Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Duanna giggled "Well that would explain why they think that way, no man has ever stayed around long enough to show how a father is suppose to be. Also the family isn't use to kindness of any kind unless its me and my brother and the kindness is coming from our mother." she sighed and then looked at the girl "What's it like to have life growing inside you? Sorry if that was rude, I just can't have kids of my own but I have always wondered what it would be like to know that one's body is a shield to someone that has not been born yet."

Demonia smiled and hugged Axoret when she saw him "I was worried I wouldn't get to see you till all this ended." Nova looked a little worried and was pacing in circles in his dog form.

Hell sat next to him "Maybe the thought that you can change has given her some hope about you." she started to look around and then got dressed quickly.
Viktor shrugged and replied "I'm probably the last person they want you to be with anyways. My great great grandfather killed my great great grandmother. My great grandfather killed my great grandmother. My grandfather killed my grandmother and my father killed my mother. Its a family tradition. She's like... she's like a puppy but luckily, I hate this tradition because its disrespectful to women." The women looked at Duanna and smiled softly. "It feels so nice." She rested her hand on her stomach.

Axoret glanced out the window and saw soldiers killing civilians. "While I'm hiding here like some kind of coward, my people are being killed one by one." He clenched his fist in anger.

"Doubtful since I'm still a fallen." He growled, angrily. "Mother has always favored my brother. Even when I was an angel." He started to get dressed as well.
Duanna smiled at the girl and then she took a glance outside "Viktor....Hell's rebels are coming this way...where's my mom? I need to tell her." she started to get out of bed.

Demonia looked out the window and saw red flags with the image of a warrior killing a dragon "Seems like we have another problem....I wonder who is leading them.....those flags belong to the rebels of Hell...."

"Not sure if you want to follow but I am going to Azriel, seems since no one is in Hell the rebels have possibly already attacked the kingdom and is now attacking Azriel. I'm in the mood for some blood shed on a good level." she smirked
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"Look... Your mom, well she's in hiding right now with Axoret and Eciriya and they will have to find Xeliran. Apparently, the royal family is in danger but now that your a counsel member, you aren't considered royal. Your a soldier."

"Really? Could they be working together?" Axoret looked at her curiously. "Both girls are elves but one has the heart of a demon. She's corrupt, manipulative and pure evil."

"Of which side?" He asked. "If you haven't noticed were not favored by either side." He followed her. "The rebels.... Didn't Michael wipe most of them out?"
Duanna sighed "So what needs to be done also I never considered myself royal since I couldn't have the throne, I felt more like a council member to heaven and hell and now a council member to a kingdom on earth."

"I doubt it, something must have happened while I was away, Hell would have never allowed the rebels to get out or live..." Demonia was starting to worry.

"Nasir has rebels in reserves, his first attack that he was planning wasn't his largest group and if they have attacked our kingdom then they have gained supporters and warriors. If the rebels win the royal family will fall and as for me I will vanish with their fall. In other words we are fight for the Azriel." Hell sighed.
"Well your father Axoret really wanted you to rule the throne instead of Xeliran. The two boys adore you and are very overprotective of you. I'm surprised they were so welcoming of you."

"By the way, I haven't seen Nasir in a while." He saw a familiar girl with the rebel army killing commoners one by one. He punched the wall hard. He went to the door and said "I'm not staying here. I thought I could but I cant. My people are dying while I'm hiding like some coward!" Exiriya watched him and said "dad... don't! You don't know what your up against and you havent fought in years." He watched Axoret leave without listening to Exiriya's concern. Exiriya hurried to the window and watched Axoret fighting against the rebel army. "Come on. Were not going to just let our king die out there." He went to the door.

"Alright... shall we go and fight!" He smirked at her. "I'm ready when you are." He winked.
Duanna sighs "I just don't see the point of putting someone who is barren into the the long run when I finally give up the throne from old age records will have to be searched if the brothers have left the kingdom for one reason or another and see if they have had any child that can take the the long run it would be a waste of time....." she sighed, she use to dream about having a kingdom of her own but after never having monthly she knew something was wrong.

Demonia was worried but knew that she couldn't help...she sat down on the bed wondering what she should do.

