Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

He smirked and started to rip off her clothes. He spent the night having sex with her.

"Of course. Not going to be gone too long." He smirked as he touched her neck gently. "I should be going..."
Duanna looked shocked when she saw that her mother already had a slight stomach, she took the measurements and then left the room just as quick as she had walked in.

Demonia sat down once Duanna had left, her energy didn't hurt her as much as it did before but it was still a little painful.
Michael came to Demonia's side and asked "can you feel the markings I put on her so that she will be mine forever?" He glanced at her slightly before quickly loking away.
"I am a queen of Hell, you've made her pure to the point of it hurting me....I have to use all my energy just to make sure it doesn't harm her when do you plan on taking my little angel away from me? Heaven and Hell is connected in one way or another....I know that your mother is gone and I am sorry for your loss." Demonia was a little worried about Duanna eventually leaving with him, it always hit Heaven hard when they lost a ruler but she knew it would hurt him the most.
Michael stayed silent at first but finally said "it is not my choice to take her. She will come to the Heaven on her own accord. I do not force her to do anything." He moved the hair from her neck as he watched her. "She belongs to me only on her own accord. I didn't force her to do anything. Nasir... I told her to kill by my mothers orders. She wanted to weaken Hell and I followed blindly."
"Then she targeted the wrong person, Nasir never had any true power over hell, true his army was great but they would just as quickly sided with Heaven to take my kingdom down...Michael I know you have suffered a great loss but please don't lose your way. My daughter loves you and because of that she will stand next to you in Heaven even if she doesn't want a throne, she doesn't think she deserves one...just please don't hurt my little girl, we have never been close and I want to see a real smile on her face for once." Demonia sighed.
"If I had a plan to hurt her, I would have never put my mark on her." He shrugged. "I love her so much but... My mothers death means I can't take the throne here. Everything I worked my ass off to do is now gone."
Demonia sighed "And what you worked for will not be forgotten, Axoret wanted to put Duanna on the throne not sure if you are aware of that, I believe you will see a good change in this kingdom. It might take a few years but I think a time of peace, order and law with be brought to this kingdom." she smiled at him "I am sure you have business to attend to so I won't keep you any longer than what I have."
Michael smiled softly as he slowly disappeared. When he got back to the angel realm, he walked into the palace. He had never been here before so it was strange. People bowed as soon as they saw him.
Duanna had finished all the preparations for the weddings, she looked over everything and double checked it all to make sure it was all correct, after the wedding she hugged her parent and siblings goodbye and she told them that she would try to visit when she could but wasn't sure how things would be when she went to the heavens, she left Leta in their care and tried her best not to cry. A few months after Duanna had left Demonia gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Kana, when Nova saw his new sister he wasn't sure what to make of her, he poked her cheek once and she tried to bite him and then asked if Kana was a monster of some kind.

~7 years later~

Lilith had made up with her mother after nearly being put to death for the tenth time of trying to kill her mother and then finding some way of escaping, she often visited and played games like Chess with some of the nobles in the area.


Nova had spent so much time with Exiriya that he had become a lady killer, he saw girls as something to amuse him. Only girls that he really cared for was Leta and Kana, he was very protective of them. Nova was skilled in fighting, he could hold his ground against his brothers and was always on the front line during wars.


Duanna was surviving being queen of the heavens but she was starting to miss her mom and things weren't going so well between her and Michael. She missed the Michael that she had fallen in love with but what more could she do then be there for him when he needed her and when he didn't. Recently she had over heard the council of heaven discussing what was to be done since Duanna could produce no heir to the throne, some of them had suggested that they find someone to replace her or make her go through a painful procedure that would make it so that she could have kids. Duanna hid in her private study all day after that. She decided that she would return to her parents kingdom until she could figure out what she needed to do


Demonia was enjoying her time as Queen of Azriel, she hardly went to her old kingdom anymore since Hell had control of it. Demonia was pregnant with her second child, she didn't allow Axoret to touch her for a while because there were some problems when she had Kana and she didn't want it to happen again so soon.

Hell was miserable, Lucifer had left her for some reason and without any answers it made her angry, she was constantly shouting and giving out hard tasks, she was slowly returning to stone but it wasn't a fast change that she would have to worry with.

Sephrith kept his distance from the castle but was always watching over the royal family, he never returned to finish out his sentence after getting out the one time.

(I don't think i missed anyone important lol)

~in Viktor's office~

A girl had waited for Viktor to leave his office before sneaking in and started to work on some of his paper work that he was behind on, the girl wanted to see Viktor first, she wasn't sure why but she wanted to surprise him before word got out that she was back.

Kana was once again playing a game of hide and seek with her brother, she was in a cold blooded mood so she was hiding better than she would if she was in her timid mood.

