Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Zafon smiled at diva then looked at the boys "ok, thats enough, get down.." chuckles as he walks over to the table.

Juliana took a sip out of her drink.

Takashi looked at kit then glanced over at juliana, he sensed the blood of vampire's all over her but she wasnt a vampire herself, he looked at kit while looking annoyed, he sighs "damn...she is hot but she is hunter..and by the smell of it..she hunts vampire's...great....."

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Takashi smirks "you want me to die dont you..."

Zafon looks at diva and nods with a smiles then sits at the table

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Kit laughs "nah just see a girl put you in your place for once."

Diva enjoyed the meals that they had together, Zafon was home more often than he had been in years. One of the daughters started talking about how she had met a boy and diva laughed.

Hell was sitting on her throne and was trying to get her arm to return to flesh, she had overdone it this time "Damn it Lucifer....and damn your brother too....I hate you both!" she screamed loud enough that her rage caused a volcano to erupt on her. The fires of hell had been out of control and the place was turning into a wasteland more than ever, the rebel lands were now seen are a world of paradise.
Takashi chuckled "and what are you going to do if she tries killing me..."

Zafon pouted as he ate when he heard that one of his daughters met a boy "looks like I'll have to start getting my guns ready to clean..."

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Michael smiled softly and said "thank you so much." When he got to the councel room, he growled in anger. "What's this about trying to get rid of Duanna?? I remember the day we let her in. You guys were all excited by her strength." He remembers when she joined the counsel because he was part of it at the time and even helped purify her. He was immediately intrigued by her but as soon as she joined, he was forced to leave.

"I've taken care of children before..." He looked away at that awful fact. He cuddled their son and asked "so what names were you thinking of, mom?"

Lucifer appeared behind Hell and said "I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell you why I left. This isn't you and it pains me to see you like this. I've been watching you since I left and... Your not like this." He pulled away, keeping his distance. He didn't even let her touch him. Arwen came to his side and said "my lord... The prisoners are ready. Shall I execute them?" Lucifer smirked and said "let them suffer. I could care less about those stupid dark elves. Have you tracked Prince Xeliran?" Arwen nodded and he smirked. "Captue him." Arwen chuckled and said "I love your sick mind." She kissed him and he chuckled with amusement, darkness overshadowing what little humanity he had. "Good bye..." He disappeared in darkness.
One of the council members sighed "We were never informed of her condition. From the very beginning we wanted you two together, we thought she would make a powerful heir to the throne but when we heard that she was infertile we decided that we either put her through a procedure that would make her fertile but she rejected that so then we thought of having her step down as your queen but we knew that you would never allow that unless she was sick....she never told us that she was pregnant and how were we to know.....we were just trying to do what was best for our kingdom." Duanna became angry but she soon noticed that her spirit was fading away for some reason, she looked at Michael and kissed him on the cheek before fading away completely.

In a small hospital a girl woke up from a coma and looked around, she slowly sat up and then saw as a nurse walked into the room and then run out "What in the world was that about....?" she held her head in her hands "Why does my head hurt so much...?" the nurse that ran out of the room quickly picked up the phone and dialed someone.

Diva heard her private phone go off and she looked at Zafon "They know I have lunch at this time...I'll call them back" she sighed

Hell made everyone leave the kingdom after seeing him be kissed by another girl, that's all it took for her to be broken, she had no reason left to be the kind person she once was "You promised that you would never leave will know of the reasons I was sealed away...." even if it meant she would return to stone and her soul would enter into Demonia once more she didn't care.

Kit laughed "I'll help you or did you forget that I am a royal guard?" he was now grinning
Michael growls and said "you have always gotten involved more than you should have. I fell in love with her the moment I first laid eyes on her but figured I'd stay away. Then when I finaly had her, you wanted to tear us apart and thanks to you, she's dead!" He was furious.

