Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"I don't know about this king that you serve.... But there is a reason that I am here, with my men, that no king would be. tomorrow, or the next day, when we head into battle, I will be with my men. Leading them into glory."

(guys, I have some things I hvae to get done, I will post when I get back on.)
"Michael is a good king as long as my sister is beside him...seems everyone in my family except my little brother is falling in love...." Lilith sighed "I once had love till my mother ruined that. Look all I have to say is with the current ruler of Azriel a war is useless, will you truly have glory when your men are fighting against a lesser army? People in the future will look on your fight and see you as a tyrant, as a man who attacked a weaker kingdom...." she kept her voice just above a whisper so that Harrison would see that she meant no unkind words and that she was just speaking her mind. "Wouldn't it be better to wait for the king to get well so that it would be a fight on equal grounds? If you are to fight anyone, fight the previous king, ask Axoret to a one on one dual but don't make a kingdom suffer for their previous rulers stupidity. I can promise you that as long as my sister is in Azriel the grimness of that place will change and become a kingdom of much as I wish to see a war happen I will have to fight with Azriel since they will have no chance in winning...." Lilith knew that she would have to find some place safe for her son before the war started.
"A long time ago, he took my honor. He killed my father, and I do not trust him. If you give me your word, then I will dual him. but if he tries anything then it will most likely be war."
"I can give you my word that I will speak with him but I can not speak for him and say that he will be fair and that you can trust him. I just don't see why you would fight a kingdom when the ruler is not the one that hurt you. I'm sorry if I can't see eye to eye with you on that idea of going to war with if Axoret fights with you one on one you will call off the war?"
OOC: Won't be on for a majority of the day. Its festival today which is a theater thing. We will be gone from 6:30 to at least 10... Sometimes awards go longer than expected.
(wolf you aren't alone, I got competitions all today, a lot of testing.)

"Yes, I will call off the war. To be honest my problem is with the old king, and if I have my dual with him.... Then I will be happy."
"Well... You don't have to look far." Axoret was riding on his horse with Demonia behind him. He smirked a little. "Give me back my son, Harrison." Xeliran stayed close to Harrison and Axoret growled angrily.
"You want him, then I offer you a deal, and this whole war could be over with one fight.... You and me in the middle. The winner keeps his life, the loser, well lets just say that you don't want to be the loser."
When Demonia saw Lilith she gave a small chuckle and Lilith hid behind Harrison as if he offered he some form of protection. "Seems my daughter wanted to join in their fun." Demonia kept her eyes on Lilith and then Lilith spoke up a little "It was my idea that he fight one on one with Axoret so the kingdom of Azriel wouldn't be son is there and he is still weak.....I don't want to move him if I don't have too...."
He looked at her and noticed here weakness. He laughed. "Your daughter is smart. She has asked, for me to spare you and your kin.... I would defend my kin until my last breathe.... Any sane person would agree with me." He said as he looked into her eyes. "what about it king, shall we meet on the battlefield tomorrow, OH wise king axoret?" He mocked him.
Demonia laughed "She is far from smart...she hunted me down for so long to get revenge on me for killing her father even when he was in the wrong of keeping a daughter from her mother." Lilith looked down not saying a word but just let a tear escape and roll down her face.
"Yes keeping a daughter from her mother is wrong, but killing the father, is something that you should never do. I should know. I lost my father to a monster. A father has as much reason to love his daughter, as the mother. So maybe a wise, all knowing queen, should think before she talks."
"You weren't there! You have no idea why I did what I did! I loved Lilith's father but...." Demonia had worked herself, getting upset and she started to cough.
"I understand everyone has reasons, you have them, I have them we all have them. But ethics come into play when our choices impact more then just ourselves..... I am not going to ask why, I understand you have reasons why you do things. But was it ethical?"
Demonia glared at him when she was done coughing "He was aiming for the one weakness on my body, it was either kill or be killed...." lilith looked at her "And what about his wife and kids, the people who I considered my mom and siblings?!" Demonia looked down "That wasn't suppose to happen..."
"Family is family. No matter who you are, or what you are. My father is the one who taught me that, and I know you have him, in hell.... I only ask, how is he?"
"Whats his name? You must understand I have many souls in Hell." Demonia didn't ever have a problem with giving information out on dead family members.
Harrison looked away for a moment. "His name is Tulious Mastarus, Old and dead king of timanthia..... He died on the battlefield." He wondered if he was doing alright, he knew hell was a bad place to be. "If you don't know how he is then, don't worry about it."
Demonia laughed "Old Mastarus, the general to my hell-born army. He never broke even after I tortured him so I rewarded him by making him my general, he really loves that role."
'I guess that old bastard is still alive and kicking. Tell me, can you summon him?" He had hoped that she could so that so he could see his father again, maybe even for the last time.
Demonia sighed and then smiled "You realize that if you do end up going to war if this one on one thing doesn't work out then you will be fighting your father." Lilith looked shocked "You would sink that low wouldn't you!?" she drew out her sword "You have always been like that and always will be!" Demonia smiled "Attack me and I am sure the one on one fight will be called off."
"Yeah I understand. But at least I would be able to see him again. And that would be worth it." Harrison began to think about his father, and when he lost him. "He's a tough bastard isn't he?"
"Tortured him a good ten years never once screamed, though there was that one time he tried to pin me down and have his way with me. I think that was the only time I saw him tear up was after that beating." Demonia laughed "Look what if I said you call this fight off, forget your grudge and I let you see your father? He might be a little different to how you remember him but I would keep my word and let you see him and if you keep your word I will let him visit." she smiled hoping he would agree.
Axoret looked between the two but said "this is all fun and all but... We need to get prepared for the fight." Michael rode over. He looked weak bur was still riding strong. His beautiful white wings were outstretched. "There will be no war and no fighting!" He had Duanna sitting behind him and a few soldiers riding behind him. He nodded his head and a servant quickly helped Duanna down. "Whatever hatred you have for the old king is null in void. I am the king now and anything you do to them, you will have to bring to me."

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