Hell smiled and took Lucifer's hand then had them shadow jump to where Axoret was closet to "Now then lets have some well deserved, blood shedding fun." Started killing rebels and smiling and laughing as she did so.
Viktor nodded slowly, listening to her every word. He smiled and said "come on... Lets fight."

Axoret was fighting with Exiriya. The two had huge grins on their faces. Before he could react though, a sword struck through Axorets stomach. He was so shocked at what just happened. Exiriya turned and screamed "no!" It was like everything was in slow motion." He ran over to his fathers side, trying to cover his wound. He cried out for help as tears down his face.

Meanwhile, Lucifer was so busy fighting off soldiers, he didn't he realize the king was down for the count.
Duanna nodded, "I think we need to hurry, I have a feeling things are about to or have taken a turn for the worse...." she used a spell that would make sure leta stayed safe and then had on her armor, she whistled out her window and a giant phoenix flew in front of her window. "See you out on the battle field." She smiled and jumped on its back and then had it take her to where she was needed most not sure where she would end up.

Demonia heard the scream and looked outside to see what had happened and Nova did the same and and then ran outside, his dog form was starting the grow bigger and flames started to engulf him, anger was taking over him. He attacked everyone near Axoret trying to protect his father until help could arrive.

Hell saw Nova and ran in that direction taking soldiers down as she went, she knelt next to Exiriya and used a spell that would wrap around the wounds, she hoped it would help until he could get the medical treatment that he needed
Viktor smiled and got ready. He kissed Leta's forehead before leaving. He started to fight off the Rebel army.

Exiriya frowned and slowly picked up Axoret who was hyperventilating. He hurried into the apartment and let them fight off the rebels. He laid Axoret on the bed. Blood spilled out of Axorets mouth. "Father no!" Tears ran down his cheek.

Lucifer watched the scene but continued to fight. He knew he was being cruel by doing this but he figured they had it.
Demonia looked worried and Hell followed "I will keep the place safe from any attacks that might happen."

Duanna's pet landed outside of the apartment and she ran in "What in the world...?!" she looked over Axoret "Damn healing abilities aren't the best but I will do what I can...." she said a few words and rune marks appeared above her and she laid the runes around the wound and watched it as it closed "That's all I can do...I'm's not the best....." she hoped it would be enough.
Axoret fell unconscious. Exiriya let him rest. He leaned against the wall, clenching his fist. "I will destroy all of the Rebel's army!" He growls in pury fury.
"I am sorry that I didn't get here sooner, I am going to go find Viktor and see what he thinks needs to be done and I would like it if everyone stayed inside until I return. Seems my brother has things under control outside and so does and hell and lucifer." Duanna started to leave.
Someone grabbed Duanna's arm and it seemed to be Michael standing there. He was in spirit form and his angel wings were open but he was really there. Exiriya was shocked. Michael said softly "the Rebel Army... They will destroy this kingdom and everyone in it. Nasir is planning something dark. My mother had a vision."
She smiled when she saw him but then sighed "Alright I will get every here to safety then tell Viktor what is going I need to go after Leta then find Viktor....after that I will find some way to travel to Hell and confront my father...." she looked at axoret then back at Michael "I hope I healed him well enough to be moved..."
"I've got it. The angel army is here and will protect the kingdom under my order. Go after Nasir and... Kill him once and for all. I might have trapped him in Hell but he's stronger than you would think. He's fighting against my bindings and... The rebel army still obeys his every word." He went to kiss her but evaporated before he could. The fact that he couldn't truly touch her anymore was hurting him a lot.
She sighed and was a little hurt that it had happened twice and both times when he tried to kiss her "I will be back later, brother please look after mother and father and Hell if you can have Lucifer go get Leta when he has the chance, I am worried about her being alone..." She jumped onto the back of her phoenix and flew off towards her mother's kingdom. Her mark was already starting to burn her as she thought about hurting her father and worried about how weak she would be in Hell. "Please just grant me enough energy and power to finally kill my father..." winced as her mark burned her more.

Demonia tied her sword to her side and started to change her dress into her battle dress, she was worried about Duanna fighting Nasir.
Exiriya looked at Demonia and told her "don't worry. Michael wouldn't send Duanna to Hell without a plan. He knows it would be extremely painful for her."

