Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"I've never tried it, but I think I will stay with animals. Would you both like to go somewhere more private, I don't like being in the open so much."
She turned towards the dungeon again, now ignoring Evelyn, she looked sad, in everything that she tried it never worked, her hand was still bleeding from where she broke Lilith's blade, her blood dripping on the ground and she stopped in front of her sisters cell "Come to see me so soon." Lilith glared at Duanna, she didn't care that her sword was broke in half she still kept it at her side ready to fight.

Demonia had woke up next to Axoret and smiled at him then looked around.
Will unsheathed his sword but Michael put his hand up. William was shocked. "But my lord, she attacked you!" Michael smirked, his wings opening. "Your very open about your hatred for me." He unsheathed his sword. "It intrigues me." With one flick of his wrist, he cut her across the chest. It wasn't deep or anything. He seemed to be showing her what he was capable of. Will came up from behind her and cut her across the back, again it wasn't deep. Will and Michael walked off and went to the dungeon. William seemed to be trying to convince Michael that he should speak with her but Michael refused him. Michael saw Duanna and he said "go upstairs. I don't want you to see this." He kissed her cheek. Will said "come on. Please just let me speak with her. I think I'd be able to talk with her and get her to stand down. You don't have to torture her." Michael hissed at him and yelled "she hurt my fiancee's mother. Of course I'm going to torture her! Now bring Duanna upstairs before I torture you instead." Will backed off.

Serien and Eriath laughed and nodded. Serien told him "yeah, definitely! I hate being out here. Especially since there can be so many high elves around. Ugh."

Axoret grinned at her. "Hey beautiful. What happened to you and where are we?" He looked around at the familiar room. "Why are we in my palace. The last thing I remember is killing so many people." He looked down, ashamed of himself.
Evelyn fell to her knees clutching her chest with both hands. She clenched her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the pain. Blood trickled down her arms dripping into a small pool on the ground. When she finally got the strength to stand she did, following Michael into the dungeon. There she found him arguing with the demon. Evelyn glared at both of them, but yet she refused to leave. The girl walked past the Angel, accidentally bumping into him as she passed him. She leaned up against the brick wall on the opposite side of the cell, using the wall to hold her up.
Duanna willing left, she felt like some part of her was being dark, she needed to get away and find some place where she could purify herself. She saw Sephrith and pulled him into another room so that he could help her purify herself.

Lilith sae that Duanna had left and then looked at the king "So what is the mighty new ruler going to do to me?" her darkness was stronger than Demonia's and William's put together. The only things that could really hurt is her body being purified or being sent to Hell but that would mean she would be closer to her mother.

"Last thing I remember is fighting Lilith and she stabbed me..." Demonia looked down and saw a scar where Lilith's blade had pierced her and then she hugged Axoret "I didn't think I would see you until three days from now but it would have felt like an eternity since I would have been away from you."
Michael glanced at Evelyn but didn't pay much attention to her. He walked into the cell and locked himself in the cell with her. William leaned on the cell door and said "why are you so interesting in torturing her? This is not you, my lord. Let me speak with her. Devil with devil!" Michael stared at her darkly. He grabbed her by the throat and said "I want to kill her..." William frowned and said "no..." He unlocked the cell and whispered "I'm sorry, my lord." He stabbed him through the stomach. Michael gasped in surprise. Michael collapsed, forcing himself to heal but it would take a bit while he did this. William grabbed Lilith's hand and dragged her out of the palace. He took the long way so they didn't meet any soldiers. When they were out, he sighed with relief. "I'm sorry about that but I think you were arrested for the wrong reason. I think you should be arrested for killing me," Horns poked out of his head as he looked at her with blood red eyes. He touched her cheek with sharp nails.

King Axoret frowned and said to her "I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you. I failed you. Its my fault your hurt. I should've been there for you."

