Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lucifer opened his eyes slowly and demanded "who are you?" He growled a little. He sat up.

Michael beside her grunted and finally opened his eyes. "D-Duanna," he said weakly. He ran his hand through her hair and whispered "please don't leave me."
Nova jumped "I.....I'm Nova...." he said looking scared.

Sephrith looked at Michael "I can possibly save her but it will be painful for her, she has a fifty/fifty chance of surviving." Duanna looked at him and smiled the mouthed the word "I love you" to him.
Lucifer smiled softly and asked him "what is a young boy doing here? Or are you secretely a thousand years old and its all an illusion." He smirked as he touched the boy gently.

Michael frowned and begged "do whatever. Please save her though!" He was upset. He might be falling in love with her.
Sephrith nodded his head and passed his hands over Duanna, she held back her screams, Demonia left the room not wanting to watch it.

Nova smiled "Did my momma leave? And I am but in immortal years I am only ten. So who might you be mister?"
Michael frowned as he watched her scream. He clenched onto her hand to help her go through the pain.

"This used to be my home before it was yours. I gave your grandfather this home thousands of years ago. This realm... I created it long ago."
Nova shook his head in disbelief "Then you are the god of lies. My grandfather made Hell and you are its prisoner, Hell is your nightmare since you cannot enter into the world of Heaven. Momma told me all about you, the self crowned king that woke up alone in their kingdom when they were away for sometime, you took control and instead of fighting you they let you believe what you wished and they took their kingdom back. The kingdom of Hell has been around since you were and angel and before your fall. My grandfather Zafon created this world to house his demons and his daughter of uncontrollable power. We have books in our library dating before you called yourself king and Zafon was already in rule at the time." Nova took some steps back. "You were never a the true king."

Sephrith stopped after a few minutes and looked over Duanna "That's all I can do for her, if I continue then she might die. She will have to fight the little bit that's left." Duanna was panting and shaking from the pain, Sephrith moved some hair from her face. "I will let you two be alone."
Lucifer bit his lip hard, trembling in anger. "You little..." His black wings opened up and he said "you know a lot about my history. Your Demonia's kid aren't you?" He smirked. He unsheathed his sword. "I love Demonia but someone who doesn't know their place must learn it." He started to laugh.

Michael whimpered as he kisses her lightly. He asked "your brother is at your home in Hell. Should you have really let him be there alone with Lucifer on the loose? Remember he has no remorse." He seemed worried without Lucifer to look after. He never knew where he would be. He could be up to trouble.
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"My mother knows her place and so do I, you will not ever take the throne of Hell as long as my mother lives." Nova went into his dog form, growling and started to run towards the exit hoping to find his mom.

Duanna was worried as well "I would go after him....but I can't enter into Hell without being tainted....I should tell my mother that she needs to return home...." Duanna tried to sit up but couldn't even raise her head.
Michael said "stay here. You don't want to push yourself. I'll go find Demonia." He slowly got up and used the wall to support himself as he guided himself to where Demonia and Sephiroth were.

Lucifer growled as he said "damn it." He ran after Nova but when two soldiers stopped him, he stopped as well. He bit his lip and disappeared, reappearing in front of Demonia. He didn't seem calm and collected this time. He was furious. He hit Demonia to the wall and demanded "what have you told your son about me? I just met him and he ran away from me. He knew my history despite how much I tried to lie to him." He lifted her chin and said "I will take your throne because believe it or not, I am more corrupted than you and a better leader." Suddenly, a sword went through Lucifer's stomach and blood spilled out of his mouth. Michael stood there and said "an eye for an eye." Lucifer growled as he spun around to look at Michael. "How adorable. Maybe you should worry about your own princess!!" Demons started coming out of the shadows. They grabbed Michael and watched him scream as they clawed at his skin. No one else could see these demons. All that was seen was Michael screaming in agony, clenching onto himself. The demons grabbing hold of him, soon disappeared when Lucifer snapped his fingers. "An eye for an eye? Total bs because in the end, I will win." He walked off.
Duanna was worried and tried to stop him but he was already gone.