Lucifer could feel her anger and that was the one thing he wanted. He didn't love Arwen like he loved Hell. She was just his plaything and once she was no use to him, he would throw her away. He sat in his apartment, looking like a gorgeous human man. He sipped his wine. He had lost all remorse after the death of his mother. He didn't feel anything except hate and anger. "Everything was working as planned..."
A girl walked into the council room and she had a chart in her hands she looked at Michael "Very sorry to barge in but I have news on the spell, seems 95 percent of Duanna was transferred into the soulless body but a part of her did not, it is possible that with time it will slowly sink in." "What didn't transfer over." the girl slid her glass up since they had fallen down a little "Her memories, but her pureness and binding is still there, down side is since she has none of her memories her powers and immortality is sealed away, she will become a target for the fallen and possibly Lucifer if he finds out what has happened to her." the council member dismissed her and looked at Michael "We never planned on keeping her dead, Duanna needed a perfect body and death would be the only to gain it. We broke the rules by reviving her, we can only revive a person once in a thousand years, we were told but a seer that we should save it on the new queen instead of your mother. As I said we did what we thought was best for the throne."

Hel soon appeared on earth and walked into a city, a drunkard walked up and started to flirt with her, she pulled out her sword and stabbed him "Burn in my fires you damned human."
Michael growled but then said softly. "At least she's alive... But I'm not done with you." He stormed out of the room, feeling Lucifers presence stronger than ever but keeping silent about it. He needed to find more info.

Lucifer was feeding off of Hells anger. He was enjoying himself. Arwen smirked as she came up behind him and rested her hand on his crotch but he growled lowly and threw her to the floor. "Touch me again and I'll make sure you suffer when I cut your hands off." She frowned but refused to cry. Instead, she stood up tall and said "Xeliran is in our custody." He nodded slowly.
Leta was shivering in the room but she seemed to be the only one that was cold, she looked at Leo who was fast asleep, she was just happy that whatever was going on it was affecting her and not her brother.

Hell was slowly draining energy from the world and plant, crops, and trees were dying. Hell continued on her blood path but it did last long, after her hundredth victim her right arm fell off, she walked into an alley and started to cry, every tear that fell turned to stone.

The girl stood up out of bed and was a little weak but she soon figured out how to keep her balance, she quietly searched the room and quickly got dressed, she looked out the open window and even though she was on the second floor she still jumped out but slowly fell to the ground, she knew that wasn't normal but didn't stop to think about it. She ran to the road and to the city where Hell was. She had the feeling that something wasn't right, behind her demons were starting to come out of hiding, they had smelt her power in the air and it made them hungry, the girl was walking right towards Hell. The demons quickly went back into hiding when they felt her getting closer to Hell, the girl soon found they bodies and checked over them, she sighed when she saw that none of them could be saved. She followed a blood trail into the alley where she saw her. "Excuse me miss, are you okay? Do you need any help?" Hell looked at the girl and all she did was look into the girl's eyes "I'll give you a head start Duanna." the girl was confused "Head start for what?" Hell smiled "Too late." she used the shadows around her to choke her "I blame your husband for my pain....I was so close to being over him and then your husband had to save you...I thought he was him...I may not have my arms to hurt you but I do have my shadows to destroy you. Lucifer not sure if you can hear me but if you wish to give your brother pain how about coming and getting his precious Duanna, maybe even use her as your bed slave." Hell grinned. "She will be the only lady I truly give you permission to touch only because I know you will use her as a toy, I am sure you could cause your brother much misery if you made her carry your child." she started to laugh at the idea of it all "The queen of Heaven carrying the child of Lucifer; my king of darkness, now that would be a grand thing to see, I wonder if his darkness would cause you any pain? As for your marking that Michael gave you," she had a look of disgust "I will make sure to overlap it with one of my marks of darkness, weakening the purity that you have just enough so that Lucifer can have his way with you, who knows we might even be able to use you to cause pain on Demonia." The girl (Duanna) struggled against the shadows "Why....are you....doing this.....I don't even.....know you." Hell smiled even more "Seems with your new body you have no memories, even more grand, oh the thought of you starting to enjoy Lucifer's touch and want more, I could only imagine the pain that would cause Michael, and then your mother the look of terror that would be on her face if you called my love your master." Hell was getting excited with every thought that played though her mind.

Kana was looking around and hollering for Xeliran, Nova was busy with training and she was bored she she was trying to find him. "Xeliran! Big brother! Where are you? Its not nice to hide without fair warning that we are playing!"
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Zafon smiled at diva then leaned over and kissed her "babe, it might be an emergency..."

