Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Duanna stopped "You are asking for an impossible task from an angel, you would not be killing just two but three...and no i don't know of freedom that why I wish that every person could be. At a young age I was given a mark to control my demon blood that was killing me...I now serve the heavens since they gave me my life....if I give you those two people then my mark will burn me and spread until it hits my heart....and the foulest beast I know cannot die since she will rise in Hell in three days and take the lives of those that took hers...." she had wished for peace but she saw that either way war would happen "and even though I am will to sacrifice my life to give what you ask it will not stop a war, hell would come for you so soon after but it seems that will happen either way..." her voice broke as she she tried to speak through her tears.
Starting at Lilith's last comment; "Sorry to have moved you..."

Evelyn groaned inwardly for she was not able to do so verbally. Her dark eyes scanned the room once more before returning to Lilith. She gave a small, barely audible, growl; almost as if to brush her apology off. The black wolf paced around the room carefully testing out her footing. Once she was sure that she had a good handle in this form, Evelyn dashed out of the room, nodding to Lilith as she went. He claws clicked against the cobblestone street letting her presence be known to anyone near. At first glance she would look like an extremely large bear, but with closer inspection you came to realize that it was not a bear but a huge wolf. Evelyn stood nearly five feet at the shoulder, six at the head, and her body was nearly seven feet long. I need to find Duanna. She thought silently to herself, unable to speak the words. Maybe she will be able to stop my transformations. The streets were dark, nearly pitch black to the human eye, but not for her keen night vision. It seemed as if the wolf was merely a wisp of a shadow. There in the kingdom of Azriel the last werewolf of all time was wandering the kingdom, searching for the queen, unaware of the presence that was following her. A presence that would change her life forever. After becoming very frustrated, Evelyn lifted her head and let out an ear splitting howl. Soon after the villagers began to scream. Cries of 'wolf' and 'beast' came from inside the closed homes. It wasn't long before she was on the run. Unable to fend off nearly thirty men and women, she ran for the palace. Behind her a mob of elves, demons, angels and many other creatures chased the werewolf towards the castle. As soon as she reached the gate Evelyn was faced with nearly ten heavily armed guards. The wolf growled deep in the throat before leaping over the palace walls and into the courtyard. She raced up the palace steps, searching desperately for the queen/princess(?) Duanna.
Lilith made everyone go home and told the guards to stand down, she had a whip at her side to make them obey if they didn't but thy soon returned to there posts, she went and found Evelyn "My sister left some time ago, why, I'm not sure but she left in a hurry, I could tell by how quick her energy vanished from the grounds."
Evelyn struggled to keep from growling out in frustration at this whole. Instead she looked up at Lilith, searching her mind for a way to portray what she was trying to say. How can I reach Duanna? The wolf clenched her jaw and tried impossibly to ask Lilith the question.
Lilith didn't really see that Evelyn's mouths wasn't moving "I honestly don't know, Duanna I don't think would leave the castle unless it was important, maybe you could....."she hated to say it so she said the words about as lightly and nicely as she could "find her scent and trail her that way...."
Prince Xeliran came riding over to them. "What is the meaning of this? Do you really think you can wage war on my kingdom." Exiriya was riding beside him. He watched his brother jump off his horse and approach Harrison. "This might not be my father's kingdom anymore but you have no right being here." Exiriya, looking snazzy in his armor, finally said "if a war is to come, then lets do this but if were putting it on hold then I'm going back to MY Semira." It seemed he was directing that straight at Harrison.
Evelyn's ears flattened against her head just as a dark growl arose from deep within her throat. What do I look like to you; a dog?! Realizing what she had just said, she added; Don't answer that. The black wolf chocked back a bark of surprise as she came to notice that the half-demon had heard what she thought. Lilith, do you hear what I'm saying? Her dark, almost black, eyes were fixed eye level with that of the girl before her.
"Clear as day...wait you haven't spoke in this form before have you?" Lilith sounded like she knew what werewolves could do.

Duanna sighed "Brothers please until I know that some sort of resolve with no blood shed can be made don't interfere." she knew that war would happen if she liked it or not but she was still hoping for some peace.
Xeliran glared at Exiriya who shrugged, uncaring. Xeliran went over to Duanna and said softly to her "I would suggest you go see Michael. Exiriya and I went to see him and he seemed worst."
Never. She thought back to all of the times where she had shifted under the icy blast of the full moon, and never once had she ever thought that she may be able to speak telepathically. It doesn't matter now. All I need to know is if you know how I can reach your sister. Evelyn blinked down at Lilith waiting for the demon to respond. I have been turned like this for centuries, yet never have I thought that I might be able to speak. Her sleek black coat glimmered slightly under the moon, for it had just come out from behind the cloud.
"What?! I've been away too long...I knew I should have gone and looked for his mother instead of worrying about this war...." she was crying and couldn't hold back the tears anymore, she had started to blame herself, she made her wings appear "thank you for letting me know."

Lilith sighed "I should show you to my wolf friends some time, they could teach you a lot and as for reaching my sister I really don't know, I can point you in the direction that she left but that's all can do."
Evelyn stared back at Lilith with sad eyes, ones that knew she would be forever alone in this world. Your wolf friends no longer exist, they were wiped out many, many years ago by a sickness... Her thoughts trailed off, ending the subject. It seemed that the last time that Lilith had visited her friends was a very long time ago.
Xeliran bowed to her and sais "we can deal with this little situation. Go see the king. He needs you more than ever right now." He patted her back gently in sympathy.

