sitting in the sand and crossing his arms. "It'll be tougher at night so ill wait." He smiles to himself idiotically and waits for the sun to go down.
After a while of walking through the forest and killing any monster's that tried to attack her, vivian reached the shore of the sea, she walked over to the sea water and put some of the water in the bucket, she hadnt noticed kaz yet.

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Nova had started to walk around the kingdom, flirting with girls as he went along. Nova was taking his sister Kana to the beach for the day. He had firewood and a group of servants had tent and food with them. Kana was running around and jumped onto the beach kicking sand around. Nova instructed the servant to set up the tent and and he started to work on the fire. "Kana stay away from the water until I am done with the fire." he noticed his sister was inching towards the water and then his sister made a pouty face but ran to Nova's side and waited for the fire to be done. "Can we go swimming now?" she was jumping around and Nova laughed "Alright, lets go." he led her down to the water and then tried to help her to swim. "Could you not and dad will be angry with me if they knew I let you almost drown..."
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Kaz looked over slightly at the site of a girl walking out of the woods, as he turned his face away, it shot back again in her direction. "Gah!" He was shocked, this was his first time seeing a girl in 500 or more years. Kaz ran from the sand and behind a tree as he watched, his head poking out from behind the trunk to gaze at the moving girl that was heading towards the water.
Axoret leaned against the wall and said "saving Demonia and my baby. Speaking of which, I should actually go check on them. He got to the door but then stopped. "You shouldn't stay here for too long. I sense danger." He walked back to the room where Demonia rested. "Hey babe..." He kissed her cheek.

Lucifer looked at Hell and said "I don't trust that. I should really speak with my brother." He disappeared into shadows and reappeared by Michael's and Duanna's side. "Hey there." He smirked in amusement. Michael unsheathed his sword and Lucifer put his hands up to show that he had no weapons on him. Michael gave him a pat down just to be sure. "Enjoying yourself brother?" Michael sheathed his sword and said "he's clean. What do you want." Lucifer rolled his eyes and said "do I always need something? Can't I go see my 'favorite' brother." Michael laughed coldly and asked "are you happy that Hell is alive now?" Lucifer shrugged and replied "satisfied." He walked toward Duanna but Michael stepped in between the two. Lucifer didn't seem to like this and growled a very animalistic growl. His eyes were blood red as he stared at Michael with pure hatred. When Michael backed off, Lucifer shifted back to his relaxed, composed self. He approached Duanna and touched her stomach. He cut his hand deeply and said "drink!"
Duanna looked at him a little scared but fangs started to grow and she did, when she was done she covered her mouth and then hid under the covers, horrified at what she had just done.

"Hey," Demonia smiled "can we go home?" Lilith wanted to return home as well but didn't want to leave them without a guard, she had become protective over her mother since they had become friends. "We still need to search for Xeliran so it might be best to leave soon." she looked at Lili and Lucy "Should we leave them here or have UH take them to their room or to their mother?"

The servants were soon preparing food for Nova and Kana, they were now playing in the shallow waters since Nova couldn't teach his sister to swim. Guards soon followed after the servant and they seemed slightly annoyed "Prince, you and your sister shouldn't be out when your parents are away." Nova rolled his eyes "And if I tell my parents that I told your captain what I was doing and that you weren't sent out with us who do you think would be in more trouble?" the guard became quiet and then ordered everyone to stand at certain points to keep watch, one guard saw Vivian and approached her "Excuse me miss but you need to leave the area."
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Vivian heard something then stopped and looked around, she set her bucket down then put her hand on thr hilt of her sword "who's there..." she looked at the guard that walked up to her, she get annoyed after the guard told her she had to leave "why do I have to leave...its not like this is private property, I here to get water for one of the village cooks so I'm not going anywhere"

Saya walked through the village and looked around at all the stuff that the villager were selling, she stopped at a stand that had some food that smelled really good to her.

(Sorry guys, its going to be a bit before I can get back on, got to go to work)

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"Good girl." Michael growled angrily and said "what the hell are you doing?" Lucifer growled angrily and said "the stronger one will kill the weaker one and then die from lack of nutrition. He can only feed on blood, or flesh of another being. Better give her my blood then feeding her a dead animal or a human."
(( @Wolfsrain123 message me back please.))

Kaz gulped and closed his eyes. Hoping that the girl hasn't seen nor heard her. "Oh please god, oh no..." He whispers to himself as he awaits what consequences or punishments could come from this, what he had hoped to be, a cute innocent girl.
Duanna started to quietly cry under the covers "I swear I'll kill you..." she felt disgusting and impure.

Demonia went to sit up and Lilith looked worried "I think you should rest a little more.

The smell of food started to fill the air down at the beach, Nova had a table setup so they could eat. Kana ran around in circles looking happy and then looked at the man hiding in the woods and whispered something to Nova. Nova looked in the direction Kana had pointed in.
Axoret smirked and said "Lilith, let me take her home. Don't worry. I'll be careful but we have to save my son. Everyone might be happy that Lucifer isn't on a killing spree anymore but hrs still pure evil."

Lucifer chuckled and touched her hair lightly. "Your body and soul are both mine so don't think you can run anytime soon. Wai till you come knocking at my door," he whispered so Michael couldn't hear. He walked out.

ooc: what? @Saito

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