Serien laughed and said "yeah, sadly. Were related to the royal family in our clan... We hated it there so we ran away from our race. They've been hunting us since." He chuckled.
"Why would they be hunting you?" He opened the door and walked into a small home which was well furnished but not overly so. It was tasteful, though the walls were lined with food and supplies. Axius sat in a chair around a small table.
Evelyn's eyes widened with shock and slowly she entered the cell, still holding her chest. "Didn't see that one coming did you." She knelled down beside him, wincing as she dis so. "Ouch." She looked the other way, not really in the mood for blood and gore. For some crazy reason, Evelyn had an urge to help him. Sighing she turned back around, yelping at the pain it caused her. "Here." She pulled a cloth from her pocked and pressed down onto his back . The cloth was already saturated with healing water. It was another gift from her father. "It'll burn, but..." She trailed off. Why am I helping him? She asked herself.
Lilith smiled "I was arrested for hurting my mother and if you ever call me a devil again then I will kill you." she glared then started to walk away.

Demonia smiled "Its not your fault, I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better of me...I could have given Lilith pain and then walked away. You didn't fail me because when I woke up you were here next to me." she kissed him "Now then I think we need to get out of here and go home, Hell waits for us my love."

Duanna walked to the dungeon after being purified, she was wondering how things were going. When she didn't hear anything she peeked into the cell where Lilith was to see what was happening.
Eriath wasn't beside her brother anymore. She came up from behind Axius and put a dagger to his neck. "You know, I recently got this interesting contract and he looked so much like you but the thing is... his name was different. His name was Axius Sicarius." Serien leaned against the wall, letting his sister do whatever. "What should we do, brother? Should we still kill him and give his body to the counsel?"

William yelled "Lilith! Let me come with you! I mean I stabbed the king to release you into the wild." He shrugged, not afraid of her.

"True true." He kissed her deeply. "I can't wait to see your beautiful home."

Michael called out "Duanna..." He grabbed his stomach. He was almost fully healed but it hurt more than ever.

Xeliran told the undead maid "our kingdom is definitely worst. This is very nice." He grinned at her. Exiriya stayed quiet.
Evelyn looked outside the cell and spotted Duanna standing there. She pressed the cloth down on the wound, holding it there till he was no longer bleeding. "William stabbed him." She said stepping out of the way so that his fiancee could tend to him.
"Oh him! He is a VERY different man." He said in way that shows he knows he is caught. He slowly brought his hands to his hood, and pushed it back revealing his face. He remained silent, staring at Serein, as he could not see Eriath who he would much rather being looking at.
Lilith looked confused "And why would you so willingly follow a demon hunter?"

Demonia smiled and told him "Our beautiful home."

Duanna walked over "if you need to use my energy to help you heal yourself all the way then please do so and then after this I think you need think about your recent actions. Being around that demon I think has tainted you. When you killed my father as much as I am grateful for that you scared me, an angel should never look like a demon...and then you looked like you had a look to kill Lilith. It worried me that you may have dark energy inside you..." she looked really worried.

The servant smiled "This is how Lady Demonia was hoping to make your kingdom look. Everyone well fed and only a small amount of violence."
"William betrayed me..." Michael bit the bottom of his lip hard. "Damn it. I put down my guard. Its my fault that Lilith got away." He was blaming himself but obviously it wasnt his fault. He was mad at himself for making such a stupid mistake.

Eriath smirked and said "the thing about cloaks is that no matter how much you try, some portion of your face will still be showing. Your physique gave it away." She leaned in and said "you know, its rare to find someone so attractive in this day and age." She smirked, laughing. "Oh and your fighting style as well. You have a very unique fighting style." Eriath chuckled and said "you were reckless in other words."

"Why would I follow angel?" William laughed at the silly question.

Axoret kissed her deeply. "God I love you so much."

Michael lustfully pulled her close to him and kissed her passionately. He drained some energy from her as he healed himself. When he pulled away, he looked at her closely. "Maybe I'm the devil," he had a smirk on his face. "I just get so overprotective. I get a need to protect you like I've never protected anyone before. Maybe that's why William released Lilith. He knew I'd do something I'd regret." He let out a deep sigh.

