Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Semira looked at them. "I'm here to speak with Harrison, i have a personal matter with him and i think he'd be happy to see me." She hissed and walked around them.
Harrison got the word from his guards, and walked out of his war tent. "Welcome to the kingdom of timanthia, I am sorry that it is not as ready for you as I would have hoped, but welcome nonetheless."
Semira hugged Harrison tightly. Her face barried in his neck allowing him feel her tears. "I was so worried! I heard of this war and you must end it!"
He hugged her back, it has been sometime sense they saw each other and he missed her."That is one thing that I can not do. I ask for you to at least accept that I can not give my reasons, right now. But things will be explained all in good time..... But that is a thing of death. You must have another reason for coming to see me."
Semira pulled away slightly to look in his eyes. "N-no.... just that." She lied and it was clear in her eyes that she was. She cared about him and loved Exiriya at the same time....
Harrison knew that she was lying, but didn't say anything. "Then come, come, I will have you see my kingdom." He lead her to a tent. "We are not as prepared for some visitors as we had hoped. Right now you are in the first ring of my kingdom, which has five rings then the final ring which holds my keep."
Semira turned to Harrison. " I missed you... and you said i could stay for a while..." she smiled gently and looked over at him.
Xeliran followed Harrison out of the tent and said "look, I don't care. They don't want me and..." He saw Semira with harrison and his eyes widened. "I-I'm sorry." He ran a hand through his hair and walked back into the tent.

Axoret smiled a little at them and said "don't worry my love." Exiriya looked at them and asked "can I go now? I must see if our little 'prince' is back." Axoret sent him a dismissal hand and Exiriya left.
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The ravens continued to pester Xeliran. Umbra flew into the tent with a letter in his mouth addressed to Xeliran.

Demonia giggled a little about something that had gone through her mind. Kit stayed on a corner of the room wondering if he should leave as well and then she remembered the beggar that had nearly robbed her "We need to be wary of that other king. A beggar told me that the other has a mechanical device that he is intending to use. I don't know much but that's because the beggar didn't know much either."
Harrison didn't budge. "I did say you could, You can say in my keep, and I did miss you. It is good to see you again. So have you been thinking about me?" He turned to xeliran "Why would you be sorry?"
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Xeliran took the letter but waved Umbra away. he said angrily "just so you know, bird, I'm not going home." He looked at Harrison and said "I didn't know you had a guest but I'm not going home. I will destroy my kingdom if its the last thing I do. I am sick of everyone. And if I die... well no one will care."
"A friend on the battlefield is a brother in real life. You will be my brother, even though we're not related." He turned. "and I can accommodate more then just one guest."
Umbra made the other ravens leave and then cawed in objection to what Xeliran just said, the letter was from Demonia and it was poorly written along with some blood droplets on it.

Dear Xeliran,

I have fallen very ill it seems and I am not sure what is wrong. I would like for you to come to Azriel so that I can speak with you. I would write more but my vision is blurry and I can't stop coughing, I see you as my son even though I have not married your father yet. So please from a mother to her son return to Azriel so that I can see you.

Umbra was cleaning himself wondering what Xeliran would do, he stayed to see if he would need to return a letter to Demonia.
"Thank you, my lord." He bowed and decided to sit down and read the letter but when he saw Exiriya approach, he quickly stood up. "Exiriya!" Exiriya hit him and said "get your ass back to the palace." Xeliran shook his head and said "I refuse." He cut him across the chest. Exiriya was stunned.

Ooc: Will be home later tonight. Have a tech day.
Leech walked over and put his hand on xeliran's shoulder. He didn't have to say what he thought, one because he couldn't but he hoped that xeliran could understand. His duty was his own. But as soon as he saw exiriya, he pulled his battle maul. He let out a grunt. And some of his guards began to filter into the tent. (I will be back.)
Umbra made Demonia see what he was seeing and Demonia looked at Axoret "We need to leave now. I don't know what has happened but we need to go to where our sons are." she started to get out of bed still a little weak from 'starving' herself but strong enough to walk.
Xeliran raised a hand as to stop them from attacking his brother. "Leave or they kill you." Exiriya put his hands up, surrendering to them but when he heard Semira's voice, he went into the tent. He saw Semira with Harrison and he laughed coldly. Xeliran followed him and said "Exiriya... Leave now!" Exiriya smirked and said "yeah whatever." He pushed past Xeliran and left without another word.

Axoret nodded but told Duanna "you should stay and make sure Michael is alright."
Duanna nodded "I planned on staying, as much as I want to go my place is currently here. Both of you be safe." Demonia coughed a little "I don't think my magic will be useful for some time...sorry." Duanna sighed "And take care my my mother." she left the room to check on Michael.

Umbra perched on Xeliran shoulder and looked at him worried.
Semira turned to see Exiriya and ran after him. "Exiriya! I told you I'd try to stop this war! Why are you so angry?" She asked grabbing his arm.
"What do you think I did to get back here. You were the only thing in my mind. During the night, I could only think of you as I looked up at the stars."Harrison turned to exiriya. "You are a fool for coming back. As I said before, you know my terms, and I will not give for anything else."
Axoret told Demonia "I've always taken care of her. Why stop now." He held her close to him and kissed her forehead.

Exiriya growled and wiped some blood off his cheek. "Yeah uh huh. I don't trust that response. My brother has even joined the war AGAINST our kingdom. What makes you different. You guys are all the same." He tore his wrist from her. "You know... My father should have destroyed your family as well." Xeliran looked at him curiously and said "I joined this side because you told me to leave cause everyone hated me. I'm not going to remain in a kingdom where I don't belong. If she was going to leave you, which I think she should considering how you've been acting, she would have done it by now."
Umbra pecked a little on Xeliran shoulder as if saying "if no one cares then why did Demonia send me?"

When they were outside Demonia looked at Axoret "Can I ride with you? I'm afraid that if I ride by myself I might fall off..." she couldn't even get her hands to grasp the reins on Quicksilver.
Semira looked away. "I love you Exiriya... i married you, i gave you everything, ever part of me! This is how you see me?" She cried and looked into his eyes. "If i didn't care why would i be out here fighting for you! Especially since you weren't man enough to do the same!" She yelled and turned to leave. "I will always love you Exiriya, but if you can't fight for me like you said you would. .. then what's the point." She left at that point and even ignored Harrison as she walked by weeping.
Xeliran laughed coldly and brushed him away. "I'm crowned prince. My father only wants me back cause I'm the legitimite successor after him. He growled.

"Of course." He hopped onto his horse. He smiled softly as he put a hand out to help her on.

Exiriya grabbed her wrist and sais "I would fight for you but... I just got beaten by my dad because of the stupid prince. I'm sick of being treated like shit. I'm the prince too but I'll always be treated like second best. You don't know what its like to be constantly left in the shadows because while everyones worshipping Xeliran, everyone treats me like a peasant."

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