Demonia was outside checking on how thing were going in the village, law and order had been set up so everything was a little more peaceful than it was seven years ago.
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Michael was constantly working day and night. He barely even touched Duanna anymore. He wasn't as bad a tyrant but he seemed to not care anymore. He was slowly isolating himself as he slipped into a deep depression. He hated feeling like this but without his mother, he was nothing. He ran a hand through his hair but when an angel came in, he sat up straight. "My lord, do you think you should go see Duanna?" Michael shook his head and said "no. I'll see her later..."

Exiriya smiled as he walked past Nova. He ran a hand through his hair. He was married to Semira but he still flirted with the servant girls. He loved his younger brother Nova but he was worried about how he turned out. He was so cute and innocent before he met him. He saw his sister Kana and sat down near her. "Can I play with you?" He asked her softly.

Axoret didn't see much of Demonia but he figured it was for the best. There was tension between the Kingdom of Azriel and a once allied kingdom. Viktor tried to convince them to stop rebelling against them but they refused to listen to him. Normally, Viktor was good at convincing but its kind of hard to convince when the other party refuses to listen. Axoret was constantly working on making sure that there was no war between them and this other kingdom.
The girl (Duanna) had finished all the paper work in Viktor's office and started to organize the room.

Nova laughed "Brother that's a mirror, me and her is playing first blood. She is currently hiding somewhere, wait if her reflection is there then I'm close to finding her." Kana was slowly inching out of her hiding place and was about to run up on Nova and tie a red string loosely around his neck.

Leta was in her room once again in trouble for having Kana tag along behind her to the forest.

Demonia sighed as she sent a guard to break up a scuffle in the street, she would have done it herself but she was suppose to be on bed rest but she hated staying there all day, she needed to get out a little.
Viktor was speaking with another member outside of his room. He was about to walk in but decided against it and figured he'd go see his king and/or queen.

Exiriya let out a light laugh and whispered to Kana "shall I hold him down?" He grinned mischievously.

Xeliran walked into Leta's room and smiled softly. "Punished again?" He sat on her bed and comforted her a litte bit. "Don't worry. Want me to go on one of your adventures with you so then no one has to get into trouble?"

Axoret approached Demonia and touched her cheek gently. "Hey honey. Sorry I haven't come to see you lately. Work has been busy." He kissed her lightly.

Michael was so busy with work since they had to hunt down Lucifer but as usual, they weren't making any progress. Lucifer definitely has made himself unknown. If he was in the human realm, they probably would never find him.
Nadia took a deep breath. Semira sat next to her. For the most part it was silent as the girls,and ash, enjoyed the summer breeze. Finally Semira broke the calming silence. "Nadia." Nadia happily looked over to her friend. "Don't freak out." "Why would I? " "well, my uh... water just broke..." semira looked at Nadia who was trying to figure out what exactly she ment. Finally, Nadia let out a scream/sequel."Ash! Go get the boys! But under no circumstances tell them that Semira is having the child! I want to suprise them!" Nadia shoved Ash to rush off as she tried to calm Semira's pain. Even with Nadia's efforts Semira still screamed out in pain, surely alerting the guys when they got close enough. However, Semira didn't want them to see her yet so Nadia placed a circle blockade around the two, but big enough to let others join later.
Duanna had sensed him but thought she would surprise him by finishing the organizing and then waiting for him.

Kana nodded and grinned as she held up the red string.

"I just like Kana there...she is the only one my age and its fun since the pixies like to play tricks on her from time to time....also the earth tells me that someone is coming for you and your brother." she has vines all over her room and they whispered things to her all the time, Leta just wanted to be alone when she was in trouble, she was holding onto her stuffed animal. She wanted to ask him something but she didn't want to take up his time.

Demonia smiled and kissed him back "Its fine dear, i know you are working hard to keep peace." she giggled "To think we would ever become peace keepers though i am surprised that you're not getting on me about being outside." she said jokingly.
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Exiriya chuckled as he grabbed Nova from behind. He smirked and whispered "got you..." While Exiriya was goofing around with all of them, Ash found them. "Exiriya... We have an emergency. You need to follow me."

When Viktor finally walked in and saw her, he was surprised. He ran over to her and hugged her. "Its been so long!!!"

Xeliran looked at the vines, curiouser than ever about what she was. He looked at her and smiled a bit. "I have to go. I sense... Someone." He quickly left. He sensed Duanna but didn't want to tell Leta.

Axoret laughed a little and said "well you need fresh air so I won't keep you prisoner." He kissed her lips lightly before walking away. "I should get back to work.
Nadia stood waiting for him to arrive. "Exiriya, anything Semira says or does, Can't be held against her..." nadia said in a rather serious tone as Semira continued to pant and scream in pain behind the thick vines.
Duanna hugged him back "Too long." she smiled "I organized your room and finished your paperwork." she giggled "You were behind again and I thought since I was once a council member I would finish it for you. So how have things been? I haven't even gone to see mother and father or Leta yet, I wanted to see you first." Duanna had been so busy that she hadn't been able to write to anyone or give any word to anyone.

