Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

He didn't burn it. He actually read the letter. He wasn't such a terrible person and there might still be hope.

"Yeah but mine wasn't as severe as his. He's drunk on power." He rolled his eyes.
"Dearest Lucifer,

I can't think of how many times I have wrote this letter. I just hope I get to say all of this and you never have to read this letter. If a young boy has handed you this letter he is our son; i named him after you, he has a sister but he is very protective of her so he might have left her behind. Goodness he looks so much like you and he is just like you in so many ways. I wish you could have been there to see them be born."
there was tear marks on the paper "I have worried about where you have been and I think for the first time in ages I prayed for you to return to me safely, but in time even though my love for you was still strong enough to be killing me I started to wonder if it was my fault that you had left and then I wondered if you had o leave for some reason to protect me, that thought kept me going for so long that I started to think I would see you checking in on me. That thought hurt me so much that I prayed for death from time to time. I just want you to know that no matter what I will always love you, I don't know if you can ever feel what I do but if I am ever angry please know that I could never truly be angry with you. I love you to much for that but I do think from time to time when I have thought about another girl touching you and that has made me angry but not with you. I am more angry with myself because whatever has happened between us I couldn't stop but if I ever die I want you to know they I will always be with you even if you have started to hate me. I love you so much and I would die for you a thousand time over just to please you. I have placed in the envolop a locket I made myself and a picture with me and the kids, I do hope you will wear it where ever you go, even if you hide it when you wear it." in the end her writing became messy and so many tears stained the paper the locket had an inscription saying "Loving you where ever you are"

"No but I know it can be done, I have seen our kind return from complete darkness, they were lesser angels but all in all they were still fallen.

Diva smiled and then left.

Kit laughed "And what will you do if we don't leave?"
Lucifer fell to his knees, clutching the letter tightly. Tears were running down his face. "Hell... I am so sorry! Please no..." It was the first time he's cried in so long it was painful but he cried like it was his first. People looked at him but ignored it. "Hell... I am so sorry. I shouldn't have left you but I needed to. I am so sorry. I'm such an a**." He continued to cry
Lucy looked at him "Dad its not too late to make things right. Please stop all of this, me and sis need a parent but not one that is crazed by blood and war...." he held out his hand "It may not be too late to revive mother if we leave now. Please dad, the thing I have heard about the person you once were is still in there. Your feeling were never taken away you were just forced to forget them, they still exist."

Lili woke up and looked around "Brother! Where did my brother go!? I need to go find him."
Zafon smiled then looked at the kid "see ya in a few" he vanishes then appears in the area that demonia is in.

Takashi looked at juliana.

Juliana glare at kit "I suggest if you want to live, you leave me alone..." she finished off her drink.

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Lucifer took his hand and stood up, wiping his tears. "Don't speak of this though." He walked ahead.

Michael smiled and said "hey hey hey. Calm down. He'll be here soon."
Diva went to the hospital and then followed the trails of energy to find where the patient had gone.

Demonia looked at her dad and hugged him "Hi dad."

Kit laughed "Don't say that too often, I am a royal guard."

"I won't but dad I am reforming the treaty between heaven and hell, I'm sorry if you don't like that thought. I hate war between families. Hell is meant to corrupt man enough that he causes his own wars but we do not get anymore involved than corruption." Lucy followed

"but what if my dad hurts him!?"
"You should go back home. You know what happens to the mother of nephilim children, right?" He walked off. "You should be with her. Not with me."

"I have a feeling he won't touch him," Michael told her. "He doesn't kill children.
Zafon looked at demonia and smiled "hey.." he sighed in relief that she didnt hate him, he hugged her back "how have you been.."

Juliana got more annoyed and sighed "like I care.." she got up and went to walk away to go up to the room she would be staying in.

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"Damn it just stop!" he started to cry "Mother is nothing without you! If we bring her back she will just end up beating me and sis again! I'm not living that life!" his fists were balled up.

"But....he's not the person mom knew...." lili looked down.

She smiled "Happy until recently..." she rubbed her stomach "This is my second child with Axoret if that says anything. I wish you could have seen our wedding, Duanna planned it all. It was talk of the kingdom for so long. Why didn't you come?"

