Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Amazing how she can tell that, just from the smell in the air. come men let us follow her." Harrison rushed after her, and his guards rushed after him. Harrison was to late to see her jump in, but he could see her, out in the water. "Men, something tells me that we will be setting up camp here tonight."
"Explain what?" she smiled

Demonia blushed knowing how nice it was to have a whip in ones hand "Well does he like the whips that tear flesh, that's the one that I always use." she giggles
Semira swam over the the edge where Harrison stood. Her hair covered her upper half so she lifted herself up on the ledge to show him her black shimmering tail.

(Just a reminder on what she looks like)

"You are in medical ring, they are used to people screaming here. It would be pointless." He stood up so that she could see him.
(I can't see the pic)

"By my beard, your half mermaid. That explanes a few things. But it also raises a few questions." Harrison sat down near the edge of the water. His guards, not intrigued, began to set up camp. One of them, had a bow, and decided to go out and hunt for some food.
Lilith had begun to think about what the Michael had done to the Xeliran, she looked at her son, she was amazed that he was still alive after all these years of being in a coma. "Maybe he could heal'd be able to run around and play again..." she thought it would be the only time she would ever bow to someone, if Michael could save him then she would serve him, it didn't matter how much she would hate all of them, she would do anything for her son.
Harrison was hit with the water. "Hey two can play at that game." He put his hand in the water and splashed at her. He then asked. "So your a mermaid. I thought they were things of myth, and legend."
Semira shook her head. "We are as real as an elf. Though there are several legends most of them lies that humans fantasized about. " she said and slipped back into the water. She kept her head above the water though and looked up at him. "Swim with me?" She asked and dove backwards into the water.
"Well that depends, if some of the legends are fake, their is one I need to know about, the legend of the dead sailor." He looked at her for a second. "In that legend, a mermaid, lured a sailor to the edge of his ship, and made him jump into the water, for she was so beautiful. Then as soon as he hit the water, she brought him down to the depths and killed him. I want to know if that is real or not."
"No. Most mermaids are to afraid of humans. However a half mermaid could do something like that. No need to worry though. I have no interest in killing you." She explained and splashed again. "Are you going to leave me out here alone?" She asked with a pout.
Harrison thought of the danger, but brushed it aside. For some reason he trusted her. He got undressed and jumped into the lake close to her, hoping that the splash from him jumping in would get her back for splashing him. It was a bit cold. He swam back up to the surface and got close to her. "how can you stand the cold?"
"The water isn't cold. The air is. For me it is simple. All i have to do is swim to the bottom and get warm but... i wouldn't suggest it for you." She smiled abit and moved closer. She slowly moved her arms to rest on his shoulders and finally she pressed her warm human skin against his. "See? It's all in the wind..." she said blushing at how close they were.
"I guess your right. The wind is cold." He smiled back her. When she put her arms around his shoulders that feeling of compassion grew into something, something that he thought was long dead in him. He saw her blush. "Hey, why are you blushing?"
Semira seemed caught off guard by the question and pulled away quickly. "N-nothing! This was a bad idea. You should return to your men." She said and turned away.
Harrison looked at her for a minute. "A..are you sure?" He said with a quizzical tone on his voice. "If I can say one thing." He took a pause. "You look absolutely stunning." With that he made his way back to the shores and dried off, and put his clothes on. He went over to the camp and set up his tent, and helped his men.
Semira sighed. She was lucky to have stopped it this time but what of the next? She shook the thought out of her mind and grabbed some clothes from the hiding place mermaids kept things. She got out of the water and dressed in a corset with pants. She put her hair up and looked around the camp curiously.
The guard who went out hunting came back. He had a deer with him. One of the other guards built a fire. He dropped the deer next to the fire, and one of the four guards left began to carve the deer. Blood spilled out. "Had enough fun in the water, I presume?" Harrison said.
"It wasn't as fun without you." She said softly and looked away from the deer seeming disgusted by the sight. "Do you wish for me to sleep in the water or may i join someone in their tent?" She asked looking back up at Harrison nervously.
"Take my tent." Harrison was a gentlemen and would give up his tent. "I don't mind sleeping out under the stars." To be honest he didn't mind sleeping outside. It would also give him time to think about what he was going to say to the old king.
"I couldn't take your tent... I'd feel bad about it." She insisted. She had a feeling he'd be stubborn and insist upon it so she didn't fight about it any longer. "I'm going to explore the area a bit. So i might be a bit late returning. " She said and turned. The guards still clearly didn't trust her and she has grown to like this human. She needed a moment away from the crowd and now was her chance.
"Alright, well when you come back, my tent will be waiting." He poked the fire, while sitting on a stump. "And don't hurt yourself, Please." He looked at her and smiled. "And please do come back. I like talking with you." He said as the guard who was cutting the deer, had cut some venison and put it on a stick over the fire and began to spin it, to cook it.
It was only 30 minutes later when she returned. Her mind was clear and she seemed lighter after speaking with the animals. She sat next to Harrison and smiled softly. "What do you wishto speak about?" She asked looking at the fire as it danced.
"The kingdom." He had been blocked off form the world for some time and hadn't been up to date with what was in. "What has happened to the kingdom that the "gracious" king has kept?"
"It has stayed the same for a while now... except now they are at war and... thats the last thingti remember before i was kkidnapped. " Semira shifted uncomfortably and sighed. "Sorry i can't tell you much more... it's hard to remember. "

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