Demonia pulled out her sword "Lucifer I have just enough of wonder you were cast out of the heavens, you think you are better than everyone else and you better stay away from my family and release Michael from whatever torments him!"
Lucifer growled angrily. "That home was all I had after losing everything. I lost my home because I spoke up against the ruler of the heavens. I didn't think we should bow down to a weaker species. It didn't make us seem powerful. It made us look weaker. And now I find out the women I loved has run off with another man. I am powerful and Hell is mine. It always will be but I can't strike fear in people if they don't believe in me. I need your help to make me known but... You know what, I should have stayed asleep."
Demonia turned Lucifer around so that he could face her "Hell will never be yours and I was not going to stand around and wait for you to wake up. Do you realize the loneliness I felt while you were asleep, now release Michael from the torment that you have given him or I show you the pain I had felt in all my years." she had some tear swelling up in her eyes as she thought about what she would do to him "You think you have felt loneliness, you think you have lost things, it is nothing compared to what I have felt, you are lucky to sleep a thousand years, I only sleep for a hundred, if that and I feel pain even then!"
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"You have no idea what its like. I've lived longer than you. I've watched you grow up into the young, beautiful women you are now. Hell is mine and I will take it even if I have to kill you." He disappeared and Michael calmed down. Michael was coughing, trying to catch his breath. "Lucifer... What is he capable of?" He asked. "Is he capable of getting what he wants? Is he capable of destruction?"
Demonia smiled and then looked a little sad "If I return to the person I once was then he won't lay a hand on Hell but that also mean Duanna and Nova will be in danger...and so will Axoret....he has slept too long to know what I am capable of the destruction that he can cause is just a summer breeze compared to what I can do....I only allow myself to become my other half when I have to and every time that I have done that is during the wars of heaven and hell. The queens and kings of heaven that came before your mother never fell to my father but they did fall to me. Lucifer has no idea how old I am, he saw my rebirth but never my birth...." Duanna was leaning against a wall "Mom what are you thinking of doing....?" she had worked up a sweat trying to find Michael and her mother.

Nova was just getting to the exit of Hell.
Michael shook his head and said "he's deadly. Those eyes... And after attacking me. The human realm is screwed. If he's capable of illusions than they can't do anything to defend themselves. "Demonia... For the meantime, don't go to Hell until we know his plans. He's hiding something."

Lucifer caught Nova before he could leave. "Hey. I can train you. Train you to not be a coward and actually fight back. I can turn your fear into strength. I'm not going to force you Nova but join me." He put his hand out and smiled softly.
"He's always been deadly and I have to go to hell to get my son, I left him there and who knows what Lucifer might do to him if his anger flairs up." Demonia's pupils became slits and then she heard Duanna "Get my daughter to a bed." she started to walk off.

Nova bit into Lucifer to be released "I have no fear! My mother taught me to never have any fear!" he spoke even as he was biting into Lucifer.
Michael helped Duanna back to the room and laid her on the bed. He stroked her forehead and said "I told you to stay here but I should have figured you wouldn't listen."

Lucifer growled, his body slowly shifting. He hit Nova with a talon before running off. He stayed In a small town and killed random humans off the street. Some angels were watching him as he took pleasure in killing humans. He was laughing. The angels attacked him and he spun around. He was more skilled at fighting than them. "Die!" He stabbed one through the stomach.
Nova landed on his feet and ignored his pain from the cut that he received, he left Hell and ran into his mom who had sent him away to go to Azriel and Demonia continued into hell "Lucifer!" not sure if he was there.

Nova ran to the kingdom and ran to the room where Duanna was and then saw how bad she looked, Duanna smiled "Sorry, I have my mothers stubbornness." she saw Nova "Hey little brother," she then noticed the cut on him "who did that?" she looked angry and Nova did the best he could to hide the cut. "I'm fine, just a scratch." he smiled.
Lucifer finally came back to Hell and bumped into Demonia. Two angels were with him. They seemed to be in spirit form to avoid the corruption of Hell. "Take him! He's killed more humans than we can count and we don't have the power to seal him into Hell forever." Lucifer kept a smirk on his face.
"Maybe if you stupid angels would stop thinking you are better than anyone else he wouldn't do this stuff..." Demonia looked annoyed "Lucifer to the castle now." she was telling and not asking and she had a whip next to her "And you two hurry and leave before you make my kingdom reek with your light anything else you reek of."
The Angels disappear and Lucifer growled. "Stupid angels. They deserve what's coming for them." He smirked as he started to laugh, walking ahead of her. He was heading to the castle anyways. He was clearly covered in blood and needed to change. Plus, he didn't have any other home at the moment.
When they stepped into the castle Demonia took the whip in her hand and made it wrap around Lucifer's neck, she wasn't done with him yet and she pulled him towards her and then stepped on the whip so that Lucifer would bow before her. "You better behave or I'll get really angry, you don't move a muscle unless I say its okay." there was the look of blood lust in her eyes which was not there when she was in Azriel.
"I don't bow to no one. You know that. Not even before my slumber, I would bow to you. But then, I was a child. Now, I have nothing to lose. The difference between you and I, is you have everything to lose. I wonder what will happen to your beloved Axoret when I tell my demons to strike." He chuckled as he looked at her. "What will happen to Nova? To Duanna? To Lilith? Yo everything you have known? Don't test me. I will get what I want. I will make you bow."
Demonia laughed "I know my kids can handle themselves and if not I didn't raise them to be strong enough and as for Axoret if he dies he will come here." she then smiled at him and removed the whip "Lucy dear do you really think I would face you and not think of those things. And sad thing is the only people I really have is Nova and use to be just for my daughters we have never been that close." she sighed "Lucifer can I ask something of you?"
"What do you want?" She was in his way of his plans and id he had to kill her, he would. Hw clenched onto the hilt of his dagger and was prepared to fight.

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