Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Michael looked at her solemnly. He angel wings opened. He kissed Duanna gently. "Stand back," he whispered. He leaned down and brushed the hair out of the boy's face. He rested his hands against the boy's chest and his hands started to glow. His eyes started to glow white. He was using more power than he needed to to heal the child. He finally finished and he gasped, his eyes turning back to normal. He slowly stood up but used the wall to steady himself. "He should be fine now." He coughed up blood." Healing was so much of a toll on him.

He grinned at her but when the boy came into the bath, he demanded "what are you doing?" He growled a bit at the boy who came into the bath.

Xeliran's eyes widened and he demanded "bring me to her this instant!!"
Demonia's face got red and splashed him "Do you know what knocking is?" she looked at Axoret "Dear I'm sorry," she giggled "U.H. worries about me a little too much."

Duanna looked worried "Are you okay?" she wiped some blood off his mouth "Do you need some energy to help you?" Lilith looked like she was about to cry when she saw her son waking up.
UH clenches his fist as he gets angry, he wanted to kill this king but didn't want to hurt demonia, he held himself back and bowed to Demonia "I'm sorry for my actions queen demonia...please forgive me.."
"Well I would really like you to tell me these things to avoid uncomfortable situations." He kissed Demonia deeply, not caring UH was standing there.

Michael shook his head and said "no I'll be fine." He smiled softly at her and said "I should go back to the palace."

Exiriya growled and said "come on, Xeliran. Lets go looking for them. Where were you kidnapped?"
Demonia giggled as she was kissed and then pulled away to address UH "You are forgiven but next time remember to knock, and don't wonder too far when you leave the room because I would like to speak with you once I am out of the bath." and turned her attention back to Axoret "Sorry I thought he was on patrol." she kissed him back.

"Do you need help getting there? I am your fiancee meaning I am suppose to be there for you when you need help." Duanna wanted to help any way that she could. Lilith looked at them "Take the horse to get to the palace."
UH gritted his teeth then stood straight "..thank you mylady..please...excuse me.." he then walked out of the room and shut the door. He began to walk the halls, his eyes only becoming darker with anger and pain. he hated himself for not confessing to her long ago.
"Trolls. I maybe able to show you but... brace yourselves. I can get in easily... those trolls will kill you." She hugged Exiriya tightly. "Please... please be careful..."
UH walked out of the castle and to a forest, where he stayed for a little while, he leaned against a tree then slid down and set there leaned again the tree, he looked up at the sky as he began to think about things.
"Uhm yeah sure." Axius was obviously nervous. He normally would not be but this time was different - he cared about the outcome. "It's just outside the palace." Axius had a part of a small fortress for himself, the fortress belonging to his clan of assassins. He led her back holding her hand along the way.
Axoret smiled and said "I don't like hoe that commoner looked at me. He acted like I stole his only love." He laughed at the sound of a commoner and a royal together.

Michael smiled as he kissed her deeply. "I love you so much but no. I won't steal your life away again. I'll regenerate soon. I really only have to do it when I've lost too much power and on the brink of death."

Exiriya smirked and replied "they can try but I'm the prince. They can't touch me." He grinned at his advantage.

Eriath let him lead the way. She stayed silent for the majority of the walk. She liked her hand with his. It made her feel complete. More than she did with her brother which was a strange feeling.
Demonia sighed "He isn't a commoner, he is a noble that serves as my guard and he was the only person that kept me safe when my father locked me away..." she shivered "I'm glad he was there the one time my uncle came to see me..." she looked scared as she thought about it.

Duanna smiled and kissed him back. Lilith looked at them "Get in the back and I'll take you to the entrance of the castle and there your servants can help you if you need it."
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Semira sighed softly but nodded. "I'll take you." She muttered and took them to the trolls lair.

Nadia laid right in the middle of all the trolls. It seemed as if the group had just had their way with her and the all slept around her.
"Well now I'm here and I promise I will protect you." He kissed her once more before he started to wash her body. He treated her delicately and continued to keep eye contact with her.

Michael smiled at both girls and said "I'm fine. Honest." William came riding over to them, riding a black horse. "My king... I was wondering where you went. I checked your room and you weren't there." Michael smirked at him.

Xeliran sneaked past the trolls which wasn't easy but he managed. He picked up Nadia and smiled softly as he saw her. He was so happy to see her again. "Oh Nadia..." he whispered. Exiriya was gesturing him to leave now because the trolls could wake up any moment. Xeliran sneaked past over them.
She kissed him back as she tried to shut out every painful memory she had, when he started to wash her she smiled, she enjoyed the feeling of someone being with her and close to her. "Thank you."

Duanna still looked worried and Lilith laughed but then glared as she saw william, she held her son close to her. She led him to the front of the wagon and before the took off the the castle she looked at Michael. "You will have to forgive Duanna being worried about you, the only people she has ever cared for is our mother and brother." then she drove off.
Nadia was completely knocked out and had a lack of clothing. She groaned a bit at the sudden movement but never opened her eyes. "Please... leave me be..." she whimpered and tears slowly rolled down her cheek.
UH turned his gaze from the sky to the ground "this is my fault...I have no right to feel this way...maybe if I would have told her back then...thing's might have turned out differently.." he sighed and closed his eyes "..or maybe not..."
"Of course. Your one and only true love. Someday... I'll let you meet the family. Have you met my brother Erik?" He looked at her curiously.

Michael whispered something to William and got on the horse with him. "Are you all set, ride wise?" He smiled softly at her. William rolled his eyes, all ready to head back to the palace.

Xeliran whispered "I will not." When they were outside, Xeliran got onto his horse. He had Nadia in front of him so he could hold onto her. "I'm going ahead." He rode off. Exiriya smiled as he got onto his own horse. "I hope Nadia will be OK." He seemed worried about his brother.
"I think I might have...but I'm not to sure." Demonia started to wash him and traced the outline and muscles on his body.

Duanna smiled and started to walk back to the palace. She was thinking about a few thinks so she took a longer path to the castle. A few 'people' were watching Duanna from the shadows.
Nadia felt fur under her and she slightly opened her eyes. "Xeliran? " she asked weakly rubbing her eyes of filth. She cuddled into his warmth and took in his scent happily.

Semira looked at Exiriya. She looked away thinking of the kiss she had with Harrison and sighed. "Exiriya... i felt so alone without you..."
"He's the complete opposite of me and worships Xeliran." He rolled his eyes. "We argue a lot and he gets under my skin. We get along when it comes to politics but thats the only time."

Michael got off the horse and let William put the horse into the stable. He hurried over to Lilith and said "would you like to lead my army?"

Xeliran smiled and said "I'm just glad your alright." When he got to the Hell palace, he put his horse into the stables and carried Nadia into the palace. He hurried her into a bathroom and filled the tub before gently laying her in it. He started to bathe her.

Exiriya held her close to him. "I'm so sorry. So much happened. When Michael and William took over.... everything went to shit."
"I see." she giggled and started to get out of the tub "Well I do hope he'll be at our wedding, I will need to talk to the council about that and make sure that they understand if they like it or not I will be marrying you. First I need to speak to UH, I swear I wish he would tell me his name...I hate calling him that but he gets annoyed if I call him anything else..."

Lilith laughed "Why would you need an army? Surely you can make anyone bow before you, hell you made my mother and she is a person who doesn't even bow to her own father. A man of your power to have an army I would think would be a waste of time." her son hugged her and she sighed "I will agree to it since you brought my son back."

Duanna had summoned a sword as she sensed she was being watched.

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