Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"I'll let him know." Hell smiled "Now then before you are seen I want you to go home."

"Alright and thank you." Duanna bowed and left the room and went to where her mother is. Demonia looked up as she entered the room and they spoke about a few things and what she wanted from her room to have in her new room, Duanna left her mom's room and then went to see Leta and have her crib moved into the new room and when she saw it she smiled, it was not bigger than he room in Hell.
Lucifer hurried off staying out of sight from any soldiers that could recognize him and alert Axoret. It was harder than he thought but he eventually got away from Azriel Castle.

"You like what you see." The second in command stood at the door. "It seems Erik is asleep as usual. I'm surprised he's stayed awake for this long though he was falling behind in his paperwork."
"Yes, its the same size of my room in Hell, might be slightly bigger in fact" Duanna smiled and bowed "The name is Duanna and who might you be?"

Hell went into Exiriya's room and healed him and then sat down hoping he would wake in a few minutes, if not she would go ahead and go find Xeliran and see what she can do to help him.
"I am Erik's second in command Zavier." He kept his eyes focused on her. "I don't get why he favors you. I don't see it." He walked out.

Exiriya winced and finally opened his eyes. "Ugh... my everything hurts." He glanced at Hell and asked "who are you?"
Duanna sighed, she was just happy it wasn't anything new to her, she was told the same thing her first day of working in heaven.

"The name is Hell, look I am sorry for what Lucifer did, he said he stabbed you....also it seems some has taken your girlfriend, they said you can have her back once they have your child now then I have to go find where your brother is." Hell got up and started to leave the room
"I should go but it was very nice meeting you." He bowed to her elegantly before walking off.

Exiriya stood up quickly and grabbed her wrist. "Wait!!! Eris... Do you know where she went." He growled, furious.
"Nice to meet you as well." Duanna smiled then started to use her magic to arrange her room the way she wanted so that her things would fit into the spots she would want them.

"I'm afraid only Lucifer would now that but I sent him to hell so that I could get him out of trouble. Do you know where your brother would be I need to heal him?" Hell sighed and wished she could help the boy find the girl.
later, Erik sleepily came in. "I like what you've done with it." He smiled softly.

"Probably in his room which is done the hall and to the left." Axoret was kneeling beside the bed and Xeliran seemed unconscious but alive.
"Thanks, its a little bigger than my room was in Hell so I was able to have everything brought over and have enough room to do a corner up for Leta." she smiled.

Hell walked into the room "Axoret...I came here to see if I could help heal Xeliran if it hasn't already been done, I also know a few blood spells that can restore any blood that he has lost."
"Yours and Michael's kid?" He asked curiously. He had never seen a child on palace grounds before. He knew there were two people pregnant but that's only because the walls have ears and he finds things out.

Axoret hesitated but then said "yeah. But hurt him and you will die by my hand." He seemed furious with her
"We adopted her, I found in the garden under a plant." she smiled. "I just wonder when she becomes older if I should tell her about Michael...." she sighed.

"Don't worry, I was given a second chance at my own body and I don't plan on ruining it." She placed her hands over his body and started to say something in a forgotten language, Xeliran's body would start to heal and blood was flowing into his wounds to replace the amount he lost and then they healed up completely "I hope that helps." she smiled
"Michael will come back soon enough so I think it won't be too bad to tell them so a random stranger tries to raise her as his own later on." He smiled softly as he kissed her cheek. "I hope that helps."

Xeliran slowly opened his eyes and winced a bit but was able to sit up. "Who is she?" Axoret looked at Hell and said "thank you so much but who did this? Do you know?"
She was shocked as she he kissed her cheek and then smiled "Thanks, it helps a little."

"My name is Hell and I healed your wounds, I already scolded the person and if they do it again I will be punishing them myself. Please accept that as an answer and ask no more." Hell smiled.
Erik left the room to do some work. He sat on his bed and continued some more wedding planning.

Axoret narrowed his eyes but then said "fine... As you wish but if he goes near my sons again, tell him that he will have to deal with me.

Exiriya walked through the forest, furious. "Eris!!" He looked around the forest for her.
Semira walked out. She looked... pregnant, really pregnant. "Don't worry Exiriya, Eris cast a spell so it will be born soon." She said and gave a fake smile.
Duanna knocked on Erik's door "Sorry to bother you but I thought maybe I would have something that could help with the wedding plans." she has a sketch book in her hands.

"I will let him know of your warning. Also so neither you nor Demonia knows yet but I still feel as that I should say something so I guess congratulation, well I will be returning to hell now so do take care." Hell started to walk out of the room.
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Semira grabbed his other wrist and placed it where the baby was kicking her. "Then say goodbye." She cooed to the child and pulled away from him.
Erik looked at her and smiled softly. "Come in." He put his hand out so she could hand him the sketchbook.

Axoret cocked his head to the side but then said softly "yeah. Good bye." He started to talk softly to Xeliran and smiled a bit.

"You can't seriously want Eris to take our child? I won't accept it." He held her close to him.
Duanna walked in and handed him the sketch book "It has several drawings in it of wedding designs, from contemporary, themes, and some in between. There are also dresses and tuxedos that I have drawn. My mother use to make me draw them in case she ever fell in love and they had a wedding, after a few hundred years she said that I didn't have to draw anymore....she had given up on love at that time."

Demonia woke up and noticed that Nova was no longer on her lap, she looked around the room and saw that he wasn't there either, she left her room to go find him.
(He does know she's possessed right)

Semira let him hold her as she felt her stomach. "Oh Exiriy, we both know yyou'd make an awful father."
"Did you continue even after she said to stop?" He asked as he looked through the sketch book. He didn't seem to look at her once. "These are really good. Your better than the palace sketch artist." He smiled a little.

(Half and half. He's kind of hoping his Semira is still there but he can tell that something is off)

He released her and looked away. "Where is Eris? I need to speak with her!" He growled loudly. He was very animalistic compared to Xeliran.
Semira laughed and watched Exiriya. "You had your doubts to... everything i said was a lie, i don't love you. Your just the baby's daddy. A baby that i don't even want, so you have nothing on me. " She fixed her hair a bit. "I should have gone with Harrison, at least he would pay attention to me, and he's a king." She continued.
Exiriya let his anger get the best of him and he slapped her hard. "Your not my Semira... She would never say any of that. This is all Eris' fault."
"Yes, I had to get several other sketch books, it had become a hobby of mine in my free time." Duanna smiled a little when she heard how good she was "I don't know if I am that good...but you can look through that and keep it with the wedding plans."

Demonia had found Nova in the dungeon trying to talk to Sephrith and she sighed with relief when she found him, she went to pick him up to take him out of the cell but then notice the girl in the cell across from Sephrith and walked over "Duana what in the world are you doing here?" she smiled at Demonia "Just helping Nasir hurt you in any way possible." Demonia looked down as she heard his name "I see...and you were such a sweet girl at one time...." She picked up Nova who started to struggle, he wanted to talk to Sephrith but no matter what was said Sephrith wouldn't speak up. Nova was struggling so much that he had kicked Demonia in the stomach and she dropped Nova, it hurt her more than it should have, she teared up a little from the pain, Sephrith walked over to the edge of his cell and touched Demonia since she was in arms reach and tried to heal where Nova had kicked her then he felt a second energy and started to shout trying to get someone attention, hoping someone would hear him.

Hell appeared where Lucifer was and smiled "There I got you out of trouble." she giggled

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