Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Axoret nodded and said "alright. Lets go!" He started to walk off. "What will happen when we find him? He's not that easy to kill."

Michael thought about it and said "I actually don't know. I know we have some connection like every person I have sent to Hell and that connection will break once I die but I don't know what that connection is there for. I don't think he will die though because of many reasons."
Sephrith sighed and the dropped his sword "He said he would die if you did....I was going to kill you if that was the case...." Duanna stood in front of Michael protectively as soon as she heard this.

"Never has been, honestly he could have some sort of connection that won't let him die. Demonia is connected to Hell and as long as it wants her to be queen she will be." she sighed and seemed slightly worried.
Lucifer appeared with the sword still protruding form his stomach. He seemed unphased by it. "I should have known!" He growled angrily and said "unlike you, I'm not a coward!" He ripped the sword out of his stomach, screaming as he did so. He attacked Michael multiple times but his brother dodged each attack. "Still predictable as usual I see. You haven't changed. Why are you so determined to kill me? You haven't before because I know you can force yourself to awaken if you need to. You know, it hasn't been a thousand years yet." Lucifer growled angrily. "I need to kill you because you forced me to fall and trapped me in Hell. You did two things that should be impossible for an angel of your stature. You may be Seraphim but you can only do one at a time. The reason why I need to kill you is simple... I can't go to other dimensions. I was able to break out of Hell but I couldn't go to other dimensions anymore because of this stupid thing on me. I marked you. Did you enjoy my memories?"

Axoret nodded and saw the Michael, Duanna, Sephiroth, and Lucifer all together. "This isn't good." He frowned.
Demonia sighed as she watched and heard what Lucifer had said "Too bad for him that he still wouldn't be able to travel to other demonsions, he allowed me to bite him, not only did I take his blood but I wove my mark into his blood and not just skin. Poor Lucy will never have his way." Sephrith held out his hand and made his sword vanish from Lucifer's hands and back into his "I will not have my sword used in an attack against someone that Duanna loves."
Michael smirked and said "I am quite disappointed that the oh so scary devil is just a whiny little premature boy." Lucifer punched him hard and Michael hit the floor. "Mother would be disappointed," Michael taunted at him as he slowly got up. "You coward!" Before Lucifer could react, a sword was deep into his chest and Michael was the one wielding Sephiroth's sword. He seemed to have stolen it from him during that time.
Sephrith walked away not caring anymore but Duanna stayed to watch and Demonia was about to take a step forward to help Lucifer, it seemed that it was Hell that was in love with Lucifer and not Demonia.
Michael ripped the sword out of Lucifer and watched the blood pour out of him. He coughed up blood. "W-What did you do?" He felt like he was human. Michael threw the sword to the side. "I used some of my magic." He fell to his knees and smirked as the two collapsed at the same time. Lucifer's wounds appeared on Michael.
Duanna ran next to Michael and started to heal the wound that appeared on him and Hell walked over to Lucifer and drew a finger across his wound and then licked the blood off her finger "You know I just tasted a hint of fear in your blood. Its small but its there." she smiled
Lucifer chuckled but then grabbed his stomach in pain. "D-Damn it." He glanced at Michael and said "you would kill yourself just to kill me? Wow you must really hate me." He laughed but then winced.
Hell smiled at Lucifer "Do you want to return home, do you wish to return to Hell?" Duanna was pouring any energy she had into healing Michael.
Lucifer weakly touched her cheek and said "bring me to Hell... Please." He knew he burned down the castle but it was his last wish. Meanwhile, Michael's finally fully healed and he gasped. He started coughing. "Damn it. That hurt." He continued to cough. "Why did you save me?" He asked curiously.
Duanna hugged him "Why wouldn't I save the man that I love?" tears were streaming down her face. Hell picked Lucifer up and looked at Axoret "When I return you will have Demonia back to yourself and I won't interfere with your lives again." she smiled and then started to walk towards Hell.
Lucifer smiled slightly as he kissed her lightly before relaxing and falling unconscious. He let Hell carry him to his true home.

Michael laughed a little and said "I'm glad," before kissing her passionately
Duanna blushed " it okay for your brother to get away?"