Takashi laughed "ok man...well, after you"

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Lucifer appeared, temptation getting the better of him. She was like the winning prize to him. "Everything is falling into place." He kept his human body but there was something dangerous in his eyes. "I wonder what will happen if an angel got pregnant with the prince of darkness's child. He smirked and whispered "too bad your little boyfriend is too busy drowning in self pity to come save you." His eyes rested on Hell. "Thank you for the treat, my love. It took nearly all his strength to hold himself back. He hated seeing her suffer. He finally disappeared in shadows with Duanna. He appeared in his apartment ND he said "welcome to your new home. I have a couple of rules. Everything is yours as it is mine as long as you have sex when I want it and obey my every word like the good servant girl you are."
Duanna spit on him "Go screw yourself! Not only that but from what that girl said you can't touch me because of some markings." she smiled, she hoped he would leave her alone after saying that.

Hell looked upset "I wanted to go with you this time...even if we can't be together I wanted to know what you were doing...I wanted to see the misery on Duanna's perfect little face...." but a small smile did appear on her face when she thought about him calling her love.

Kana knocked on Axoret's office door "Daddy, is big brother in there with you? I searched all over the castle and can't find him, I can't even feel his energy."

Diva answer the phone and the person on the other end was loud enough that everyone in the dining room became quite. "Alright I will be there shortly" seems one of my coma patients woke up and is now missing....seems that I will have to cut lunch time early today, sorry."

"no after you, you're the one that said she is hot." Kit laughed
Lucifer smirked as he said "let me guess, Michael's? That man is so possessive." He put his hand out and removed the markings with ease.

Michael fell to his knees in pure agony. He screamed as he felt part of him be torn away from him.

Lucifer smirked and kissed her passionately, holding her close to him. Surprisingly, he was gentle with her. He seemed to be trying to gain her trust at first. He whispered "I won't hurt you. Just obey me."

Axoret looked up from his paperwork and said "I'm sorry he's not wit- wait! You really can't find the prince!!!???" He sent soldiers out to look for him. He even started a search party of his own.

Some soldiers came to Exiriya and Semira and said "sorry to bother you but Prince Xeliran is missing!!" Exiriya's eyes widened and he asked "did he run away again?" The soldiers didn't seem to know. He got up and said "I'm so sorry... I must leave you. Please understand."
Duanna had to catch her breath as the mark as removed and when he pulled her close she pushed him away, some part of her told her this wasn't right "Please let me are not the one that I am meant hurts my heart when I hear his name....." tears started to run down her cheeks.

The girl that had helped Duanna transfer into a new body, ran to Michael's side. "Sir I am sorry this is our fault" she had some guards carefully lift him and take him to his room and placed him on the bed, she followed "it's our fault that you feel this way...we didn't think Duanna would wake up so soon before we could send guards to watch her....I'm afraid we received word that Hell and her ran into one another....she handed Duanna over to Lucifer. My king please forgive me, I will do whatever needs to be done to help you save her." she bowed.

Kana looked worried "I shoudl have said something when I first felt him vanish....I thought he was just playing a game of hide and seek, I thought he found some way to suppress his energy so I wouldn't find him but i looked everywhere...." he timid side was starting to show and it looked like she was about to cry.
Duanna laid there crying and shaking. "When I am found you will pay for this...I don't know who I am or where I even came from but my heart tells me you will be in agony...I hope that lady of yours turns to stone and dust." she said the last bit with hate and malice, it wasn't something that the old Duanna would have done.

"Right away sir, should I also tell our army to be ready when needed?" she sent a dove to give the message. "My pet will make sure they are informed, we need to be ready if we need to fight."

"I wish Leta was here....she would be able to find him...."

Demonia was in the bedroom crying, Hell made her watch what she had done to Duanna and what things were to be done to her.
"Too bad no one can track you. I made sure of that." He locked her in the room and walked into another room to see Xeliran sleeping soundly. He smirked as he started to move a little bit. He was awake and he knew it. He whispered in his ear "sleep..." Xeliran fell back to sleep. "Good boy."

"Not now. Not until we know Lucifers position. We can't sense either of them. Its as though they don't exist." He bit his lip.

"But being with her father is best. It will grant her extra protection." He frowned a bit, hoping they were alright.
Duanna tried to stand up but she was so sore from what Lucifer had done to her, she soon doubled over in pain and a black symbol appeared on her stomach. "What in the world is this...?"