Xeliran said softly "I like it so much better but I know father will hate it." Exiriya said without thinking "I hate it. Its too bright and cheery. I can just imagine munchkins from munchin land dancing and singing." He rolled his eyes.
Evelyn watched them talk, listening in on their conversation. "She's right you know." She blinked at them in the darkness of the cell. Her black hair fell perfectly over her shoulders, and her eyes gazed at them quizzically. It was odd how good they were together. Duanna was his and Michael was hers. The more she thought about it the more it made sense, and for the first time she realized how wrong she'd been. For years the kingdom had been ruled with cruelty, and now it was ruled by an angel.
"No one is challenge anymore, there is no real need to be careful, because people like you are uncommon. How much is the contract worth anyways?" He very slowly tries to subtly moves out of the way of the blade.
Serien quickly said "that's classified!" Eriath looked at him, surprised. She knew it wasn't so why were they lying. "Y-Yeah. Its classified." She tried to hide her shock but she gave a 'we'll talk about this later' look to Serien.
"A demon wouldn't be able to give me my wings." she let hers spread out showing them off a little. She wasn't sure if when he was angry if he saw them or not. "You gave these to me, the energy that you sent through me to help me heal my mom has given me these wings." she kissed him and looked happy "I can never enter into Hell again with some strong magic but Hell was never my home to begin with."

Lilith looked annoyed "because you like play slave boy?" she smirked

Demonia kissed him one more time then got off the bed and went to the door and found that it was unlocked. "Seems they forgot to lock us in." she giggled

Nova and the servant seemed confused but the Servant continued to lead them to the castle. "Also every five days is torture day, any one in the village caught outside or not hidden well enough is collect and tortured at the end of the day."
"Well, my apologies for asking." He said at Serien who had quickly snapped an answer back at him. By now he had moved far enough out of the blade's initial reach, and quickly spun out from it and stood up. He backed up so he was not trapped between the two. As he did so he drew his knife in his left hand, and in his right a small ball of blue energy formed. "Let's not get too crazy now."
Michael laughed as he noticed her happiness. "Your so cute when your happy." He kissed him again. "Some day... we'll go to the Heavens together. We'll go back to our hometown."

William approached her and kissed her deeply. "Because I like to be entertained. Now will you entertain me or will I have to drag you back to the palace."

King Axoret smirked as he went over to her. He kissed her gently, wrapping his arms around her. "Why would they need to lock us in, huh?"

Exiriya seemed intrigued and said "can I torture them???" He seemed excited.

Eriath ran at him quickly with her knife aimed at him but she left her whole body open.
"Ugh." She turned around so that she wouldn't have to see their make out session. "Get a room." She muttered exiting the cell. Her chest was burning with pain, as was her back. Furrowing her brow Evelyn inhaled a deep breath, closed her eyes, and then exhaled. Her breath drifted into the night air. It was beginning to get cold, a sure sign of Autumn. She drew her lips together in an "O" shape and whistled a long, solid, beautiful tune. As soon as the whistle ended she heard a bellowing whinny off in the distance. In a minute or two her handsome black Stallion came trotting up to the entrance of the Dungeon. Evelyn smiled, walking up the stairs to her horse. She set her hand on his nose, and he stood still, staring at her. "Good boy." She whispered. Evelyn stood on her tip-toes and kissed the stallion on the forehead.
"Lets not get too anxious now." Axius feigned a knife throw, by taking the knife in his hand and throwing it spinning rapidly to where it would hit her dead in her chest, but it being a dark blade he was able to manipulate it quickly and pull it back to his hand. It was just meant to slow her down, or get her to stop. He knew hurting her would probably set the other man off on a rampage, so he erred on the side of not actually attaching, but avoiding. Axius opened a portal behind him, which just opened to the other side of the room, and he stepped through it. The shorter the distance, and smaller it was the easier and quicker it was to open one.
She flinched, afraid to get hit by the knife but when he was heading into the portal. She ran after him. "No!!!" She growled, not ready to lose her contract. "Your mine!" Serien growled a little and tried to stop her.
Axius seeing they were not going to be friendly about this quickly ran out of the door and into the large crowd of people. That was not good. He kept running until he turned a corner, and then stopped running, and walked in an attempt to blend in with the crowd.

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