Meanwhile, Michael was laying in his bed. He was shivering a lot. He knew falling was part of a very painful process but he didn't know it would be this painful. He felt like he was dying. He wish he were to die because then he wouldn't have to suffer anymore.
"I was there during that sickness, I even tried to help by bringing some people, the most they could do is a blood bonding. They are human like people they have some wolf blood in them but if you wish for me to say no more then I won't. Sorry if the subject upset you in anyway." Lilith looked down, Evelyn's people were the only ones that she felt that she could trust until the sickness came along.

Duanna flew into the balcony and walked into the room, her eyes were red from crying and she still was, she just couldn't seem to stop, she walked over to him and place of her hands on his "I'm sorry...I was suppose to go find your mother instead I tried to stop the war from happening...I'm so sorry..."
"Its fine... Its about two weeks of excruciating pain when one falls naturally." He smirked slightly. "When one forces, its quick and clean but only high up angels like me have that ability." He smiled weakly.
Duanna couldn't stop crying "I wanted to help you, I wanted to make you better...instead I put the kingdom first, I was torn on what to do, I thought if I could make peace with them quickly then I could go find your mom...I couldn't even make peace.....I can't do anything right....I couldn't save you or our kingdom...." she kneeled down next to the bed and pressed his hand against her face. (omg I am making myself cry over here! dang it!)
Evelyn inhaled the fresh night air, pausing for a moment to prosper the feeling, and then she exhaled, letting her breath go like that of a tree as it sways back into place after a strong wind. Yet they are not truly like I am... Her thoughts were to herself only, not allowing Lilith to hear them. Just as she was about to say something, Evelyn caught a scent, not just any scent, but Duanna's scent. She must have returned from wherever she had been off to. She has returned. Her thoughts echoed between them for a mere second before Evelyn dashed off into the castle. The large doors and halls allowed for easy passage, and soon she found the room in which Duanna and Michael were resting. The black wolf sensed that Duanna was hurt emotionally so instead of entering immediately she stood outside of the room watching them. It didn't take long for her to realize that the King was sick and dieing. Not able to keep from comforting her friend, Evelyn entered the room carefully. Duanna, Her soft voice reached the mind of both Michael and the Queen. They would not notice who she was until she told them of her identity.
Michael coughed and said weakly "I love you more than anyone in the world. Your my everything. Your magnificent in every way." He kissed her deeply. His hand rested on her cheek. Finally, his hand fell from her cheek as he went limp. He was still breathing but took very shallow breaths.
Duanna's body tensed as she heard Evelyn but said nothing in fear of messing something else up, all she could was cry, through all the years she had lived she felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest, she had never felt so much pain. "Please...if someone in the heavens can hear me let it be the queen....please help us....I don't want to see him as a fallen....I would do anything to keep him from becoming a fallen." she was now on the floor praying and crying "I have served you for so long please....I have never asked for anything until now just please don't let him become a fallen..."
Evelyn walked to the edge of the bed, gently nudging Michael's shoulder, but as she touched him her nose burned like she had touched a hot flame. She looked sideways at Duanna, watching the once proud Queen weep at the bed of her beloved. The black wolf rubbed her head comfortingly upon her shoulder. Don't cry princess... Her inner voice faded off as a memory began to form within her head, a memory from long ago...


"Destan!" Her voice rang out throughout the room, a voice filled with agony and sadness. "Destan, no, you can't leave me now. Not after everything..." She was on her knees, bending over a man, a man that was on the verge of death. Tears began to fall from her eyes, landing upon his face and upon his pale bare chest. "Evelyn," His voice was so frail, so weak. She closed her eyes and pulled his cold body close. It was then that she realized that he was no longer cold. It seemed that by miracle he had been healed. The wound that had been upon his chest was gone, and she realized that it was her doing. Her tears had healed him, but now she could never face him again. The girl didn't know how she knew it, she just knew that she did know it. Somehow her tears had healed Destan, and now because of it she could never meet him face to face again... She leaned down to kiss him on the cheek one last time and then Evelyn stood up and ran. She ran and ran and ran, never to see him again. Her thoughts that day were of one thing. I can heal the dieing with my tears, but this power is a curse, for as soon as they are healed, I must never face them again.

To be continued...

Duanna looked at evelyn "I just found love and I don't want to lose healing abilities are flawed and my powers of reversal may not work on him..."
"Michael!" Michael looked around, noticing he was standing in the middle of a beautiful city. "I'm back in the heavens!" He looked around. He noticed his two closest friends run over to him hugging him because they were so happy to see him. "We missed you so much!" Exclaimed Abby. She looked at him with her beautiful sparkling blue eyes. When the Queen walked toward him, they quickly left him. "Mom... Why did you force me to fall?" She hit him across the face. She told him "because I told you to purify the Azriel and instead you ran off with a demon. I didn't mind your girlfriend but I saw the corruption in your eyes when you fought with her. Michael... I love you and I know you will make a great king but you can't let others manipulate you so easily. You must take control of situations instead of letting your anger get the better of you. I approve of your relationship but Michael... You can't escape the inevitable." She disappeared as he was screaming "mom!" Over and over again. He knew she was gone but he needed to see her.

His eyes fluttered open as he looked at the two of them. "Mom?" He whispers. He relaxed when he realized she was gone forever. "Damn it..."
Duanna looked at him, she was still crying and her hands that she had placed on the bed were shaking from the fear of losing him "Is something wrong.....?"

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