Demonia looked around as she sensed someone "Dear I....I think Duanna is here." a few years after Duanna left Demonia use to search the castle thinking she felt Duanna's energy, it had almost gotten to the point that the council had started to worry about Demonia's mental state so they sent her away from the castle so that she could have some time to herself without work or worry.

Leta stayed in her room, she was use to be to being alone, she caused trouble because it got her noticed. She heard the vines whisper more to her but she seemed confused on what they were saying to her. They gave her whispers of her mother being there, she had never met her mother but she did use to get birthday presents from her until her fifth birthday. All contact from her mother had stopped, there were no presents or letters, nothing to say if she was doing okay, she started to cry wanting to see her mother and father, all she had was photo's of her mother but nothing of Michael. "Kitty" she was talking to her stuffed animal "....did I do something wrong...? Why was I left behind....? Did they stop loving me?" everyday she fell a little farther into darkness.
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Julianna was exploring lands when she came to a town, she over heard some villages talking about creatures such as vampire, angels, wolf's and other sorts in nearby area, once she heard about vampire sighting, her eyes narrowed, she hated vampire's because of what they didnt to her, she wanted them all dead, so she decided to go search for these vampire to hunt them.

Takashi sighed as he sit in a inn and drank some sake, he was bored, he hadnt even got to talk to kit in a while, which only annoyed him more.

Zafon was sitting on the roof of his house looking up at the sky, it had been a while sence he had seen demonia and wonder how she was doing, he wondered if he hated her more that he hadnt came to visit, but in a way, he was only following what she wanted him to do and gave her some space, he sighed and looked down.

UH had decided go else where until he was needed by demonia again, his eyes were now solid black now from him wiping out all his emotions long ago, he set on top on a temple that was up on a mountain, he looked around at the scenery surrounding him.

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Viktor smiled a little as he brushed some hair from her cheek. "I have never been so happier to be here with you. My wife... she divorced me for being a workaholic and not seeing the kids too often." He sat on the bed. "I can't see any of my kids because of that b****. She acted like I was an abusive husband and father. I love them more than anything in the world but with this, I have absolutely no right to see them." He clenched his fist in a mix of anger and hatred. It seemed rare for him to get angry.

Axoret looked at her with a concerned expression. "Its probably nothing. I mean Viktor would announce Duanna's arrival. Michael approached them and when people saw him, they immediately bowed. His wings were unfolded. "Where is she?" Axoret looked at Demonia but when Michael slammed him to the wall grabbing his throat, his eyes widened. "Where is Duanna!!!???" Axoret looked at him, angrily. "She's not here!"

Exiriya approached Semira and Nadia with Ash at his side. A few times Exiriya swatted at Ash so he'd stay further away from him. It sees as though Ash and Exiriya still weren't on good terms.
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"I see, I am sorry to hear that..." she though about Michael "Michael has been working so much that I hardly see him, he doesn't even come to bed much anymore..." she sat next to him "I had to get away....I over heard some of the things the council member were saying about me and I became scared about what could happen to me soon...." she was much more beautiful than she had ever been but the whites of her eyes were red like she had been crying or hadn't been getting much sleep.

Demonia looked worried "Michael if she was here don't you think we would be with her? She has stayed away from us for so long that we would be making plans for a celebration now let him go." Demonia started to wonder if Duanna really was there "With you not knowing where she is means that something has happened that she wanted to leave or have a break."

Kit had walked into the bar, he had been spending time with his son and it was the first break time that his son wasn't tag along with him so he thought he would stop in and get something to drink.
Viktor looked at her. He had definitely noticed her beauty. He smiled softly and whispered "I'm glad your here." He leaned in to kiss her but as soon as his lips met hers, he pulled away quickly. "I-I have to go." He hurried out of the room.

Michael grabbed his chest in pain and he hissed "I know she's hear. I can sense her." He stumbled inside the palace. Axoret coughed a bit but then exchanged glances with Demonia. "Come on... we have to find Duanna before he gets to her."
Duanna looked shocked and then left his room as well and then ran into Xeliran "Sorry...i didn't watch where I was going...." not realizing who she had ran into.

Demonia nodded "I could shadow jump us there. If Duanna really is here then all I have to do is concentrate on her energy and we'll appear next to her." she smiled.
Xeliran looked at her and yelped. "Duanna!!" He smiled as he hugged her tightly and even lifted her up. "Its been so long, big sis!"

"Yes would you please?" He waited for her to find where Duanna was.

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