As Duanna got closer to Hell, Michael stayed behind her. He kept her rune stable and made sure she wouldn't fall from the corruption of Hell.
"But....I can't just let her go..." Demonia looked like she wanted to run out the door but Hell was blocking the way. "I suggest you sit down, if you run out there you will not only be putting yourself in danger but you will put your unborn in the way of danger as well and I know you don't want to do that..." Demonia sat down on a chair and started to cry a little, she was confused and didn't know what to do "But she's my daughter...I can't let her fight her father on her own..."

Duanna had the phoenix land close to the entrance and saw two rebels keeping to entry way area guarded, her pet picked them up and dropped them after flying high enough, she shuddered at the sight of their bodies but ran into Hell and almost fell to her knees, it was hard for her to breath, she continued towards the castle that now had the rebel flag where the royal family flag once was and the Hell council member were hanging from the entry gate. "I don't know if I can do this...." she felt sick to her stomach. Nasir appeared in front of her and smiled "Seems I have been sent a gift from the royal family that I can slaughter."
Michael whispered to her "yes you can." He made sure that Nasir and Duanna couldn't see him. He slipped inside Duanna, giving her strength far beyond anything she has experienced. "I'm right here."

Axoret slowly opened his eyes and grunted a bit. "Where am I?" He asked. His head was killing him but he would survive?"
Duanna smiled as she felt Michael and looked at her father who had drawn out his sword already and he laughed as he watched her stand up "so did the little princess come to kneel to the new king of hell?" Duanna shook her head "No I came to take down the new king to protect my family." Nasir went to attack her, she blocked with her sword and continued to fight him trying to find an opening to strike.

Demonia walked over and kissed him "You are back in the apartment, Hell and Duanna used their magic to keep you alive." Nova soon limped into the room dragging a rebel body behind him, the person was still a live a little.
Michael struggled to give her his strength, speed, and anything else she needed. Hell's corruption was getting to him. "Destroy him, Duanna!" He yelled in pain. He growled a bit. He hated Nasir more than his angel body could handle.

Exiriya hurried over to Nova. "Your hurt!" He frowned a little but quickly took the rebel from him. He tied the rebel up and brought Nova into the bedroom so he could rest. Exiriya really acted like a concerned big brother. "I am going to find Lilith," he told Demonia. He grabbed his coat and left the room without another word.
Duanna sighed "If I could have the mark removed then I could fight body knows that the mark is there and won't allow me to fight properly...if you can remove the mark do so but leave quickly....I will be darker....dark enough to rival my mother, also I want you to have a group of angels waiting outside the entrance when I leave hell.....have them hold me down and put the mark back on me......if we have any hope of winning this is the only way."

Lilith was outside of the orphanage shouting orders to angels as they fought hell-born and demons "Don't let them any near an opening to the orphanage, take out anyone that you see that means harm!" she had a few cuts on her but she was holding her ground.

Demonia looked over Nova and sighed "Just some scrapes and cuts, might be some bruises later on." she smiled. Nova looked at Axoret worried "Is daddy doing better?"
Michael hesitated but then said "very well, my love." He used all of his power to remove the marking disappearing as soon as he did.

Michael reappeared in the angel realm by his mother's side. He was panting. "What happened?" He said "have some angels at the Hell's gateway." Michael collapsed, falling unconscious. His breath was shallow.

Exiriya approached Lilith and asked "how are you doing?" He watched her closely but when someone attacked him, he cut them with ease.

Axoret smiled softly and told Nova "I'm doing fine. I'll recover. I've actually gotten worst over the years." He grinned.
Duanna started laughing, the years of her dark energy flowed through her and looked at her father, withing minutes she was cutting him from all sides, her wings had become completely black and she soon cut off his head and smiled as she licked some blood off her hands "More, I want more blood..." she picked up his head and started to walk towards the exit to go the Azriel.

Lilith cut down a few more enemies "Just killing those that want the children inside, I am use to taking on more than this." she smiled

Demonia's eyes flashed black then back to normal. "I need to go home for a moment...something has happened to Duanna..." she started to leave.

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