Hell had laid him in a bed in one of the homes in Hell. She sat down and watched Lucifer but didn't heal him, she thought that if he survives then he maight learn something but she wasn't crossing her fingers.
"My brother... I'd be surprised if he survived that but you never know." He grinned a little. "Anything can happen."

Lucifer smiled and said "Michael... He used to be so innocent but now... Well he just tried to kill me."
Hell sighed "He was taking energy from a demon, not sure if he is better from that but it did make it where he almost became a fallen."

"Were you really trying to kill him? If that had been me and Nova I don't think I could have done it." Duanna looked down as she thought about it.
Lucifer smirked and told her "he's a clever little bastard. But once he becomes one of me, he will lose all of his power and his status. He would risk all that."

Michael smirked and said "he's a threat to my family so yeah, I would have killed him and aimeddon it but he fought me off. Too bad."
"Lucifer I am willing to make a deal with you but if you refuse it I will use my life to seal you away in the lowest pits of hell. When Demonia is away is away from hell you may rule until her son is of age if you do not take that offer I will seal you away." Hell looked lightly upset.

"I don't think I could ever do something like that...many time my mother has threatened earth but I never once stood against or with her...I just remained neutral." Duanna stood up and looked around "We should probably take care of the remaining demons in the village."
Lucifer thought about it but then said "fine. As long as I get to rule but someday, you will show me what you really look like." He slowly got up and shook himself a little before summoning a portal. "Yes! I can travel again!"

"Yes. The demons outside of the kingdom... What about them? The angels are fighting them but we can't let them do it alone. Please... Help my kind in this war."
"Lucifer....I wish I could but my body has long turned to ash and I would like it if you would stay around instead of going to other are you to know how to rule if you leave?" Hell looked down as if she was upset.

"Our kind," Duanna smiled "remember you made me an angel so why wouldn't I help you our people?"
"Were going to need help and my demons aren't enough. I need greater demons but I'm not yet strong enough to control them." He looked away but then said "I will rule this land better than Demonia will ever rule. I keep telling her that she has people to lose while I don't but... Her cocky attitude will be her downfall."

"Keep forgetting your an angel... Probably because the rest of your family are demons." He chuckled and said "I'm glad."
Hell grabbed him by the throat "It because of her attitude that she has had it for so long. You are a temp and you better get that through your head right now! Demonia is a better ruler than you will ever be! this world is not for constant torture, you serve out your sin then you live the rest of you soulish existence here until farther notice, this is how it will be forever. You say you will be a better ruler yet you burned down the castle that was never your to begin with, you are nothing more than a mere child compared to mine and demonia's age if she had never died from her own power. Keep it up Lucifer and I will seal you away." she let him go, it was rare for her anger to flair up but she had enough of his cocky attitude.

"Well lets get to work." she ran around smiling and purifying demons instead of killing them.
Lucifer bit back his lip as he growled. "You don't know a true leader. Only good leaders spread fear through their people. If their is no fear, there is no order." He remembered something and looked away. "Why did you save me?" He walked off. "You should leave me. I need sometime to think."

Michael did the same, laughing. The demons seemed to,fear them. One demon, Michael was able to pin them down but they refused to tell him anything.
"I saved you because I thought you might understand that with love there can be order but you are filled with to much hate to see anything but the pain of yourself and that you can inflict on other!" it started to ran in hell and people started to scream since it never rained, it was a frightful sight for them to see and Hell went to where the castle once stood. "Seems we will have to rebuild once more..." she picked up a stone and then ordered people to calm down and reconstruct the castle and they started to do so.

On earth and acid type of rain started to fall and the dragons quickly flew into nearby cave as the rain start to burn their skin "Michael we need to get everyone inside the castle and tell the angels to return home." trees were starting to wither and die from the rain.
"Too much hate?" He asked himself. His wings appeared as he disappeared and reappeared back at Azriel. He saw people fighting his pets. "I used to be an angel... Loved by all. What happened?" He ignored the rain.

Michael demanded "what's going on?" He was confused but hurried inside.

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