Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Semira moved closer to him and brought her lips close to his. "I warned you that i was a siren... i can't stop myself. Fight the trance... fight me..." She said said looking in his eyes. She continued to hold back with everything she had. "I'm sorry i didn't know this would happen." She said and brushed her lips against his.
"Our relationship. She believed in the old fashion thing where I must be married to royalty and only royalty that she chooses." He sighed a little.

"He likes that whip the best. The only time he doesn't use that type is when were training our soldiers." He smiled a little. "Exiriya can be picky though and doesn't like to be stopped when he starts whipping. Its really up to him.

Eriath whimpered and asked again "where is my brother?" A tear slipped down her cheek. "Please let me go." She was about to give him visions but instead she started to scream in pain. "Damn it!" Her eyes turned white. She struggled a little as this was happening.
"Well I would hope she would understand since its me. I have been faithful Heaven since I had entered into services." she smiles

"Well if I tell him to stop I hope he listens, those that die in Hell remain dead...I would prefer that my people stay alive." She dismounted Quicksilver when they arrived in front of the castle.
"Your brother, did not make it." Then as she screamed in pain, and her eyes went white, he quickly came over. He sparked a small bit of herb and put it under her nose. It was a pain reliever; and all he could do without knowing what was causing this.
He tried to fight as best he could. "I am trying, but I can't control my body." As soon as her lips came close to his, he lost it. His body pushed him to get even closer, and then. A kiss. He landed a kiss on her lips. His conscious tried to fight, but his body was pushing him.
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"She probably will but we just need to be cautious. I never know how she's going to react." He kissed her lightly.

"He's fairly good about it. No soldier has died under his watch. Well one soldier did but he accidentally strangled himself. Don't ask why. We really don't know."

She relaxed, everything becoming normal again. She was panting but was better. "The only person who's ever protected me and gave a shit about me is dead..." She was shaking, tears running down her face. She asked "why?"
"He stabbed me and was trying to kill me. He would not stop, I couldn't do anything else." Giver her a small towel and give her lead on one had just enough so that she could reach her face.
She shrugged him off and said "I'm fine." She looked away from him. "I'm at your disposal. Do whatever you want with me." She didn't seem to care anymore.
Semira gasped against him lips at the sudden movemen. The touch sent chills up her spine. She kissed him back but deeper. Semira loved every ssecond of this but soon stopped licking her lips. "I'm sorry i..." she stopped herself and moved away.
Harrison, with every kiss had, chills up his spine, it was like he had never been kissed before. When she moved away. He breathed. He was shivering, it was like his body was getting weak. "T...Thank you." His body began to sink down into the water.
Semira turned. She dove into the water and brought him over to her rock. She rested him against it and looked into his eyes. "Are you alright? " She asked completely herself again.she had fed well off him but she couldn't let him die.
Harrison, leaning against the rock, spit out some water, and took a breathe. "Thank you. I would have died...." He was breathing heavily. I guess it is I who owe you now." He said jokingly. He looked up at the stars. "I never was able to see the beauty in the stars, Or even look at them. Have you?"
Semira looked up with a soft smile. "I used to gaze at them all the time when i was younger... I'd always fall asleep under them." She laughed at the thoughts and rested next to him. "I didn't mean to make you do that... it probably went against all your morals. " She laid back and touched her lips gently.
"Morals...." He thought for a minute. "Morals, the only morals I have are bad ones. My life has been filled with nothing but pain and torture." He continued to look at the stars. "I lost my kingdom, my father.... my family, to that reechoed king." He closed his eyes. "And everyday I am reminded of what I lost."
"If everythinging your life has been bad... then what am I?" She llooked over at him and played with her hair. She wondered about his answer and looked back at the sky.
He looked over at her. "Something different.... something I have never had the chance to meet." He looked back at the stars. "You are like the stars above. flutering, flickering. I have never meet someone like you.... But I am glad I gave you that water."
Semira smiled at his response and rolled over. She was on her stomach and right next to him. She took his hand in hers and entwined their fingers. "I'm sad to say that i have already been claimed. As much as it pains me to say... I enjoy your company so much. It's the first I've had in months. Though i have grown to found of you... and you already stated you didn't wish to... You should return to your men. It's hard for me to contain myself around you. " Semira smiled and pressed the back of his hand to her warm cheek. "The things you say... they flatter me so, but the more I'm around you the worse it becomes. " she let her hand slip away from his and she slipped back into the water.
"Alright, I haven't even been able to speak to any ruler since the time of my aunt but I do get called to Heaven for council meeting when its something important." she smiled.

"I see." A servant was waiting for Demonia, they exchanged words and the servant left. "There is some food left for us and a bath will be ready once we are done eating." Demonia looked at Kit "You will eat with us this once since the guards have already done so and that they are already on patrol but after this you will eat, train, and sleep with them." Kit nodded in understanding.

Lilith was attaching a wagon to one of the horses and had some of the nurses carried her son out and gently place him in the back of the wagon. Lilith had padded it so that he wouldn't role around on the way to Azriel, she hugged everyone that had helped her over the years and they wished her the best.
Before she slipped away, harrison gazed into her eyes. He lied, he would have like to take her but, knew that she was the princes, and that she was bond to him, so he held back. "Then.... goodbye." He said softly. He looked back up at the sky and watched the stars. After a while he went back in the water, and went to the edge of the lake, and got on land. "Damn." He mumbled under his breathe. He went back to watch the fire. after a period of time the next guard came out, but harrison told him. "Go back to sleep, I got this." the guard reluctantly went back to bed.
Semirapeeked her head out of the water. She watched him for the longest ttime before she actually slipped out of the water. She put her clothes back on an sighed leaning against a tree. She watched him until she fell asleep.
Harrison at first glimpse of light told his men. "Pack up, we must be on our way to see the king." "And what of the girl." Harrison looked at her. "Leave a horse, and a blade, and some water." He kept on starring at her. "goodbye." His tent was packed and his men were ready. With the sun rising over the mountain. He was on his way. He didn't look back. If she never knew that he liked her in a way he had never had. "If we hurry we can make it to the keep by night fall."
Semira awoke later on, everything was gone. She scrambled to her feet but realized what happened so after. "He left..." Semira felt a strike of pain in her heart but she refused to fall into the crying state her eyes threatened her with. She mounted the horse and rode off. She knew where they were headed and ccould find them... but did she want to?
Lilith had been attacked several times, she had been injured but she kept her son safe every time. She refused to let anything happen to him, she wanted to know if Michael could help him. A whisper had begun to echo through the woods that Lilith had something that would be a destraction to her. Demons that she had made enemies with over the years were starting to come out of hiding, no longer fearing her. With every fight Lilith was getting more injuries, the kingdom had never seemed so far to her or so hopeless to reach.
Harrison and his men were on their way to see the king, at his keep. His mind was racing, he was still trying to think of something to say to the king. He knew that he could get his kingdom back, if he played his cards right. "Play to your strength." They kept riding.
Eris appeared in front of the men. She shifted her long hair out of her face and gave them a glare. She eyed Harrison first. "Why should i not kil you all?" She asked. Eris seemed harmless considering she was a blood witch and could easily hide her power.

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