Hell was thinking about how the one thing she was able to do with her shadows was a spell that would insure that Duanna would become pregnant and when she did a symbol of a serpentine dragon would appear on her stomach.

"alright, I am going to check on your daughter while you rest." she didn't mention how they found her in the hall with a high fever.

Kana heard her mother "mom is crying for some reason..." she then saw a dove with a letter in its mouth "Seems Heaven isn't faring well, Duanna once sent me photo of the birds that use, they only use a dove when something is wrong." she took the letter and handed it to her father, the letter stated what had happened and they need to be on alert.
Lucifer smirked as he now sat on his coach. His fingers tapped on the arm rest. He knew Hell would make sure she was pregnant. He was just deciding whether he should keep her. In the end, he decided not to and leave a warning for everybody. He used compulsion to make her sleep and then he brought her outside, tied her to a post, and made sure they could sense her. "When you have my baby, I hope that you come tell me." He disappeared out of sight.

Michael suddenly sensed her and he quickly yelled for his soldiers to get ready. They all disappeared and when they appeared where Duanna was, they gasped. Michael said "she's alive but... Broken. I guess that's why he didn't want her anymore." His soldiers started to untie her as watched.

Axoret frowned as he read it. He went to the bathroom where Demonia was. He hurried to her side. "What happened?"
Clair (helped Duanna get her body, still working on her profile lol) checked Duanna over. "I'm not sure she will be able to enter into Heaven...she is carrying Lucifer's child. This also possibly means we can't purify her until the child is born."

Hell laid down in the alleyway and slowly let her body turn to stone as she looked at the sky "I hope you enjoy our kingdom without me....and I hope that my death does not cause you any grief." she smiled as she saw the sky and watched the clouds pass by.

Demonia explained all what happened and what hell made her see. "I couldn't even do anything to help her....she will hate me when her memories return....."
Michael growled angrily but then said "well at least she's safe. We can have her live at Azriel until she gives birth." He smiled, sadly. Everything he knew was leaving him. He leaned in to kiss Duanna, waking her up. He wanted her to remember him more than ever.

"This is our true paradise. You did everything I wanted you to do." Lucifer wrapped his arms around her and whispered "sleep with me one more time... While I still have this love for you." He knew his precious doll was finally broken but he didn't care. He loved her.

Axoret clenched his hands into fist and said "damn it... And we could do nothing. Lucifer will pay with his life."
Duanna opened her eyes and started to cry, as soon as she saw him she remembered everything and kissed him back " body hurts so much.....I told Lucifer that I didn't want him so he forced himself onto me...."

"I can lay next to you but I can do no more than body is mostly stone now.....why did you leave.....please tell me promised you would never leave my side and you did...."

"She wouldn't even let me block out the images....I can only imagine what Lucifer is doing to our little girl...." Demonia had became so upset that being pregnant and stressed out caused her to pass out on the bed.
Michael whispers "its OK... I'm here." He looked over at his soldiers but they said "Lucifer has completely covered his tracks. We can't track him." Michael sniffed Duanna and said "I can't even smell him on Duanna. He's being thorough. This world is in ruins thanks to him." He growled but picked up Duanna. "Bring the Queen to safety. I will try to find any trace of Lucifer" He handed Duanna off to some servants.

"I need to scrub off the feeling that I slept with another women though. An angel at that... Well more of raped but still." He kisses her gently and said "I wish I could tell you everything. I really do but I can't."

Axoret stayed beside her, not leaving her for anything. He was worried about what effects this could have on the baby.
Duanna winced in pain as she tried something, she wanted to help however she could before leaving his side "Hell....some of her energy is being covered.....she is also dying."

"I'm sorry...but if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be dying..." she hated to say that but she wanted him to hate her so that he would just leave and forget about the feelings that they once shared "True my body would have still been stone but this stone that the elder have granted me with as my second punishment is turning to dust. I hope you have everything that you wanted." she felt that Duanna had found her and wanted Lucifer to leave soon.

Kana walked into the room and sat down in a chair, she didn't want to be alone, something about when she saw the dove scared her. "Daddy can I get up on the bed with you and mom? I'm scared..."
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