Zafon looked down while looking upset with himself that he didnt come "I was giving you space...I thought that if I came back then you would yell at me.." he looked at her "what do you mean be until recently"

Juliana walked past Fayde and suddenly some drunk person turned in their chair and accidently tripped her, she began to fall to the ground.

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"And I'm going to bring her back but worry about the girl I raped first. I need to think. I'm not on good terms with the elders so... That's out." He walked off thinking. He then said "Duanna will die if you don't continuously suppress the child. He will devour his sibling and then go for his mom. At this point, regular food won't sate him. He needs blood and flesh. He really is the antichrist isn't he?" He smirked. "He's probably more dangerous than you will ever be." He smirked, pleased with himself.
Fayde sensed one of the interesting beings trip, rookie mistake, though she may be inebriated enough to have done it by accident, He decided to play hero, as a chance to meet someone in this new age, He whirled around sliding off of his tool and catching the girl before anyone had time to blink. With that performance it would be plain to anyone that he was not human or any other common being in this world. He spoke his tone clearly one of obligation, though there was a hint of...something in there. A smooth and even voice flowed to the woman's ears. "Are you alright Miss?"
Lucy looked down "I already knew that but I didn't know how to tell them and just as I thought he will be you and I will be Michael..." he looked upset as he thought about this "also you can't bring mom back without her ashes and only me and sis knows where they are. Then again you'll probably just leave mom again in the maybe I should keep them hidden from you....." he was still crying, he wanted to hit Lucifer but they would just bring out his own darkness.

"Hell did a few things...I haven't told Axoret but she is dead now, that means if I die I won't be coming back...." Demonia looked down.
"You had no part in my story until I laid my eyes on you. You look so much like the child I once was and it hurt. I won't leave her again because I have what I want and I killed the man threatening her life. Plus, I can't let you turn into me."

Michael said "yeah but I know him and he won't hurt your brother because... Lucy reminds him of himself when he wad your age."
Juliana looked up at the guy a little surprised of how quick he was "um...y..yea...I'm fine"

Zafon gets mad at himself "dangit!! I knew I should have come to check on you more often...and where the hell is UH! He is supposed to be protecting you.."

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Fayde smiled, even with his mask on it was an incredibly charming smile, a side effect of being an angel. "Thats good, would you like some help, where are you staying tonight I'll help you get there." Fayde honestly could care less about this girl, but he needed information about the time period he found himself in. he stood up practically lifting her off her feet as he held on to her. he hadn't used his strength in so long he almost forgot how to control it.
"Then be a part of our lives! Everyday my anger for you only have no idea how much I want to hit you..." his fist was shaking "I built my army to one day take you on more than protect my kingdom."

"I see...I just worry about brother when he's not around....I am the song to help him calm down...."

Demonia sighed "I sent him away after he confessed his love for me..."
Zafon looked confused "how long has he liked you.."

Juliana looked away then looked back at him "its ok...I can can put me down.."

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At that, he dropped his guards causing Michael, at the palace, to immediately sense him. He smiled a little and when Michael appeared by his side. He put his hands up, ready for punishment but Michael shook his head. "No. I won't kill you but you have to promise you will never leave your family again. No matter the reason, you will stand up and fight." Lucifer was shocked but he nodded, keeping his cool. "Thank you." Michael rolled his eyes.
Demonia was hesitant "...When i was locked away in the tower..."

Lucy was crying, he couldn't stop shaking. He wanted to protect his family but from time to time his anger would get the best of him. He had tried to stop crying, it use to be he was beat for crying because of how twisted Hell had become.
Juliana dusted herself off then looked at him, she could tell to he wasnt human, nor was he demon or vampire, she sighed "follow me.." she let him to the room she was staying in.

Zafon gets angry "WHAT!! I sent him to protect you...not get into a relationship! I am going to kill that dumba**!"

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Juliana stopped and looked at kit then looked at Fayde.

Zafon looked annoyed "I dont care...I told him that he wasnt allowed to fall for you..where is he now" he looked at demonia seriously.

UH was walking through a forest, his sword at his side, he had a large cut acrossed his chest that looked like it had been there for a while, he had got into a fight with a large demon and got hurt but didnt seem to be in any pain, he stopped and leaned against a tree then slowly slide down the tree and sit on the ground.

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